The Russian's Gambit: No Longer My Business (End)

Capital International Airport. 1800 Hours. Airport Cafe.

Sipping coffee in the afternoon. Lizeth was currently doing that. She was very proud of her achievement right now. She celebrated it by buying an expensive coffee. 4$. That's how much she spent on coffee. Quite an upgrade for someone that usually ate sandwiches and instant noodles.

She sat down on the corner of the cafe while looking at the Armory System app. She wanted to distribute the skill points evenly while sipping her coffee. Currently, she had 50 unspent skill points and 450.000$ on her account.

[Intermediate level CQC: Ability to take down special forces operator with ease. Reducing struggle for taking down tier one operator] [12 Skill Points]

[Advanced Level CQC: Ability to take down tier one operator with ease. Stealth takedown no longer works on you.] [15 Skill Points] [Intermediate Level CQC required]

She took both to increase her likelihood of beating down an opponent stealthily using melee attacks. She moved on to the other skill sets. The driving skill set.

[Basic Piloting Skill: Ability to control any airplane or combat aircraft. 3G limitation]  [5 Skill Points]

In case she needed to ride a helicopter or an airplane. That skill would come in handy. She was also glad that she wouldn't be hunted down by the Russians due to her being an FSB contractor.

[Mediocre Bullet Resistant: Nullify damage from 9mm and .45 ACP pistol rounds. Reduce damage for bullet damage.] [7 Skill Points]

[Mediocre recoil handling: Improved burst accuracy with an automatic weapon. 20% recoil reduction and sway.] [4 skill points]

'I will save the rest of the skill points for later.' she closed her phone after she sold her Iraqi AK for 300$. She no longer needed that AK because it was junk. She decided to buy another new weapon. She couldn't her P416 because she dumped it in the middle of the desert. Besides, she was never a fan of that rifle.

'Hmm, what should I buy?' she scrolled through dozen of weapons since she was a level 50 contractor. She couldn't decide, there were too many of them and she could afford all of those rifles. She still waited for her friend to pick her up. Aline was her name. Well, she promised to pick her up once Lizeth arrived at the airport. Now, where was she?

Aline appeared from the door of the cafe. She saw the girl with a lot of scars on his face was drinking near a window. She was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and black pants. Her hair was ponytailed.

She sat down in front of her, "So Lizeth. How's the middle east?"


"I'm surprised you come back here," a waiter approached her and offered her a drink. She refused. The waiter left.

Aline bought a pair of rectangular glasses. 'For what?' Lizeth though on her head as she saw the box.

"With that kind of look. People will think that you've been through something really horrible," she commented on the scars on Lizeth's face, "At least, if you look nerdy. You can keep a low profile. Your eyes aren't perfect either," Aline said as Lizeth turned on her smartphone and activated its camera to see her face better.

'Oh My God,' One long scar line across her left eye. Two smaller scars across her right eye. Three small scars on her forehead. And one small scar right on his mouth, under her chin and on her left cheek.

"I wonder how you didn't notice all of that obvious details," Aline smiled a bit. She didn't know that Lizeth had only seen a mirror two times since she woke up. The glasses did some job on hiding those scars. The downside was that she looked like a nerdy kid, but that was the point.

Lizeth paid for her coffee and they left the cafe. Aline brought her car to pick her up. They got inside that car and Aline drove away from the airport.

"Why are you staying in the capital Aline?" Lizeth asked her.

"Hmm, I'd rather choose Lynn to explain it to you," Aline answered. Not answering her question. She knew better. The capital didn't have any Russian on it since the bomb wasn't in the capital. It was a safe place to stay.

"So... What should I do now? I'm a little bit on jet lag and I need to take a rest. Is the FOB still open?" Lizeth made an unwritten statement that she needed sleep. Alone had another plan though. Well, not the kind that Lizeth would like.

"Good. You will sleep at the dorm," Aline said. It made a question in Lizeth's head.

"What dorm?" She asked.

"Your school dorm," Aline said.

"Hell naw. Can it get any worse?"


Back at the FOB, yes, it got worse. Aline told her to get dressed up in the room where she was treated. Once she got out, Aline was waiting in front of the door.

"You're cute," Aline giggled.

"C'mon, stop that," Lizeth said with a red face. She wore her school uniform. A white shirt with a dark grey coat on top of it. She wore a long skirt with the same color as her coat. She wore a black tie on top of it, "Does this school have any pants?"

"Yes and no," Aline answered as she looked at Lizeth. "Mmm, yes there is, but I forgot to order it," She continued.

"Ah, what a surprise," she said as Aline had prepared a suitcase for her that contained her clothing. Lizeth didn't know what the content was. Maybe the dresses. Maybe suit. Hell, whatever it was, Lizeth wouldn't like it.

They got out of the FOB and Aline introduced Lizeth to another feature of the Armory System app. It was the Vehicle app. It would provide her with a vehicle that she would need.

She scrolled down the vehicle app and noticed that everything that could be said vehicles were sold there. From a Prius to a CVN-78 aircraft carrier package were available there. It made her question something, who have billions of dollars to buy an aircraft carrier?

"Hmm, I suggest you buy an expensive car that costs around a hundred thousand dollars," Aline said something unexpected.

"Why?" Lizeth asked as her suitcase was put on the ground of the empty lot where the FOB was hiding.

"How should I say this? The girls in this school are crazy rich. You will call them thots to be honest," Aline commented.

"What kind of school did you enroll me to?" Lizeth asked her. Questioning her decision.

"Hmm, some kind of hardcore school," Aline said.

"Hardcore? What the heck?" Lizeth commented. She definitely didn't know what the heck she would get into. She bought the same luxury car that she used the other day. An Alpina B7. A luxury performance car made similar to a BMW 7 Series. 250.000$ was the total cost which was nuts in her opinion.

"Hmm, nice choice. You can spawn the vehicle in the app," Aline said as she redirected her to a new menu. [Personal Vehicle]. "If you ask me about the price. The additional one hundred thousand dollars is because of the additional armor plating and gadget in that car. You have a hidden siren and even a smoke grenade dispenser under that car."

She opened the menu and noticed several sub-menus on the app. She noticed some of them.

[Call Personal Vehicle]

[Modify Personal Vehicle]

[Mark Location As Garage]

And several arrow keypads resembling a car key. She could move the car, turn on the engine, open the trunk, locate the car, etc. She pressed the call personal vehicle button and the car suddenly appeared in front of her. "Holy shit," she was surprised by the car that suddenly appeared in front of her.

Lizeth opened the trunk of the car and put her suitcase there. She also put a black messenger bag. It was big enough for her books and stuff, especially since she lived in a dormitory. Aline spawned a small container in front of her, "Open it, it's for you. My last gift for you, I think."

Lizeth opened that container and noticed the two stuff inside of it. A rugged laptop and a thin laptop. "You will need it, your computer is gone after all."

"Gaming? I'm playing on real-life now," she put the thin laptop on the messenger bag and the rugged laptop on the trunk since she wouldn't use it except in some tactical situation. Aline handled her an envelope, "Your driving license and your keycard for the school." Lizeth opened the envelope and noticed the two cards. Student cards and a driving license, both had her picture.

"Thanks," she put it in her wallet. Aline shook her hands and Lizeth entered the car. 'I won't be involved with Russians again anytime soon I think' Lizeth started the engine of her car and she drove away.