Old Place, New Friends, New Problem

The school bell rang. The school was finished. The students were either went back to their homes or to their dorm. Their driver picked them up in a crazily expensive car or their boyfriend picked them up in a supercar like a Lamborghini, Ferrari, or Porsche.

As a peasant that was used to eating instant noodles as a delicacy. It was a culture shock for her. Her mouth went agape when she saw the girls in an expensive car more expensive than an average house in her country. "Holy fuck," she said as she walked side to side with Clara.

"Yup, you will get used to it," Clara said as they walked to the library.

The school hall was full of students.

The school building was split into three parts. The north, the east, and the south building. The library was located in the east part. Her class was in the south part of the building. The juniors' classes were located on the north building while the seniors' classes were located on the south building.

Yup, they were heading to the hornet nest. The seniors' territory. Anything could happen and the seniors' were most likely not to be on their side. Luckily, since they were minding their own business, the senior figured out that it wasn't worth it to disturb them. Or was Lizeth too paranoid of everything?

They entered the library together. From the looks of it, the library wasn't maintained. Books were scattered everywhere. It was going to take some time before someone would clean it. At least the tables were clean.

They sat down on a table near the bookshelf. Clara put her bag below that table and she went to grab two mugs and filled it with hot water from the dispenser in the library. She grabbed two bags of tea from the bookrack and she put it inside the mugs. She gave one of the cups to Lizeth. She sat down in front of her.

"Thanks," Lizeth grabbed the tea from Clara's hands. She smiled at her. They grabbed their books and Clara started teaching her on the subjects.

Clara taught her like a real teacher, she even patiently taught Lizeth although she oftentimes didn't understand the subject and she put her pen on her ears. "What's the difference between this "T" and this "t"?" Lizeth asked Clara a question on physics.

"This "T"," she pointed her hands at the formula, "Is temperature, while the other is for time, remember convert it to SI first. You can't use Celsius in that, you have to use Kelvin," she corrected her mistake.

"I see. So it's different then?" Lizeth corrected her formula and she continued doing her homework. "How about P and this p?" Lizeth asked her again. She was just curious.

"One is for pressure while the other is for density," Clara said. Lizeth wasn't as stupid as Clara thought she would be. She was smarter than most of the students in her class, maybe her head was hit too hard during her car crash. She just needed more time than an average student.

"Done yet?" Clara asked as Lizeth finished the last question of the Physics homework.

"Done," she put her pen on the table. The homework was finished. She was done with it. She put it aside and she let a huge sigh. Physics was hard. Very hard. She took a large sip of the tea. Clara just smiled at it.

She looked at the library. "Is someone used to maintain this room?" Lizeth asked Clara as she noticed a discrepancy between the messy library and the fact that she was served a mug of tea there.

"Yes, the library club used to maintain the library. I was the last member before the group disbanded due to the lack of members," Clara said as she looked around the library. Remembering her memory as a junior there.

"Oh, I see. Does anyone can maintain the library?" Lizeth asked her a question. She wanted to recreate what she usually does with Lynn even when she was alone. She wasn't interested in after school activity after all.

"Yes, but you won't get any funding. Still, it would be nice if you can restore this place to its old glory," Clara said as she brought something from her bag. It was a key card. "I trust this library to you. I can see it on your eyes," Lizeth retrieved the key card.

"Thanks," Lizeth said as she put the key card in her pocket. Well, maintaining the library couldn't be that hard right? You just have to put the books back to the racks and clean the place a bit. It wouldn't be as tiring as cleaning an entire school server.

It made her wonder, what made such an easy-going club had so little members. The question was left unanswered. But she got her routine back as an ordinary student. Well, except for the fact that instant noodles couldn't be longer considered a delicacy for her.

She looked around the library, she saw multiple spots for improvement. She could put a bag of coffee and a bag of tea near the dispenser. It would be nice for her.

"Clara, is there another reason in particular why the library club was disbanded?" Lizeth asked Clara as someone entered the library. It was someone that had the looks of a delinquent. Her black hair was long and messy and her shirt was untucked. She didn't wear her coat.

Clara stuttered as she saw that person and she went hiding right behind Lizeth's body. What's the problem with her? It was just another student that might want to visit the library. She was her senior. She was a little bit taller than her. What's the matter with her?

"Ooo, nice place. Would you kindly pay the protection money?" She suddenly said. Lizeth was like, 'What the fuck?' She suddenly barged in and asked them for money. What kind of extortion was that?

Lizeth put her hands inside the jacket pocket where she put her baton. Clara whispered in her ear, "Please, don't try anything stupid. Just give her some money and she would go." If not for Clara, Lizeth would have beaten up that person. She grabbed her wallet and grabbed and gave the money to Clara.

Clara added some of her money and she gave it to the senior. The senior just smiled and said, "Great. Thanks. Now excuse me, I need to collect payment from other clubs," she left the library.

Clara pulled a deep breath and Lizeth was left with 'What the fuck?' expression on her face. Clara was definitely scared, but Lizeth wasn't. She was just annoyed. Not because of the money, but because of her lack of understanding of protection money.

Clara quickly packed her bag and Lizeth held her hands, "What was that? You better explain it to me."