Old Friend: Part 5

Lizeth secretly grabbed her pistol on her bag without Iris noticing. Whatever that AR-15 was doing here, it wasn't going to be good. She secretly aimed her pistol at her belly. Her pistol was the same Glock pistol.

"Is that a real gun?" Lizeth asked as her hand was placed on the trigger.

"Yes," Iris said as she closed her bag again.

"Are you going to shoot up a whole school?" Lizeth asked.

"No, fuck no. I'm going to deliver it to a certain buyer," Iris answered.

"Ok? And who's the buyer?" Lizeth asked as Iris packed her bag and went outside of the library.

"It's a secret," Iris closed the library door. It was a mystery. Though, Lizeth didn't want to stick her nose in another mystery. Clara and the Russians were enough for her pocket right now. She didn't have the time to deal with the daughter of a policeman.

Lizeth put back her gun at her bag and retrieved her laptop. She wanted to open the data that she gathered besides that security footage. She felt that a lot of things were odd. How can an expensive school like that school had a gang of delinquents controlling it? It was simply impossible.

She opened the files one by one. She was surprised as soon as she noticed something odd on the files. Especially the files on the school database.

'Why the fuck does this student have a deceased status on her profile?' Lizeth said as she observed the file of that student.

Cold sweat started flowing down her face as she read the file. One file was enough to convince her that the school had a sinister goal. She was scared, she hacked the security camera on the library to put in on a loop.

Subject #042.

That was the name of that student. Hell, even every student was called a subject. It was one of the deceased students. She was one of the Red section of the project and Lizeth didn't get what that meant. Government secret? Highly likely. Did the students had any idea? Possibly not.

Lizeth didn't find anything important in those files. She only found the status of the deceased, a subject name, and the section. Still, it was too weird.

She searched for a file that has Clara McNamara written on it. Luckily, she found one of them.

Subject #3

One thing caught her immediate attention. Only one sentence and she became glad that she kidnapped her. She actually saved her life from an immediate danger.

Possible Termination of Subject.

'Holy hell, what kind of school did Aline enrolled me to?' Lizeth scratched her head as she saw that sentence. She now knew that she must stay alive, but investigating this thing would add more burden to her. Like she just said, "Russian and Clara are enough." She needed another hand.

Luckily, she knew who she was going to ask. It was the person that didn't have any relation to this thing, but she might be dependable enough for that. She needed something that could convince her. She needed valid evidence.

[Incoming Call: Lima]

She retrieved that call.

Lima: "Afternoon."

Lizeth: "Yes?"

Lima: "I have an Intel on Clara. Care to listen?"

Lizeth: "Sure, send it to me."

Lima: "[Sending Files] that's all. Anything else that you need from me?"

Lizeth: "Could you do me a favor?"

Lima: "What is it?"

Lizeth: "Investigate this project. I guess you can use it to blackmail someone [Sending Files]."

Lima: "I see what I can do then. Stay safe Lynx."

Lizeth: "You too Lima."

She retrieved the files. The files were owned by FSB. It wasn't surprising since Clara was the daughter of a Russian spy. Still, what could be so important about that girl?

[Opening File...]

[Name: Anastasia Makarova]

[Age: 16]

[Occupation: Student]

[Status: Alive]

The daughter of a double agent. This poor girl had it coming. Luckily, the mercenary didn't kill her. Her status remained unknown for now.

[Closing File...]

Lizeth sighed. She knew that she wouldn't have another ordinary life. She had to enjoy the last bit of normal between the weirdness. She had to pay for a bounty for the Russian Federation while babysitting a new contractor that she accidentally met in the middle of a contract. She even hadn't given up on the possibility that Clara could kill her at any time.

She really wishes that Lynn would come to that library as usual and drunk tea with her. Too bad that Lynn wasn't there and no one could replace her at the moment. Clara was too thoughtful and Iris was too mischievous. No one could replace Lynn, period.

'If this school tried to terminate me, they will go down with a bang,' Lizeth thought to herself as she closed her laptop and finished her tea. She went back to her dormitory as soon as possible. Though, as she thought, life was full of plot twists.

'Why the fuck Lynn dresses like a chauffeur?' Lynn was dressed in a man's suit with black gloves and sunglasses in her pocket. She was carrying two suitcases on her hands.

Lizeth approached her, "Excuse me, have we met before?"

"I don't think so ma'am," Lynn replied.

"I see. Whose bag is that?" Lizeth asked.

"Clara's," Lynn said as Lizeth walked beside her. She observed her body, nothing had changed from her. She carried a pistol on her hip and it wasn't concealed. She really tried to give an impression of, "Fuck off and I'm being serious."

Lynn walked to a room beside Lizeth's room. Lynn grabbed a key card from her pocket and it opened the door of the room. It was an empty room, just like what Lizeth's room used to be.

Lizeth entered her room and she closed the door. She threw her bag into the bed and she took off her shoes. She opened her wardrobe and looked at the content.

An ACR. That was the miscellaneous things on her wardrobe. It was put there to act as an emergency weapon in case someone tried to do something to her. Still, if she was going to kill someone seriously, she would bring her machine gun.

She took a shower and headed downstairs to have dinner with the others. The diner was cooked by someone that Lizeth hadn't known yet. She was trying no to get any attention there so she acted anti-social. After the chit chat, she went to sleep in her room.