The Contractor and Russian's Stratagem: Part 16

Friday. 0235 Hours, GMT+9. Chekurovka Abandoned Air Base. An Abandoned Living Quarter. -30° Celsius.

'The Russian only left me with MRE and their VKBO uniform. Holy hell,' Lizeth took shelter in an abandoned hangar in that abandoned airbase. VKBO was a Russian cold-weather combat uniform.

Chekurovka airbase was located in the Northern region of the Russian Federation. It was used by the Soviet Union as their northern bomber base. Now, it was abandoned and never used. However, this airbase remained available for covert flights and covert operations.

'This MRE is for 24 hours, right? Could it be that they wanted me to wait for a day before that Marinka showed up?' Lizeth opened the MRE as she laid her back at the concrete wall.

The living quarter was the only structure that was still standing there. The rest of the building was either destroyed or doesn't provide decent protection from the elements. The living quarter was actually just an empty building without any furniture except for a single working toilet.

'My phone battery is running low,' Lizeth looked at her phone that only had a 30% charge left. She put her phone back in the pocket of her suit.

She opened that MRE since she was so hungry and hadn't eaten since the flight that took around 24 hours. She put the silver briefcase near her place where she was sitting and opened the cracker of the MRE.

That base was very far from any civilization. Besides, Lizeth wasn't fluent in Russian. She grabbed a cracker box from that MRE and started eating it. It was a little bit salty. She ate a pack for breakfast that morning. She suddenly had a phone call from Marinka.

Marinka: "Hi Lynx."

Lizeth: "Morning Marinka. Where are you?"

Marinka: "Working. As usual. How's Russia?"

Lizeth: "I'm being put at the freezer here."

Marinka: "Hahaha. Don't worry, I will be there in 8 hours. The nuke's there yes?"

Lizeth: "Yup. The nuke is here in my hand."

Marinka: "Great. I will be there in 12 Hours."

Lizeth: "Be quick about it ok. It's cold here."

Marinka: "Don't worry."

Lizeth closed her phone. She looked at the portable stove that the MRE provided and started a fire in that indoor location. She heated up the water that she took from the sink in the toilet in that base.

While the water was boiling, she got out of the living quarters since she was bored waiting for a Russian agent in her jet to come there and pick up the nuke. She remembered something, she could call her car to that abandoned airbase.

'Why did I forget that? That's crucial for my phone survival,' she pressed the garage menu on the armory system and call her car there.

Her car appeared right in front of her and she was ecstatic since her car had a heater. Lizeth entered the car on the backseat after she turned her car engine.  It was comfier than the concrete floor of the abandoned airbase. She charged her phone in that car and she left the car since she needed to pick her cooked MRE.

The MRE was very simple. It was a dried cereal with milk. She only needed to pour some boiling water on that package of MRE. She closed the bag and waited until the cereal fluffed up.

Aline called her.

Aline: "Yo what's up bruh?"

Lizeth: "It's fucking cold in Russia and I haven't eaten since I arrived here. What do you want?"

Aline: "Your girlfriend has woken up bruh."

Lizeth: "She survive?"

Aline: "That's modern medicine for you. Yeah, she survived with a major injury on her head. She was in a temporary coma, but she is stable now."

Lizeth: "Can I hear her voice?"

Aline: "Sure, I will get to her shortly."

Footsteps could be heard from her phone. Lizeth was eager to hear Lynn's voice after all. She worried that Lynn would leave her without knowing the truth about her. Shortly after, there was a soft breath voice.

Lynn: "Lizeth..."

Lizeth: "Shh, it's ok. I just want to hear your breath. I'm glad to hear from you, Lynn."

Lynn: "Good... Sorry, but I'm too tired right now. Can you please talk to me later?"

Lizeth: "Yeah. I will talk to you directly once I get back to that country. I'm in Russia at the moment."

Lynn: "So my sacrifice is not in vain. Great..."

Lynn's voice couldn't be heard again. She fell asleep again. Aline grabbed her phone again and she talked to Lizeth. Aline had walked a few meters away from Lynn since she would be asking something.

Aline: "So... Are you going to pay the bounty now?"

Lizeth: "Yup. I think I will."

Aline: "Good. I will prepare the serum once you get back from Russia."

Lizeth: "Is Lynn stable?"

Aline: "To be honest. Not really. She would fall into a coma then wake up then fall into a coma again. Well, she's not ready to enter active service again soon."

Lizeth: "Then I will wait. If I use the serum before she went conscious, she will think that I'm dead and everything doesn't make sense since Patrick's sudden appearance."

Aline: "Ok. So you will stay as Lizeth for some time?"

Lizeth: "Yes."

Aline: "One more weird question though."

Lizeth: "What's the question?"

Aline: "Have you and Lynn done that?"

Lizeth: "Yes we have. Thanks for asking."

Aline: "Wow. That's quite a progress don't you think?"

Lizeth: "What do you expect when you put two lovey-dovey in the same room without anyone supervising?"

Aline: "I see. So... Who is the man?"

Lizeth: "I'd rather not talk about it."

Aline: "Oh my God. Lynn, you're a predator."

Lizeth: "Shh, for the record, she forced me."

Aline: "I see. Well, see you soon Lizeth."

Lizeth: "See you soon, Aline."

Aline: "See ya."

Lizeth closed the phone as her cereal had fluffed up. It was the time to eat that thing in that dark living quarter. The warm milk and the cold weather of the northern hemisphere made the cereal a bliss.

Lizeth looked at the dark runway as she ate the cereal on the MRE package. She put several crackers inside the cereal to make it more calory dense. The crackers turned the cereal with milk into a salty and sweet porridge.

'One blip, two blips, three blips,' Lizeth counted the amount of time the runway lights blipped. She wasn't that busy at the moment and she was waiting for Marinka at that moment.

'I better write a check for the Russian government as I need to pay my bounty,' Lizeth finished her breakfast and went for her car. She opened her phone and bought a checkbook. She grabbed a pen from her pocket and wrote her name with the amount of money that she would transfer. She wrote 10,000,000$ on that check and tore the check from the checkbook.

'Now my business is finished,' Lizeth put her check in her magazine pocket. She moved to the backseat of her car since she was very tired from the flight.

She extended the chair and put her legs on the leg rest on that car. She put her rifle right beside her. She went to sleep shortly after she closed her eyes.

Friday. 1455 Hours, GMT+9. Chekurovka Abandoned Air Base. Lizeth's car. -39° Celsius.

'Morning,' Lizeth woke up as she saw that the windows of her car had already covered in snow. There must be a blizzard when she was asleep. She moved to the front seat of her car without opening her car door since it would result in the snow entering the car.

Lizeth started the car engine and she started driving around that airfield. She wanted to take a tour of that airfield while getting rid of the snow in her car.

The airfield had around four hangars in total. All of those hangars were built for bombers. It was a base designed for bombers after all, but it was abandoned since there was no use of bombing the US since the invention of ICBM. There was a remnant of a Tu-95 located in the Southside of the airfield.

'Bomber eh,' Lizeth looked at the bomber wreckage on that airfield after she stopped her car. 'Hmm, I wonder how much a bomber costs.'

Lizeth drove back to the abandoned living quarters. She wanted to eat her lunch. She had realized that she had been sleeping for more than twelve hours. She had transmission from her headset.

Marinka: "Lynx. I'm approaching the airfield. Mind if you connect to the frequency of 435.00000."

Lynx: "Will do."

Lizeth tuned the frequency of her radio to that frequency and listened to the transmission.

Pilot: "Flight ZNF-023 approaching the airfield from the west. Could you give me guidance?"

Lizeth got out of her car and saw two planes were in the sky. One of them was a private jet while the other was a fighter jet.

Lizeth: "You're too fast. Reduce your airspeed."

The plane approached the airport, but its nose was too high.

Lizeth: "Lower your nose."

Lizeth: "Initiate visual landing."

The plane landed on that airfield and taxied to the nearest hangar. The fighter jets landed on that airfield soon. It was Su-35S.