McGrath and Dynn: Part 1

Saturday, 28th of November 2020. 2200 Hours. Patrick and Lynn's old school.

They hugged each other on that rooftop. Lynn hugged Patrick as tight as she could while Patrick was smiling at her girlfriend who had thought that he had died.

"Patrick. Where have you been?" She rubbed her face on Patrick's chest. Patrick let her do it since she needed her lovey-dovey time with him.

"I'm always near you," Patrick said to Patrick as he rubbed Lynn's head with his right hand.

"No. I miss you so much," Lynn put her cheeks in Patrick's face.

"I miss you too Lynn," Patrick said as he held her face with his hands. It was cute. Her face was blushing very hard from that encounter alone.

They released their hands slowly. Lynn was the first that asked him questions. She was the most concerned between both of them.

"Where have you been? Don't you know that I'm concerned about you? Why you didn't contact me?" Lynn asked Patrick as she wiped the tears on her face.

"I think this thing will answer it all," Patrick unfolded the right sleeve of his combat uniform and took off the glove in that hand. It was a black bionic arm, but its movement was very fluid as if it was the real arm. That arm was attached to his upper left arm.

It would all make sense for Lynn since she knew that the person that had lost its left arm recently was Lizeth. Immediately, she got the final conclusion.

"Don't tell me..," Lynn's mouth opened wide as Patrick said something again.

"Yup, I'm Lizeth Grant. Patrick's twin sister that doesn't exist," Patrick said as Lynn was bombarded with surprise at that night. Before Lynn able to convey a few words, Patrick interrupted again.

"Well, I guess this is quite a surprise, but I want to do it properly this time," Patrick walked towards Lynn and he kneeled in front of her. He grabbed something from empty ammo can on top of that rooftop. It was a small bouquet of flowers, star Bethlehem flower, Lynn's favorite.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Patrick asked as he presented Lynn with a small bouquet of flowers.

"Patrick... please take care of me," she took the flower from his hand. They hugged again. Lynn put the flower in her backpack and they were reminded of something. They were on top of the school rooftop. The place where it all started.

"Hmph, so Lynn, what are we going to do this Saturday? Since I'm back, we should have a lot of fun, right?" Patrick offered her.

"Yeah, what do you have in mind? A date?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah, and a proper one too. Not a military operation," Patrick said and Lynn laughed at it.

"Haha, couldn't agree more. So what do you have in mind for tomorrow? Well, not really tomorrow, but you get the idea," Lynn said.

Both of them walked out of that school rooftop, they didn't rent a hotel, but they knew where they were going to sleep. The library was a good place to sleep after all since there was a carpet there although it was dirty, and you can't place a machine gun post on a hotel just for the sake of security.

Both of them stood up in front of the dark library. They entered the library. "Just like the last time we left it, isn't it?"

"Yeah, just like the last time we left it," Lynn said before she spawned something. It was a remote minimum turret with a tripod. The function of it was simple, you only need to place it there and no one would dare to come into that room without any proper preparation since the minigun would probably engage them first.

They made a custom made pillow from books, it wasn't comfortable, but it would get the job done since their only requirement was they could sleep without the worry of someone suddenly engaging them. The library had a lot of dark spots, after all, the server room could be turned into the armory, but they didn't plan to be there for a long time.

Both of them sat down on the carpet in that library and Patrick could hear a sound from Lynn's stomach, "Hungry?" Patrick offered her a package of MRE.

Lynn retrieved that package of MRE and she opened it. The content was a package of spaghetti, a cake, some instant drinks, some coffee, a few toilet papers, and everything else.

"Well, it's decent," Lynn opened the heating bag of the MRE and put the package of spaghetti there as Patrick was opening another package of MRE for himself. The only difference between their MRE was that Patrick MRE was Goulash.

He also opened the MRE and put the main course to the heating bag. He opened his water canteen and poured some water inside that bag. The bag immediately puffed up due to the massive amount of steam that was produced by that heating bag.

"Hmm, I don't think our first romantic dinner will be like this," Lynn smiled.

"Well, what do you expect? We are in a war zone," Patrick leaned his back against the wall and Lynn put her head on Patrick's right shoulder.

While they waited for the MRE to cook, they opened the bag of crackers and ate it together. Lynn used an apricot jam while Patrick used the chocolate spread.



"How're your new eyes? Mine is a little bit too much," Lynn asked.

"What do you mean?"

"My glasses lenses haven't been replaced yet. So the eyes need to make a few adjustments, but it's all good for now," Lynn said as she pointed at one of her eyes.

"Oh, Aline also diagnosed me with a mild case of myopia, I need to wear glasses now," Patrick said.

"Mmm, well, welcome to the glasses club Patrick," Lynn said as she cleaned her glass with a hygiene tissue from the MRE.

When their dinners were finally cooked, they retrieved it from the table of the library. They grabbed their own spoon and started digging to that ready to eat the meal.

"Hmm, nice, I like it spicy," Patrick put some Tabasco sauce inside that main meal.

Both of them started eating their MRE. Both of them also shared their foods since they wanted to know that different food.

"Say aaaa," Lynn grabbed a serving of her spaghetti.

"Aaaaa," Patrick opened his mouth and Lynn put the spaghetti inside his mouth. He ate that spaghetti.

"Good, now your turn," Patrick scooped his MRE and put it inside Lynn's mouth.

"My God," Lynn opened her canteen and immediately gulped down the water, "It's bloody spicy for fuck sake." Her face went full red thanks to that.

"Haha, well, it was expected, I put a lot of tobasco inside of the stew," Patrick gave Lynn his water and Lynn happily drunk it.

"Indirect kiss, isn't it?"

"We've done more than a kiss, haven't we?" Patrick referred to the event when she was still Lizeth.

"Haha. I know," Lynn said.

"Where's Iris? Never seen her on the dorm nor the school," Patrick asked Lynn since she was the person that spent the longest time after Clara attacked her.

"No idea. Maybe killed, idk," Lynn said.

"Fair enough. She sold Dope, after all," Patrick said as he looked at his phone.

"Though, I heard some news about the police Commissioner on that accident. In short, his father was involved," Lynn said as she showed a document on her phone. She took a spoonful amount of the MRE again as Patrick scrolled the phone with her left hand.

"Commissioner Dynn is involved huh? Well, that was a weird turn of event," Patrick read the documents with his eyes.

The documents were a manifest on the cartel purchase. Weirdly enough, the whole items were weapons and armors that were purchased by Commissioner Dynn himself. It was something unexpected since her father wouldn't probably do anything to her, but anything could be false.

"Hmm, are we going to dive on this shit?" Patrick said as he gave her phone back to Lynn.

"Up to you, this country will crumble before new years. I think it's a good idea to not leaving any loose ends before we leave this country for good," Lynn said and Patrick agreed with that statement.

Patrick and Lynn finished their meals. They went to the bathroom to wash their hands, Patrick and Lynn went to a different bathroom. After that, both of them went back to the library to sleep.

Both of them slept on the carpet of the library, "Good night, Lynn," Patrick slept beside Lynn.

"Good night, Patrick."