McGrath and Dynn: Part 3

Sunday, 30th of November 2020. 2000 Hours. Trinity High School, Clara and Lynn's room.

'Dang, where is she?' Clara said as she looked at the clock on the table where Lizeth usually study. Clara was laying down on her bed with her bionic legs being put near her bed. Neither Clara nor Lynn wore their bionic limbs when they were asleep except on a combat situation.

[A New Contract Is Available]

'I'm always down for some money.' Clara opened the Armory System app on her phone. The contract was very easy, it was a contract requested by a very friendly name to be honest.

[Be My Guardian Angel]

Oy Serval, can you protect us on our first date? I swear the difference between Afghanistan and this city is slim as hell. We were being shot at when we were entering this city. Patrick managed to hold them alone since they were protesters while I was focusing on getting both of us out of the hot zone.

In short, be my guardian angel. Here's the coordinate.


[Damn, you ask for a reward from me?] [Reputation+]

[End Of Contract]

'it's definitely Lynn, damn,' Clara stood up from her bed and wore her bionic legs.


"Such a good choice of restaurant," Lynn said as she walked while holding Patrick's hand. Patrick was wearing a suit while Lynn was wearing a dress. It was a crazily expensive restaurant only reserved for the higher-ups on that capital.

A meal there would probably cost more than 100$, but 100$ was very cheap for both of them at that point since they had more than 10 million dollars. They also realized something unsettling, there were rioters three blocks away from them.

"Hmph, just eat and get out?" Patrick asked Lynn as both of them entered that restaurant and immediately greeted by the receptionist.

The receptionist took them to the table near a window in that fancy restaurant. Both of them sat down on that table. The waitress gave them a menu.

"Thanks," Patrick retrieved the menu and Lynn retrieved the menu too. They looked at the menu. They looked at those menus.

The foods there were as expensive as 150$ maybe more. Still, for both of them, it wasn't expensive enough. Patrick called the waitress.

"This one please," Patrick pointed his hand at one of the items on the menu.

"I have the same," Lynn said.

"Of course, sir, ma'am," the waitress wrote their orders and left their table.

Lynn and Patrick continued talking about their next objective, finding out about the disappearance of Iris Dynn from the last six months. They wanted to solve their last bit of curiosity before they left that country.

"Iris has died? Or she hasn't?"

"I don't know, unlike Clara, Iris wasn't on the removal list on Trinity High School. My guess? It was the work of Ambrosia Cartel," Lynn said.

Patrick said, "Ambrosia cartel? It was destroyed by us isn't it?"

"Just the main HQ and 75% of their local manpower. If you're asking about that cartel itself, the chain of command has changed since the moment we attack it."

"Yeah, I agree," Patrick said. The waitress brought them their food. They were served on their table.

"I don't want to talk while we're eating. Shall we?" Patrick grabbed the spoon and fork that were placed beside the plate and started eating that very expensive steak.



"Serval on position."

Clara was on a rooftop 300 meters away from that restaurant. She was holding a Cheytac Intervention on her hands. It was equipped with a suppressor and 4-32x64 scope.

Her job was simple, keep Lynn and her new boyfriend safe. She put a bullet inside the chamber and loaded another magazine on that sniper rifle. The rifle used a HE ammo for the maximum amount of damage.

'God, why did Lynn choose a dating place like this?' Clara looked at the rioters that were held by the police six blocks away from them.

The rioters were very violent, throwing the police with rotten milk, Molotov, stones, and water bottle. The polices were also violent with their baton and water cannon.

Clara looked at the couple that was eating their expensive meals. 'Dang Lynn, why don't you give me some,' Clara remembered that her dinner in the dormitory was horrible since the person that cooked that couldn't cook at all.

Clara just fiddling around while taking a peek to the staircase that she used to gain access to the rooftop of the office rooftop. She carried another weapon in case something got out of hand, LWMMG.

Suddenly, a car appeared out of nowhere in the middle of those rioters. It was a car that was used by them to break through the blockade. It wasn't a good situation at all, Clara only had two choices. First, she could shot the driver with her sniper rifle and the crowd would go wilder or she could risk the car drive through the car barricade and the rioters would soon pouring down to the front of the restaurant.

As a sane person, Clara chose the first option. She took an aim with her sniper rifle and shot the window of that passenger car. The car gone out of control and immediately hit those rioters. The rioters immediately getting Wilder and threw more Molotov cocktails at the police.

Clara took an initiative and shot each bottle that the rioters held before they threw it and harmed the police. The bottle broke and burned some of those rioters at once.

'Clara, finish your meal, quickly!' Clara shot those Molotov in quick succession to make sure that none of it harmed the police. The rioters got angered very quickly as the situation escalated.


"That was a good meal, wasn't it?" Patrick wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Of course, the price can't fool you," Lynn said as she wiped her mouth too. Clara drunk the milkshake beside her plate.

Patrick moved closer to Lynn's face, "There some leftover here," he wiped her mouth with the napkin.

"Haha, yes," Lynn said. She smiled. They just wanted to enjoy their dinner. She was very cute on that day.

Her dress was a long beautiful blue dress that hid her bionic limbs. Patrick just smiled. He was speechless. Both of them stared at each other in passion.

"When did you fall in love with me?" Patrick chuckled.

"At that," Lynn smile suddenly went away. Patrick just nodded, he understood what she meant by that.

"Sorry, but this isn't the moment to talk about that," Lynn wiped her tears and smiled again. Patrick gave her another warm smile.

"Sorry. Hmm, it was a long time ago wasn't it? I don't want to remember it either. It was the lowest point of both of us, and that's it. Me with my financial situation and you with that," Patrick said since he knew what happened, but he didn't know what exactly had happened.

Lynn sighed, "That was the main reason why I became a contractor, you know?"

"You installed the app at that kind of condition?" Patrick was surprised.

"No, it was Echo. You're just my rescuer," Lynn said.

"Oh, I see. We can talk about that later, for now, let's just enjoy the evening," Patrick said as he looked outside of the window.

Instead of the view of the city that they expected, the could only saw empty roads and rioters that had broke through the barricade that the police set up for them. Patrick's face was like, "Holy shit."

"Are we going to pay the bills now?" Lynn stared at those rioters. It ruined their dinner.

"Yeah," Patrick immediately called the waitress so they could immediately pay the bills. The waitress came in a hurry and immediately approached both of them.

The waitress handed them a bill, "All of that will be 437$," Patrick gave her the money in cash and she left that table.

Patrick and Lynn immediately wiped their mouth and stood up from the table. They needed to leave as soon as possible before the rioters decide to torch the building. Lynn grabbed her phone and immediately despawned her car so it wouldn't be damaged by those rioters.

As soon as they got out of their table, a Molotov was thrown at the window. The Molotov hit the table where they were standing. Lynn's clothes on the right arm got burned and Patrick extinguished it with water from a nearby table.

"Shit, this is fucked up isn't it?" Lynn ran to the toilet since the fire wasn't put out entirely by the water. Patrick followed her from behind.

Both of them entered the toiled and while they were looking at the mirror, they immediately changed into their combat loadout. Both of them were using the heavy combat loadout which was a fragmentation suit with level IV body armor and protectors.

Patrick sarcastically said, "What a date, wasn't it?" He loaded bullets into his PKP.

"Yeah, let's get out of here," Lynn charged her MG5 and kicked the toilet door with her foot.