Why I Became A Contractor: Part 4

The shorthands at the clock were pointed at the direction of number three. I barely opened my eyes when there were two men in a coat standing next to my bed. They were most likely to be the police, but I couldn't be sure until they asked me some questions.

"Lynn, I'm Detective Harse from the PD. I want to ask you some questions. Do you mind?" He said.

I nodded. That detective pulled out a note from his coat and a pen from his pocket. He started asking me some questions. The first question was...

"Do you remember the face of the suspects?" He asked.

"Earrings, on ears and nose," Lynn said.

The second question was more about who had the motive for that. I hadn't thought about who could that be. That case was a random rape, that was all. I believed that no one would be evil enough to order such a hit at me.

"No idea, sir."