Why I Became A Contractor: Part 24

Tuesday, 10th of April 2018. Old Highschool. Lynn's Class. 2200 Hours. Task Force Infanta.

As the machine gun kept firing on top of my head, the person who was driving the armored vehicle like a maniac was ramming at those police cruisers that were on our way. I still couldn't figure out who they were, but my general idea concluded that they're close to my age more or less.

The small girl that shot the machine gun could be called Alpha. Well, her body was inadequate to sustain the recoil of that heavy machine gun, and yet, she managed to do it easily. Brass casings were raining on top of my head as Alpha drove through each police barricade.

"God's sake, Bravo. Drive safely will you?" Sierra said.

Alpha just looked at him and rose his middle finger and he continued ramming those police cruisers. The madlad driver was truly madlad after all. It could be said that this driver hated the police.