Ambrosia Cartel: Part 12

Monday, 9th of August 2021. SDC Main Platform. 1630 Hours.

And thus, Herring's little holiday was destroyed once the contractors discovered that a bomb had been disarmed inside of the cabin of that aircraft. The confusion had arisen as both parties were suspecting once each other. Nathan was suspecting the CIA for sending Herring as a trojan horse into the HSDC main base and Herring who was suspecting someone had planted a bomb inside of the cabin of his Bombardier jet.

The tense air inside of the command center of the was filling the room up. It was between that 18-year-old boy and that old CIA agent. Both were trying to find the perpetrator. However, Patrick and Lynn were in the corner of the command center. Patrick was smoking a cigar, he was not trying to look badass or anything, he just liked to smoke since the first time you met him.