Ambrosia Cartel: Part 14

Monday, 9th of August 2021. SDC Intelligence Platform. Room 101. 1900 Hours.

"He'll be processed later." Stacy closed the door of that scary room known as Room 101. People that came to that room were interrogated. They would be pressed to give intelligence to the HSDC until they either die or succumb to the HSDC.

 Usually, they would get the intelligence from sound logs that were recorded. The recorded logs were usually put inside of the SD card which could hold a decent amount of files. Patrick and Lynn walked out of the hallway. The main road in that platform wasn't as crowded as the one that was in the manufacturing or logistic platform.

"How's our guest?" Lynn asked.

"Herring? Well, Nathan takes him for a tour," Stacy said.

"Tour across the base?" Patrick asked.

"Yup," Stacy answered.