Ambrosia Cartel: Part 17

Monday, 10th of August 2021. HSDC Command Platform. 1700 Hours.

Patrick stood on the platform number 27. There was a private jet parked there, it was owned by Marinka. Yes, it was Marinka, the FSB Vympel. However, she looked just like Herring. He was only accompanied by one tall bodyguard. That tall bodyguard only brought a pistol and it was also her pilot. It could be said that the bodyguard was Marinka's personal assistant.

"Nice to meet you, Lizeth, or Patrick?" She chuckled.

"Call me Patrick. Thanks." Patrick shook her hand.

The sea breeze hit their face. The waves hit the platforms that supported the main base. "Patrick, can you take me inside?" Marinka asked him.

"Sure," Patrick said.