Ambrosia Cartel: Part 20

Tuesday, 11th of August 2021. Southside of Panama Canal. 1400 Hours.

Patrick waited below the water level with his scuba gear. He breathed in and out slowly as he waited for further communication from Nathan. Waiting was not his best idea and not his best interest as of now. He just wanted to find the entry for the ICBM base that was located underwater according to the intel that Herring brought. There might be any abandoned water channel that he could use to enter the hidden ICBM base. But no, there wasn't anything like that.

Nathan: "Is this working? Alright, It's me, Herring. You should find a cooling tunnel below where you're currently swimming. It should lead to the heart of the ICBM base. Don't worry, it's inoperational so you wouldn't see anyone or anything. However, if what the pilot said was true, you will be in big trouble."