Ambrosia Cartel: Part 22

Tuesday, 11th of August 2021. HSDC Panama Base. 1620 Hours.

The base was full of personnel that moved cargoes from one plane to the storage area. Most of the cargo was food supplies that would supply the food for the base. However, it would take them a week or two before the kitchen was ready to produce any food.

Patrick walked in the asphalt road of the base. His mind was filled with the sight that he couldn't forget. What he must do? Lynn wouldn't like to hear that her enemy was still alive and well. Especially when the said enemy was an enemy that changed her life upside down.

Patrick had worn a new clean combat uniform. There was nothing that caught his interest on that base now since Patrick didn't have any relation with the commander of the base except for the relation between a superior officer and his underlings. Lynn was waiting in front of the living quarter. She waited for Patrick a few hours ago.

Patrick sat down beside Lynn.