Ambrosia Cartel: Part 25

Tuesday, 11th of August 2021. HSDC Panama Base. 1900 Hours.

The command center. It was filled with many intelligence team personnel. Most of the time, the people that went there were superior officers with their highest non-commissioned officers. Those people came there to pick up mission details. The people that came there were usually ranked Captain or higher.

Patrick and Lynn walked through the think glass door of the command center. The receptionist there was busy arranging multiple phone calls to multiple departments inside of that base. It hadn't been several hours and the base had been very busy. It was just the magic of working with a military unit, they were so fast.

Lynn and Patrick walked to the office of the base commander. They made an appointment first with his secretary whose office was in front of the commander's office. "Excuse me, is the commander busy?" Patrick asked.