Ambrosia Cartel: Part 28

The cars behind them were shooting at them and people were running from the streets since the bullets from their AKs were flying everywhere. There was no way that no one would be hit by the stray bullets that were exchanged between the contractors and the Ambrosia cartel. Patrick was searching the back of the car for an assault rifle that he could use.

There was usually an assault rifle for emergency use at the back of the car. It was usually a para variant of an assault rifle, but it would get the job done. However, Patrick still had no luck in finding the assault rifle that was in the back of the car. Patrick didn't have any clue where the assault rifle was.

"Lima, where the bloody hell did the other operators put their assault rifle? It is usually in the back of the car, but I couldn't fucking find it," Patrick shouted as he searched for the assault rifle.