Ambrosia Cartel: Part 32 (Side Chapter: Anniversary Edition)

Wednesday, 18th of August 2021. Panamanian Main Base. 2000 Hours. Commander Adrian Patrick Grant.

Alright, all preparation were completed. All I had to do was to wait for the F-15 to come to the base and I could lure Lynn to the designated position. Well, it was quite a nuisance to set up a lot of fireworks that were stockpiled in the armory. Well, it was quite a power abuse on my side, but I also paid for that expense so they wouldn't complain about that either. 

I had prepared the surprise for her which was an arrangement made using a lot of fireworks and a lot of flares. The preparation was also quite a nuisance on its own since I had to borrow a truck from the armory to transport all of that munitions. However, I also requested an emergency resupply from the main base so those ammunition could be replaced as soon as possible since I was using almost all of their ammunition.