Ambrosia Cartel: Part 40

Wednesday, 25th of August 2020. HSDC R&D Platform. Testing Ground. 0930 Hours. Commander Adrian Patrick Grant. 

Twenty of us were standing in front of a table where a suit of armor used to be placed. Well, it was the experimental suit of armor that the R&D team had developed since the beginning of the HSDC. It was called the HECA. It was an abbreviation for Heavy Environment Combat Armor. It was a program that was established to develop an armor that could increase the survivability of the wearer. To put it in a shorter term, it was armor to make the user immune to an air-strike of any kind with the exception of bombs.

"Battle Dress? Why would you call it that?" Alex asked me.

"I don't know. It seems to be very familiar to the battle dress in a game which I forgot. Well, nevertheless, what kind of armor is this? Care to explain?" I asked.