Last One: Part 2

In the meeting room, Nathan listened to Patrick's explanation. He just nodded multiple times. Patrick knew that the mission could be suicidal. However, he was more worried about whether the people at the base could make enough noise to distract Herring from Marinka. 

"Well, thinking about it, it makes sense. In fact, I'd do the same thing If I were you," Nathan said. 

"Yeah, anyhow. How will you make a lot of noise?" Patrick asked. 

"For starter, an airstrike into the deepness of Afghan mountain. It's phase one of the plan. After that, we will move a bunch of our troops into Afghanistan. It's the least I can do for now. Marinka contacted me again, why would she want us to delay the operation by a year?" Nathan said. 

"Maybe for preparation? I don't know, ask the woman yourself," Patrick said. 

"You're the closest to her, why should I call her?" Nathan asked. 

"Because she contacted you, not me," Patrick said.