Last One: Part 6

Confusion arose in Patrick's mind. He couldn't tell that he was Lizeth all along. It would shock Abdul to oblivion. He needed an idea to fool Abdul and he needed that idea fast. Otherwise, Abdul would keep staring at him with intense awkwardness. 汉字汉字汉字

"Are you sure that you've seen me somewhere?" Patrick asked. 

"Yes, I'm very sure." 

Patrick found the perfect excuse, "Well, I think I haven't met you before. However, I think you have seen my twin sister. He had the same appearance as I do. Still, she passed away last year, poor girl."

"Ah yes, I remember that girl. She was such a beauty. She died, eh, what a disastrous event. I feel bad for you, brother. May her soul rest in peace," Abdul said. 

"Amen," Patrick said. 

"Alright, we shall get out of this airport then," Abdul said. 

"I agree," Patrick said as he started the car engine.