I was lying on the floor, half-dead. At that point in time, I didn't know why I was so lifeless but I knew it was due to blood loss. I tried to open my eye, but I was unable to open them, and then I blacked-out.


Date:05 January 20XX

Location: somewhere near 2 Parachute (Special Forces) Regimental Centre

We got off the bus that received us (Probation candidates) from the railway station, but the surprising thing was that it left us halfway through the initial route and then we were given rucksacks then and there and told to run straight ahead on the road. After running about ten kilometres we were surprised as we were welcomed from the back gate of the cantonment. The instructors were cold blooded and welcomed us in an uninterested manner. After two week, out of twenty four candidates, 5 had already pulled their hands off the probation. This provoked me many a times, BUT I remembered why I was here, to prove myself worthy of something. after the 1st month, we were used to the pain that we had constantly been taking.

After the 90 HELLISH days, the CO called me to the officers mess, where other officers were also present, just to tell me that I had FAILED. After the disgraceful talk, holding my tears back, I walked back out of the mess, collected my stuff and was going towards the jeep that was waiting to take me to the railway station.

Suddenly the mess secretary came and asked me if I had cleared the mess bill, I remembered I hadn't and said "no sir". To this he asked me to comeback inside. I was too humiliated to go back inside after disgracefully failing, it was like putting the last nail in the coffin. But to my SURPRISE.... a MAROON BERET was waiting for me beside the CO. I was now on Cloud Nine. He came to me, shook my hand and congratulated me on my achievement. Now the awkward part was that, my brand new beret was dipped in my drink which was poured in a trophy, and after dipping it I was made to wear it. The 2IC came and put the SPECIAL FORCES tab on both sides of my shoulders. This was the moment that I had promised to be the most memorable moment until the time, I breathed my last ..... which, I guess now has come.

To be CONTINUED.....