Location: Capitol Square, Afghanistan

I tried to reach my dagger but the pilot started the engines, and the helicopter lifted. As I was 3 meters up, I tried hard to reach my dagger, and THANK GOD, I was able to reach it I cut the rope halfway, dropped my dagger, and then used my hands to rip the rope apart. I fell to the ground sideways. Immediately, I picked up my dagger and grabbed my M4A1 assault rifle into a low-ready position (low-ready is a position in which the weapon is positioned about 45 degrees downwards). As I caught up with the other guys, we decided to split into teams of two, each comprising of 10 members.

The mission was simple, we had to nab an American guy working for a mercenary organization ( Mercenary organization comprise of ex-special operations, ex-military personnel paid for providing special logistical and tactical support to the militaries of the demanding governments). This guy was no ordinary military contractor as he was now a double agent, working for both sides i.e the RSM ( Resolute Support Mission) and the Taliban and the Al-Qaeda.

(Now you guys would be thinking that why is the Indian army in Afghanistan? Well, the answer is simple, We Para SF guys are trained for covert operations, and the advantage is that we have similar racial features as the guys in most of the Asian sub-continent. Plus, we also learn different languages like Urdu, Chinese, Pashto, Bengali, etc.)

We reached the target area, which was a 2 story building. I used hand signals to convey to Rakesh, to neutralize one of the two targets that were in front of us. Now we had to be really alert as we, in the Indian SF, are bound to work as a mechanical body to ensure zero failure in an operation. So, I radioed to Rabbit "Delta in position! Two tangoes insight; NEUTRALIZING" this was followed by two gunshots which Rakesh and I had fired, aiming for the heads*. Now the operation was on FULL SWING.

[*NOTE- we aim for the head when we have terrorists insight to neutralize them instantly.]

Now, the points to be kept in mind were:-

(i) Move fast, stay low

(ii) Keep an eye for whether the individual in your sights was possessing a weapon or not

(iii)If the individual was a grown-up person, take the shot; except if it was a kid

(iv)Complete the Operation in less than 60 minutes as after hearing the gunshots, enemy reinforcements would be en route

Rabbit, with his team, entered the building with the help of a 12-gauge shotgun, to blow off the hinges of the front door. The side we were entering from had an extension of a one-story room.

We observed that three militants were inside and the roof had a small skylight. So take them by surprise Rohan boosted me up to the roof, slung my Primary weapon to my back, and drew my Secondary weapon (i.e a Beretta 92fs pistol) from my drop leg holster. The next second, Rakesh radioed that they were ready for F.E.O (Forcible Entry Operation). Naik Zeheran (Corporal Zeheran) threw in a concussion grenade. Immediately after the grenade exploded, I jumped in, gunning down one militant (by shooting him in the neck). The other two had been neutralized by Rohan and Venkatesh as they had also entered the room.

Suddenly we heard a car engine roaring when we reached the first floor, it was the target as he was trying to flee away. I saw a window and jumped out of it falling on the roof of the car. Meanwhile, Rakesh and Rohan hijacked a nearby pick-up truck at gunpoint. I was on the roof as the target was trying to shake me off. What I heard was panicking as it was a gun's safety switch switching off, He was ready to go TURKEY SHOOTING by emptying the magazine onto the roof. Before he could point the gun I took my trusty dagger and stabbed him in the hand,(I didn't know which hand at that point in time). He screamed in pain and fired two shots (one which grazed my arm). He lost control of the car, as I had stabbed him pretty deep into the arm. As a result, he lost control of the car and it ran over a pit of sand turning sideways, sending me toward the ground. I faced a concussion but was able to get up all dizzy (and also cracked a little bit of my forearm while falling onto the ground), and walked towards him . He struggled to reach his weapon but was too disoriented (well I was pretty enraged that for a second I thought that "Lets put a 9mm bullet into his brains"). I was still dizzy so to keep him quiet and, to relieve him from that agonizing injury, I injected a morphine injection VIOLENTLY. BUT, as my vision cleared, I was able to make out who it was. It was Captain Mohammad Bashir, an officer from the Pakistani SSG (Special Services Group; Pakistani Army's Special Forces).