Chapter 3

Ambrosio, Anderson, Cooper, and Santoris are the last names of the four Aristocratic families. They are the richest and most influential families in the whole country. To say that they were above the law was an understatement because most of the time, they are the law. They coexist peacefully with the government and its citizens as long as nobody tries to cross them.

The Santoris belonged to the mafia family, they were known to be the most resourceful, their reach was far and wide, but they were also renowned to be the cruelest in passing out judgment.

Over the years, several people have tried to take over their clan and territory, but their foundation was so stable that nobody can infiltrate their operation or buy out any of their people. And because they were in alliance with the other aristocratic families, trying to get in and take them down was akin to throwing a small stone against a big formidable wall, they all just bounced back and laid back on the ground.

Matthew Santoris, the patriarch of the family, made everyone shiver just by hearing his name. They were ruthless when it came to their enemies, killing them without batting an eye. Most of the people they catch open pray that death should come to them soon because being tortured by the Santoris' made one wish they killed themselves.

Dimitri Santoris was Matthew's firstborn. He was just 26 years old, but he already made a name for himself. Staying out of the limelight and handling most of the affairs behind the scenes made him more fearful.

He was 10 times worse than his father, according to the rumor mills, which scared people more. He had an evil glint in his eye that seemed to bring people to their knees. Some people predict that when Dimitri takes over the empire, he will be ruling with an iron fist, and there will be bloodshed everywhere.

Dimitri Santoris was in his enemy's territory. He usually doesn't come to these business deals, leaving it up to his associates to handle things for him. But this was one of the very important transactions that only he could negotiate. He had dressed in all black today to intimidate and show dominance.

He will be meeting with Peter, the head of the Paltrow clan.

"This kid is an arrogant prick, just look at him sitting there like he owns the place. You're as old as my nephew, yet you think you can dominate me?" Peter leered at Dimitri as he sat on one of the chairs with his domineering aura.

"The mines in the Western region are now part of our properties, but you're telling me we should give you 50% of whatever we get out of that mine? Why should I do that when we do all the work? And all you do is stand and watch," Peter snorted.

Peter did not like that Dimitri was trying to expand their territory, and had it in his mind that he wanted to part of their earnings just because his mines were producing millions in revenue.

"Well, it's true that you own this mine today, but are you sure it will still be yours tomorrow?" Dimitri replied cockily.

"How dare you threaten me in my own house. I'm the head of the Paltrow clan, you should know your manners, boy!" Peter stood up and glared at him.

Dimitri lazily looked up at him from his seat, "You think you're so smart? That nobody knows how you became the head of the Paltrow family," Dimitri said with an evil glint in his eyes.

Peter's face lost its color as he tried to figure out how much Dimitri knew, maybe he was just bluffing. Nobody knew about his secret, and anybody who did had already passed away.

"I heard your nephew has been very busy trying to find his father's killer. Maybe I should help him by telling him about your secret, you know, how you were the last person to see his father alive," Dimitri said with a mocking smile.

"How… How do you know about that?" Peter stumbled backward as he tried to sit back down.

Dimitri gave him one of his unsympathetic stares. Peter's older brother, Matthew was the real leader of the Paltrow clan, but even though Peter had loved his brother very dearly, he decided he couldn't sit around being second best anymore. He wanted the power his brother wielded, and he was going to take it by hook or by crook.

It had been two years since he convinced a few of his brother's most trusted people to help him execute his brother. And to cut all the loose ends, he had staged an accident that killed everyone who helped him.

His nephew had been resilient in finding his father's killer, but Peter made sure that he covered his tracks very well, so they wouldn't suspect him. After all, he was a very loving brother in everybody's eyes.

"Why are you doing this to me?" as Peter's face beaded with sweat.

"It's very simple, just agree to the 50%, and no one will hear about what happened," Dimitri ordered.

Peter knew he had no option. If the truth got out, nobody will show him any mercy. His brother was a good man and was very well respected by his subordinates, they all grieved when he died, and they vowed to catch the killer. And who knows what will happen if they know it was him all along.

Coming to this meeting, he was very confident that Dimitri was just another inexperienced lad that wanted to impress his father, but he didn't expect him to know about his secret. He wondered where he got his information from when he killed everybody involved.

This young man was more cunning and manipulative than he expected. "I will agree to all your demands. You will get your share from the Western mines, but you have to give your word that you will keep my secret," Peter half begged, and half demanded his answer.

Dimitri nodded his assent. He knew everyone had a weakness, and sooner or later, people made mistakes, knowing how and when to use that knowledge gave the person control of any situation.

"I will let my secretary prepare the documents. I will have dinner arranged for later so we can meet and finish the transactions," Peter said in resignation.

"I will be there," Dimitri said as he stood and walked away with a satisfied look on his face.

Peter has never hated anybody more than he hated Dimitri, a kid half his age should not have any control over him. He was the leader of his clan, nobody stepped over his authority, not even this Aristocratic heir.

Anger was rolling off him in waves, and he wanted to exact revenge. He killed his own brother, he had no more qualms about what he needed to do to get his power back.