Chapter 8

In a big mansion in the outskirts of the city, a naked woman is lying on the bed, her legs sprawled out, and a man is pinning her down, having his way with her.

Moaning so loud can be heard beyond the bedroom walls. "Ahh... ahh… ahh…," she moaned loudly, enjoying the sensation as the man thrust into her again and again, faster and faster, not caring how rough he was handling her.

The man was very demanding, they had tried all sexual positions that were humanly possible for her to perform, but she was getting tired.

"Stop… I can't… please," the woman pleaded. She had come several times which seemed to energize her partner but if he keeps on continuing like this, she may not have the strength to walk out of here.

She was an A-list actress, and she could not believe the amount they had offered her for just a night to sleep with her client. She asked for his identity but they kept it hidden, he was a very mysterious man and she was intrigued that was why she agreed.

When she came into the mansion, she was immediately ushered into a very opulent bedroom. Being here had initially scared her, but when he came in, she was overcome with attraction. Her client was very tall, his shoulders very broad, his face very handsome, and he had a very enigmatic personality that exuded a lot of sex appeal. With his black leather jacket and knee-high leather boots, he gave a very bad boy vibe, which made her blush in anticipation of how the night will unfold.

She was a beauty, and men groveled at her feet when they met her, eager to please and do her bidding. And she had expected nothing less from this man in front of her. She wanted to hear adoration, and praise to come out of his mouth, but he had given her none of that.

He came in and divested himself of his clothes, and commanded her to do the same without even giving her a second glance.

"Okay," she thought, he probably wanted to admire her perfect body, and she was fine with that. Her body quivered with anticipation when he told her to bend over the bed and spread her legs apart.

There was no foreplay as he entered her and started thrusting, he grunted as she moaned. She could not help herself, even though she was a little humiliated that he did not even bother to kiss her or get her ready before he entered her.

He flipped her over when he got tired of that position and hitched her legs on his shoulders. When she tried to touch him, he swatted her hands away, like she was a common fly. He did not really care about her comfort or her pleasure, he just needed to use her body until he was satisfied.

A knock on the door made him stop and frown. He remembered instructing his subordinates not to disturb him unless the house was on fire. There was only one other reason that they dare disrupt his activity for the night.

She sighed as he wore his robe to answer the door. "What is it?" the man asked with an irritated tone, "This better be important," he added. He was very displeased that he was interrupted.

"It's a call from the boss," one of his subordinates said as he passed him the phone.

The man's expression changed from irritation to indifference. "Hello brother, how may I help you?" the man asked in a polite tone.

"Gabe, there is a big assignment in a B city, and I want you to take care of it," Dimitri said from the other side.

"Yes, brother. I will take care of it right away," Gabriel assured him.

"Remember to take the guards with you," Dimitri reminded Gabriel.

"Yes brother, I will," Gabriel promised as he ended the call.

"Get ready for my departure," he said as he walked out the door.

The woman was waiting for Gabriel under the covers when one of his subordinates told her to get dressed and told her to knock on the door to let them know when she was ready. He came back with an envelope that contained her payment and warned her not to utter a single word to anyone about what happened here if she wanted to continue with her career.

Gabriel was the younger brother of Dimitri and the second son of Matthew Santoris. He was very rebellious and carefree. Not caring about the consequences of his actions, but Dimitri trusted him and made him his right hand.

He respected his brother a lot and obeyed all his orders without question. It was because he looked up to his brother and tried to be as good as he was. But one should not be deceived because he was as cruel as Dimitri when he faced his enemies, which was expected from them being in the Mafia family.

But unlike Dimitri, Gabriel cannot control his urges. He had an insatiable appetite for women. His subordinates always brought him young and beautiful women to play with, but he did not care, all he wanted was they had beautiful bodies that could satisfy his needs. He didn't need them to be pretty or even educated because he would never take them as his girlfriend or a wife anyway.

There were a few women who had assumed they were dating when he slept with them more than once. They flaunted their relationship to anyone and everyone who would listen, but Gabriel nipped those in the bud and made sure they got punished.

From then on he was careful not to sleep with any woman more than once to avoid any of the drama that they bring.

He was going to B city to take care of the work assigned by his elder brother Dimitri, and he needed to concentrate. He knows that Dimitri is very serious when it comes to their work, he will still face consequences if he messes up though it would be a little less harsh because he was family, he would rather not find out what that punishment would be.