Chapter 16

"What do you think you're doing?" Aurora angrily asked as she tried to push him away. But Dimitri had the advantage, and he was far stronger than her, so she remained trapped in her seat.

He moved closer, and it seemed like he was about to kiss her, so she twisted her head away from him. He smiled as he inhaled her sweet intoxicating scent. She was real and just as beautiful and fragrant as he remembered. 

He wanted to kiss that beautiful neck that she was offering him right now, but he had to be patient. Now that she was right in front of him, he will savor this moment. There was no use in scaring her now. He wants her to come to him willingly.

Aurora could not move. "Did he just sniff me? What the heck is he doing now?" She wanted to take a peak, but for some reason, she was frozen.

Dimitri blew on her ear, and Aurora shivered. This was just too much for her. Why is he affecting her so much? She's never been with a man before, and she could always thwart other men's advances, except for that one night she was inebriated, where she barely remembers what happened. But this man in front of her was unnerving her like her body was responding to him.

Dimitri smirked when he saw her shiver. "It was my pleasure seeing you. Expect to see me again soon," he whispered in her ear. She could almost feel the touch of his lips, as she closed her eyes. 

He chuckled as he released her and sauntered away.

It took a few seconds before Aurora came back to her senses. "You bastard!" she cursed behind his retreating back. He had rendered her speechless and helpless, and all she did was sit there. Why did he have such an effect on her?

Next time she planned to avoid him, next time, this will not happen again, she vowed to herself.

Gabriel was happily waiting in his room for his brother, his subordinate informed him that Dimitri was inquiring about his release.

"Are they releasing me today?" Gabriel asked enthusiastically when Dimitri walked into the room, "Give me the good news."

"The doctor said you need a few more days," Dimitri said casually.

"What? Are they kidding me?" Gabriel was exasperated, "I feel better, and my shoulder does not hurt that much anymore. Tell them I want to go home."

"The doctor showed me your latest scans. You need to stay for more observation to make sure that your shoulder heals nicely, there was too much muscle tear, and nerve damage," Dimitri lied convincingly.

Gabriel sighed, he was ready to leave. It was getting to be too boring for him being in the hospital, he wanted to play.

"I have work to do, so you better stay here," Dimitri instructed, "Don't try to leave. I'm warning you," he said as he walked away.

He was on the phone as soon as he got out of his brother's ward. "Check something for me. Her name is Aurora, she works in the General Hospital in B city. I want all her details as soon as possible," he said to his private investigator. He needed to know more about her and the sooner he got that information, the sooner he could come up with a plan.

There was a spring in his step. At last, he can stop searching for this mystery woman whose memories he had been holding onto for the last 5 years. When he was starting to lose hope, she appeared in front of him, just like that.

Aurora did not welcome his advances and was not amused when he tried to flirt with her, which meant she either had another man in her life or that he might be in luck that she was always this standoffish when it came to the other sex.

Wooing her would be a challenge, and he loved challenges. This was one challenge he will truly enjoy pursuing.

 "Aurora," just thinking about her name made him smile.


Enzo was excitedly running in the hospital, he brought his new remote control car to show Uncle Gabe.

"Uncle Gabe! Uncle Gabe!" he called from the door, "Look at my new car! I just got it yesterday," he chirped exuberantly.

Gabriel was sulking because he was going to get stuck in the hospital for another week, it was getting to be the vacation from hell. He was missing all his activities, target practice and kickboxing during the day, late night races, and carousing with women during the night.

He was feeling like he was suffocating in this small hospital that did not have pretty nurses he could flirt with. Most of the nurses here were old or married.

"Uncle Gabe, are you okay?" Enzo asked in a concerned tone.

When Gabe looked at Enzo's serious face, he smiled and responded, "No, I'm not. I want to go home."

"Oh! Are you missing your mama?" Enzo asked because he knew that if he did not see his mom for a week, like Uncle Gabe, he would terribly miss her. Just like when she had to work those long nights leaving him with the neighborhood aunties. He remembered crying a lot and pining for his mom.

"Yes, I miss her very much," Gabriel said, acting forlorn.

Enzo climbed up on his bed and comforted him the only way he knew how. He touched Gabriel's cheek and said, "Uncle, don't be sad. Enzo will play with you until your wound gets better." 

Gabriel's heart melted. "Why are you so cute?" he said as he hugged Enzo and planted a kiss on his tiny little head.

Enzo giggled when he heard his Uncle compliment him. Gabriel had no choice, so he just made use of the situation and played with Enzo and his remote control car.


It was way past midnight, yet sleep would not come to Dimitri. Not now, when Aurora was within his grasp, he kept on smiling to himself like a fool when he remembered their interaction earlier.

He was thinking about the investigator and what information he could get when he heard his phone ping. So he eagerly read the report.

Family: No known family members. Raised in an orphanage.

He felt a twinge in his heart, aching for Aurora not having a good childhood.

Academics: 1st rank in all her courses. All her grades are exemplary, with no tardy, or unnecessary days off.

He felt proud, his woman was obviously just as smart as he was, maybe smarter.

 Known Addresses: Orphanage in X city before she moved to an Apartment in B city, 5 years ago.

Occupation: Doctor. Most promising surgeon in her field.

Relationship Status: Single.

That sounded good. She did not have any man in her life. Otherwise, it would be hard to get rid of someone she was attached to. If she was married he would probably try to get rid of her spouse, using every means possible.

He knew that there was nobody else for him, it was Aurora all this time, and had hoped that she did not have anyone because she had waited for him as well.

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