Chapter 18

"Mr. Santoris, I am not sure why you wanted to see me. If you are looking for someone to relieve your boredom, then you're wasting your time because I am not that type of person," Aurora said without beating around the bush. Her guard up.

Dimitri was definitely handsome and rich. Women probably threw themselves at his feet all the time, but she was not one of them.

Aurora knew she was beautiful, and men have tried to hit on her though she never encouraged any of them. She was not delusional, she came from poverty after all, and with her friend's betrayal, she knew the repercussions. He was alive and kicking, reminding her every day of her misfortune. 

Right now, she wants to live her life with her son, Enzo, stress-free, with no other complications that a man might bring. 

She was very clever, and she did not have any fantasies about falling in love. It was not going to be easy for a man to accept another person's kid, and because she was single, she knew that all they wanted from her was to play with her, so she avoided any interactions with men as much as possible.

They only met two days ago, and she was getting pissed off with his audacity to bring her to an expensive hotel just to flaunt his wealth in her face, to charm and convince her to do his bidding. She had more backbone than that.

Dimitri got upset. "How dare this woman think that I brought her here to play with her. I told her we were going to talk. Why is she being difficult?" he thought broodily to himself.

But then he smiled. He liked that Aurora was feisty and that she was not the type of woman who gets blinded by wealth, which meant she had the same attitude towards other men. Other women would jump at the chance to be brought here and lavished with gifts. But not his Aurora.

"Well, I am very interested in you," He chuckled as he looked into her eyes.

She was seething, "I am not here to be your entertainment. So if you have nothing to say, I'm leaving," she said as she gritted her teeth and stood up from her chair.

"Wait! That's not what we are here for," He said as he got up and reached for her hand.

"Take your hand off me," she said as she looked at him fiercely. She will not be bullied into submission.

He let her hand go, he did not want to antagonize her even before he delivered his news. He needed to keep her calm before she bolted.

"What I need to discuss with you is of utmost importance," Dimitri said softly, "I did not bring you here to seduce you." Though he wouldn't think twice to do it in the future.

Aurora looked at his face and tried to see if there was any malice behind his statement. His arrogant demeanor was replaced with something she could not put her finger on. Concern perhaps?

"I'll listen to what you have to say," she said guardedly.

"Aurora…," her name on his lips felt like a sensual touch, just like when he said her name in the hospital the first day they met. "Do you really not remember me?" he asked almost sadly.

"No. Should I remember you? I met you for the first time, 2 days ago," she said with a frown on her face. Did she meet him once before and not remember. He had such a handsome face, she would surely remember him.

"We met, 5 years ago in Club X," he said as he stared at her closely. 

The blood drained from her body, her face paled, and she felt her knees give way, good thing she had the chair behind her. The sound she emitted was between a gasp and a sob, "No!"

Her mind was whirling so fast, getting drugged, stumbling along the hall, sleeping alone, then with someone, getting naked, she could still feel his touch, the sensation, and the need. She had successfully pushed those at the back of her mind, never to be remembered again. Yet here he was, asking her about it. 

"How… how…," she couldn't breathe. He rubbed her back to help her and gave her a glass of water.

"How do you know about that?" she continued. Nobody knew she was in there, save for Linda and that scum that drugged her.

"I…I was the one with you that night," he said almost reluctantly. 

"No!" she said as she stood up and moved as far away from him as possible, trying to keep the table in between them.

"Please...let me explain," he said as he took a step forward, and she stepped further away. She had to sit down again, anger and anguish flitted across her face as her eyes filled with uncontrollable tears.

"How could you do that to me? I was inebriated. I didn't know what I was doing," she said as self-pity overcame her. She was so ashamed and disgusted with herself.

She looked so fragile, and he felt like each tear that fell from her face was stabbing his heart. So he tried to come nearer to console her. "Listen to me," he said.

"Don't come near me! Just stay wherever you are and start talking," she said vehemently. Anger was boiling inside of her. She grabbed one of the napkins on the table and started wiping her tear-streaked face.

"It was not my choice to sleep with you that night. Someone had drugged me and stuck me in the room you were in. When I woke up in the morning I stepped out to clear my mind and figure out how to approach our very sensitive situation, but by the time I came back, you were gone. I tried my best to find you everywhere, all these years, but all I had was a memory of your very beautiful face, I had no name to go by. 

So imagine my shock when I found out you were Gabe's doctor. I wanted to tell you everything so badly, but I did not want to embarrass you at work. That's why I brought you here so we can talk about this privately," he explained.

She sat there contemplating what he said. Remembering that night vaguely, she knew that he did not force her to do anything, she had actively participated and even threw herself at him. 

She couldn't help but stare at him, to see if he had any reason to lie about this information, what would be his motive? But as she kept staring, she started remembering, his features resembled the man in her memories. 

He stood there like a gentleman waiting for her to say something. He knew it was a lot to absorb this early in the morning and all he could do was wait. At least she had stopped crying, he thought to himself, because all he wanted to do earlier was to gather her in his arms and promise her that things would be better.

"I don't know what to say. This is all a shock to me," she said as she collected herself and sat up straighter on her chair. Honestly, she was confused. What did this mean? What did he want from her? She worried and sighed.

She was still sitting down, and Dimitri saw this as a sign that maybe she will be open for discussion. So he slowly moved towards her and sat beside her.

"Aurora, I know this is a lot to handle. We can take things slowly," he said thoughtfully.

And just in time, the waiter knocked on the door to bring in their breakfast.

"Let's have breakfast, then we'll discuss what we need to do," he said.

Food? The food looked great, and it smelled equally as good, but she had a lump in her throat the size of a golf ball, and she can't seem to muster enough strength to eat.

Dimitri was serving food on her plate as she sat there staring at this man that had been searching for her all these years, the father of her child. 

"Have some of this," Dimitri said obliviously.

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