Chapter 28

Enzo panicked when he heard his father was leaving again. He got up from his bed and held onto Dimitri's arm. "No, no, no… dada stay," he pleaded.

Dimitri sat on Enzo's bed and tried to tuck him in again, "Baby I promise I'll be back tomorrow," he said, but Enzo was not budging, "Dada promise… love mommy and baby," he said in his pouty, whiny, pitiful voice.

Aurora heard them from the living room and decided to step in. "Enzo! Your father needs to be somewhere else, he needs to go to work. He promised to be back tomorrow. Stop nagging him," she sounded a little bit harsher than usual.

She did not like that Enzo was laying on the guilt too thickly. He had never whined this much before but he was trying all the tricks in the kids' book to get what he wanted. And it won't be good for her later being the person who would be left behind to do damage control.

"It's okay," Dimitri nodded to Aurora.

"Okay, dada will stay with Enzo tonight," Dimitri said to pacify him. Though it would not be ideal for him to sleep on the couch again, he would do anything to be in his son's good graces.

"Yay! Yay!" Enzo squealed as he jumped up and down his bed, "Sleep with dada."

Dimitri tried to tuck him in again, thinking that maybe this time he'd be willing to go to sleep, but Enzo had other ideas as he pulled his father's hand and led him to Aurora's room.

"Dada, mama, baby... Sleep," he said as he climbed on Aurora's bed.

Aurora sighed, her son was very headstrong when he wanted to get something done. Disagreeing with him right now will only warrant more tears.

It seemed like things are working out for both father and son, they are getting what they both want. Dimitri had been eager to move things forward but was hesitant to do it because Aurora needed more time, but thanks to his son, he'd be sleeping with both of them tonight, how could he let that opportunity pass?

He looked at Aurora to make sure she was okay with the sleeping arrangements, but it seemed like she was trying to avoid his gaze.

"Okay, let me go get some stuff from my car, so we can get ready for bed okay?" He always had clothes in the trunk of his car in case of emergency, and he added some sleepwear too because he felt very uncomfortable last time he slept in his work clothes. 

Enzo watched his father from the door very closely, he was still scared that his father was not staying, and when Dimitri came back with his overnight bag, he started running around the house happily. His father was granting all his wishes.

Aurora's bed was big enough to fit all three of them comfortably if Enzo didn't move too much around at night, but Dimitri was in for a treat because he would finally know what it was like to sleep with a toddler.

Aurora was still in the kitchen washing the pots and pans when she heard Enzo calling out to her. He was lying in the middle of her bed with Dimitri on one side and the other side free, Enzo was gesturing for her to come and sleep with them.

'That's good,' she thought, 'We have Enzo between us, so he probably won't do anything.' She was a little nervous about Enzo's idea, but she got more nervous when she saw Dimitri smile when he didn't think she was watching, and now she can feel his intense stare upon her.

"Mama… sleep," He said, patting the bed again. They looked so cozy together, father and son. How could she tell them that she was sleeping on the couch? 

"Me happy…," Enzo said as he took each of their hands and placed them on his tummy. 

The second Aurora's hand touched Dimitri's she felt a jolt, she tried to take her hand away, but Dimitri was faster, he grabbed her hand very tightly, not letting her go.

She looked at him above Enzo's head and saw he had a smile on his face and a glint on his eye that told her he was up to no good.

"Sleep tight, my baby," Dimitri said as he kissed his son's head, as Enzo leaned over and hugged him. "Dada," he said.

"Mama," he said, asking his mom for a kiss as well.

Enzo was still talking about how excited he was about having both of them there when Aurora told him to close his eyes and go to sleep.

Dimitri was elated with this arrangement. He couldn't have asked for a better arrangement. He took this opportunity to caress Aurora, drawing circles in her hand. Her skin was very soft, and he just had to feel her.

After a few minutes, she took her hand and excused herself to the kitchen to finish what she was doing. When she came back the room was shrouded in darkness. She usually left a night light on whenever Enzo slept over, but she was concerned Dimitri might not be able to rest if she did, so she left it alone.

She could not sleep, knowing that Dimitri was in the same room and just a reach away. She kept on tossing and turning, trying to move as far away from the father and son duo that seemed to be hogging most of the bed. 

She was moving towards the edge of the bed when she felt an arm on her waist pulling her away from it. She was so surprised that she let out a small yelp, "Shhh.. you're going to wake Enzo up," Dimitri whispered, his mouth touching her ear, "Stop squirming, or you'll fall off the bed," he pulled her towards him again.

He was too close, she thought, as she tried to control her breath. She could feel his hands caressing her middle, inching towards her breasts. She held onto his hands to push them away, but he just held firm, "Behave, Enzo is right beside you."

"So you mean we can do this when he's not here?" he grinned into her ear. Nipping it a bit.

"Ugh! Let me go!" she said as she tried to squirm away.

"Stop moving, or I won't be responsible for my actions," he drawled, she bit her lip and froze. This was just too much for her, every sense in her body seemed to have awakened and was responding to his touch. It seemed to be screaming, "Touch me!" but she quelled that feeling. 

"Sleep, I was kidding, you're safe with me," He decided not to push her too much. He didn't want to get kicked out of the bedroom, or better yet for her to go sleep on the couch. He saw in her face that she wanted to do that, but their son hampered her plans.

The next evening.

Enzo was playing with all the new toys Dimitri had brought him the other day. They were all different kinds, most of them were educational, some were for drawing, and the others make a sound. These were toys he'd never seen before, probably because they had no money to buy some of them.

But as soon as the doorbell rang he left all of them behind, knowing that the gift behind the door was bigger. He was jumping on the balls of his feet waiting for his mother to open the door. Aurora had instructed him never to open it by himself, even though he knew who was on the other side. 

"Dada!" he exclaimed excitedly as he raised his hands up for a lift.

Dimitri chuckled and gave in to his demand.

"So, tell me what did you do in school today?" he asked. And Enzo replied in his animated voice, re-counting every little he did that day, including what snacks he ate and what his friends were doing.

Dimitri knew this would take a while, so he got comfortable on the couch with Enzo on his lap. "It seems like you really like school. What do you think about going to a new school?" he asked.

"New school? Why?" Enzo blinked, not understanding what his father meant.

"New school because dada's house is in another city. I will take you and mama there. There is a big school where you can go and make new friends," Dimitri explained.

"Dada, Mama, and Enzo go?" he said excitedly, knowing that he was going somewhere with his parents. As long as they were with him, then nothing else matters.

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