Chapter 32

Dimitri came back holding a garment bag and a paper bag. There were clothes in one and shoes in the other. 

"Why did you get me all these? The shoes are too much. I didn't need new ones," she looked at her shoes, they were almost new. She's used them just a few times.

"Well… you're meeting my parents, I wanted you to look good," he stated.

"What? Did my outfit not suit you?" She was offended that he didn't think she chose the right clothes for his family. She had chosen her best silk blouse and nicest skirt just for the occasion. She did look like she was going to work rather than impressing someone, but it was the best she had in her closet. 

"It was, but you got drenched in the shower, and even your shoes got wet. Did you want to go with soggy shoes?" he asked.

"Of course not. Thank you for these," she said as she went to get changed. 

It was exquisite, she thought as she took out the dress from the garment bag. It was a dark green concoction of lace and chiffon.  The top half was designed with lace and was beaded with these tiny sequins all over, enough to make it sparkly but not too shiny to make it look awkward. The bottom half that stopped at the top of her knees, was made of the softest chiffon she had ever owned in her life.

Behind the dress, there was cream-colored lacy underwear. Just looking at it heated her face and had her remembering Dimitri touching her over her clothes. She looked at them and thought twice about wearing them, even though her undergarments still felt a little damp. Maybe she could just dry them with the hairdryer so she won't have to wear what he bought her. 

She touched it, just to get a feel, and they felt very silky to the touch, just like the dress, which made her change her mind. He bought it for her so why not use it?

Surprisingly the undergarments fit perfectly, especially the strapless bra, and she wondered how he knew her size. "He probably saw one of my undergarments hanging in the bathroom," she said to herself, but then that would have been horrible if he did see her undergarments.

The dress fit like a glove, it highlighted all her curves and showed off her assets. She felt like Cinderella as she tried on the black pumps that were in the bag, they fit just right. 

Her mood changed when she stood in front of the mirror. She felt transformed, the dress complimented her fair skin, making her look more refreshed than she felt, and the shoes were the right height, the heels were not too tall and not too short.

She was making a twirl to see the dress all around and how it would flow when she noticed Dimitri standing by the bedroom door. She held her breath as she saw him walk towards her, she tried to ignore his piercing gaze by looking back at herself in the mirror. 

By the time he got to her side, she was a bundle of nerves. She blushed when she heard him speak. "I see they fit you perfectly," he said too close to her ear.

"Yes, thank you, you did a good job choosing the dress," she said, running her hand over it.

Dimitri smirked, "I meant the undergarments," as he stared at her in the mirror.

Her face got red very fast, he didn't need to point out that she was wearing the items that were intimately hugging her body.

"You didn't need to get me those as well," she said, avoiding his eyes.

"Your clothes got wet, I assumed you were soaked through. Was my assumption wrong?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but how did you know my size?" she asked, boldly facing him. 

"I got your size when I felt you up," he chuckled, he knew it was going to make her uncomfortable, and he highlighted his point by touching her hip.

She gasped and tried to twist her body away from his touch, but he wrapped an arm around her before she could get away. "Stop struggling unless you want me to kiss you again," he warned as she pushed against his chest.

Her eyes honed in on his lips, and she could just imagine the way they would feel against hers, but she knew that he would not stop at just one kiss, and at the moment she wasn't ready to handle another make-out session with him, because this time she might not want to stop him.

She closed her eyes as she felt his lips near her ear, "You look very beautiful," he said. She felt the sensual innuendo in that praise all the way to her toes, and it made her tighten her grip on the lapels of his coat that she unconsciously held on to.

"Come out as soon as you're done. It's almost time to leave," He removed the hand that was holding onto her, and noticed that she had her hands on his coat, and that made him smile, "Did you want me to kiss you again, is that why you're not letting go?" he teased.

She removed her hands, but the tense expression had remained on her face. 

"What happened? Did I say something?" he asked in a serious tone.

"Dimitri…," she trailed off, not knowing how to broach the subject. She was getting very nervous.

Dimitri cupped her face and asked softly, "Aurora, you know you can tell me anything. What is it?"

"Well…," she took a deep breath, "What will your parents say about me? About us?"

Dimitri nodded. "Enzo and I just suddenly appeared in your life. Won't they be suspicious? They probably have someone else that they intend to be your wife. You're not only presenting them with a wife, but also a son. The thing is, I know your family is rich, and I'm an orphan, I have nothing to offer," she lowered her head in shame.

She was no fool to believe that his family will just readily accept her and her son waltzing into their house after they've been missing for the past five years. Richer households had status and reputation to uphold, and an orphan like her joining their family will be a disgrace.

"Look at me…," he said as he lifted her chin, "I've been searching for you for so long, and I'm lucky to have found you again. Enzo was the most wonderful gift I didn't expect. I know what you are thinking, that my family is rich and they might not want you, but that's not the case. I told them about you already, and all they want is for me to be happy."

He kissed her softly, "Never think that you are less just because you are an orphan, or because you're not rich. You have a lot to offer. To me and Enzo you are everything, so I don't ever want to hear those words from you ever again."

Aurora nodded, "But what happens if your parents don't accept me?"

He confidently answered, "That will never happen. And if any issue arise then I will be here to solve it. You don't need to worry about anything."

She half smiled, she was still apprehensive about her in-laws, but Dimitri had given her his word and that was reassurance enough.

It was now time for Aurora to see the real him, Dimitri thought. Time will tell if seeing all his power and wealth will be good for them or not.

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