Chapter 53

Aurora nodded as each of them was introduced. 

"Dada, angry?" Enzo wrapped his arms around Dimitri's neck. He has never heard his father talk like this except to Uncle Gabe but Uncle Gabe always made him laugh. Maybe dada's friends are not so nice after all.

"It's okay baby, Dada is not mad. They haven't seen dada for a while, and they are very enthusiastic," Dimitri said as he rubbed Enzo's back and kissed his head.

The Aristocratic heirs were frozen for a moment, the coldhearted Dimitri Santoris had a softer side? They never knew he could be this gentle, but then again, Tristan and Blake had changed when they got married. So it was possible.

"Well, Iceman's heart had thawed out, and now he has a wife and a son," Aiden said, "this must be the real deal."

"Hmm..," the other three nodded.

"You guys stop it, you're making Aurora uncomfortable," Sara interjected, "Go and apologize to her."