Chapter 55

Sara had invited the ladies to hang out on the balcony because she knew that they wouldn't be able to talk with the men around. Their protective natures come out when they don't like where the conversations are heading, and sometimes women need to talk amongst themselves just to release their feelings. 

She also wanted Aurora to be comfortable and not feel like she was getting grilled by the men. Aurora felt apprehensive. It was very obvious that the women were familiar and comfortable with each other. And sometimes women from certain circles do not easily welcome other women they didn't grow up with or who don't travel in the same circles.

Aurora did not detect any snobbish behavior and she liked how Sara defended her earlier, but she was still wary of them. It might still be a trap, she thought at the back of her mind. 

"So Aurora, I don't mean to pry, but how did you meet your husband?" Sara initiated the conversation.