Chapter 65

When Dimitri came back, Aurora was still in bed. The curtains in their bedroom were still closed, blocking out most of the sunlight, just showing slivers of light where they were not fully drawn together. He was still mad about what happened. That he was not there to protect Aurora from this evil man that wanted to do her harm. The bruises on her arms reminded him how much she had struggled when the doctor had cornered her.

  He walked soundlessly towards the bed to check on how she was, and his face softened as he sat beside her and caressed her hair. 

Aurora stirred, "Dimitri?" she whispered even before she opened her eyes, and this made Dimitri smile. It was nice that his name was the first thing out of her lips as soon as she awoke. 

"I'm here. Just keep on sleeping. I just wanted to check on you," he said, caressing her face, "I'll be in my study if you need me," he said softly.