Chapter 84

"Hey, Gabriel! It's nice to see you here. Are you here to get coffee?" she smiled as she walked towards him. Trying to see if she can find a seat for him.

They left the guy with the flowers behind. "Yeah, I was in the area, and I dropped by to see how you were doing," he lied because he already called the owner earlier in the week asking about her.

"I love it here. My co-workers are so good to me. Do you want some coffee?" Violet asked.

"If you insist, then I will have some," he said.

Violet turned back to the guy she was taking the order from when she saw Gabriel. She just remembered he was saying something to her before they got interrupted. 

"I forgot your order. Did you make up your mind?" asking the man with the flowers. He opened his mouth, but Gabriel glared at him. 

"I...I'll tell you later," the man stammered.