Chapter 91

Aurora was a 99.99% match with him and his mother, which meant she was the baby sister they had been looking for all these years.

He was emotional and couldn't stop the tears from flowing, who knew that out of a disaster, something beautiful would happen. Their most formidable enemy, the Santoris family, held their treasure in their hands. But he was glad that Dimitri cherished her more than anything else in his life. It gave him comfort that at least she was happy where she was right now. 

He waited anxiously for Dimitri and Aurora to arrive at their meeting place.  He was paced back and forth, impatient for them to get there already so he could hold his sister in his arms. There was so much he wanted to tell her, and there was so much love he wanted to shower on her. He does not know what kind of life she's lived all these years, and they were going to make sure to compensate her for those trying times.