Chapter 96

"Son-in-law, come to the dining room so we can eat," Mrs. Russo invited as soon as the meal was ready. She was oblivious to Dimitri's identity, and she was ready to embrace him as her daughter's husband and nothing more.

Dimitri smiled and followed his family into the dining room. The table had been arranged so Aurora could sit beside her mother while Dimitri and Nicholas sat with Enzo in between them.

They made for a funny group, just because when Nicholas tried to spoon-feed Enzo, he replied that he was a big boy and knew how to feed himself. He even pointed out the dishes he wanted to eat without difficulty.

Dimitri beamed with pride as his son looked at him, "Good job, son." Enzo was happy that Dimitri had praised him in front of all his new family. 

Nicholas glared at Dimitri over the kid's head, mad that he was rejected. He wanted to pamper the kid, and yet his offer was shot down. Dimitri just glared at him back to tell him, my kid, my rules.