Chapter 101

She tried to scramble off the bed, "I… I think… we should..,"

"What? Say it! You were so brave last night, why can't you say it now?" he yelled.

"You're a liar! You're a cheat, and you always bully me," she sobbed and broke under all that pressure. She couldn't take it anymore, first, he cheated on her, and now he's screaming at her. What did she do to deserve this?

He cursed, "Shit! I raise my voice a little, and you end up crying. How do you want me to talk to you when you won't tell me anything?"

"I want to go home," she pleaded.

"Violet! Stop this nonsense! You cannot run away whenever you face a problem. Talk to me. I'm your boyfriend, for crying out loud," he snapped.

Violet covered her mouth to control her sobs. "Boyfriend? How can he still think he's my boyfriend when he loves another woman?"

Her tears were his weakness, and his heart softened when she wouldn't stop crying. He sat beside her and wiped her tears away.