Chapter 106

Dimitri and Aurora talked on the phone regularly. This was the first time they've been apart since they got married, so they kept in contact with each other so they wouldn't miss each other so much. But Dimitri was surprised when she didn't pick up or return any of his calls the day before. It was a good thing he was coming home so he could find the reason why. He was very worried that something might have happened and there was no way to contact him. 

He anxiously came to the Russo's house, but when he saw Enzo playing happily in the living room, his feelings were assuaged, he was probably just paranoid. 

As soon as his son saw him, he ran to him happily, "Dada! Dada!" Enzo hugged his leg. Dimitri lifted him up and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Dada, look, new toy," Enzo pointed to the toys around him.

"Hmm… more new toys? That's great. Did you behave while I was away?" he asked.