Chapter 137

"I was about to make you some soup to warm you up. I'll be in the other room," he replied.

"No, don't go," she grabbed onto his arm tighter.

He sat down and touched her face, "Okay, I won't. I'm here," his expression softened.

"They.. they left me…," she said with a cracking voice.

"Who left you sunshine?" Aiden asked.

"My parents…," she trailed off as she looked at the ceiling, her face forlorn, "It was a night just like this… They promised me they'd return soon… that they'd bring me my favorite candy. 

I waited... and waited... and waited. But they never came back," tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Someone told me they died, a truck hit their scooter, and they were never coming back again." Aiden's heart ached for her. The thunderstorms brought back the painful memories of her parents' death. She had been a child when they died, so the impact on her had been devastating.