Chapter 142

Sophia felt very comfortable and relaxed since she's already met Mrs. Cooper before, she could say that they had a very good relationship right from the start, so all the anxiety she felt earlier just melted away. And in the shortest time possible, Sophia grew fond of Aiden's family. Mrs. Cooper did not fail to compliment her future daughter-in-law every time she had the chance, and this made her feel more at ease.

Aiden followed his mother in the kitchen when she said she was on her way to get more drinks. 

"Mom, can I ask you something?" he asked.

She answered with a sly smile. It was only time before her son confronted her. "Sure, my very handsome son, what is it?"

He tried to look her in the eye, but she pretended to be busy doing something. "Did you orchestrate that meeting between you and Sophia?"