Chapter 155

As time passed by, Adelyn started to notice distinct features about Nicholas. How he always wore a serious expression on his face, never smiling. Suits in varying shades of Grey are the only suits he wore, and these, together with his accessories, come from one specific brand. This told her that he was very picky about his choices.

When she asked him what his hobbies were, he said he had none. He was a workaholic, working from the moment he woke up to the time he closed his eyes.

Nicholas joined the crew and celebrities for a team lunch, but he stood out like a sore thumb, not only because his looks surpassed that of the celebrities present but also because he kept a distance from everybody. He got irritated when women sat beside him and started chattering to get his attention. Another thing that set him apart from everybody was that his eating habits equaled the British royalty.