Chapter 164

The party to announce Matthew's appointment was in full swing. All the big wigs, influential businessmen, and members of the mafia circles were in attendance since it was a very important day.

Finn, Matthew's childhood friend, knew about his relationship with Jane, so he asked why she was not present for his big unveiling. 

"Jane said she was busy with her internship, and she couldn't get away," Matthew replied.

The two men have been friends since they were small kids. Finn's family owned several construction companies around the country, and since construction was always a booming business, they were considered well-to-do. Not Santoris rich, but rich enough to be well known.

They were as different as night and day, where Matthew was stoic and austere, Finn was sociable, extroverted, and charming. His smile and easy nature made people open up to him. If they were not childhood friends, there was no chance they would have gotten along.