A night on the bar

Two missions later in Greece, those two players have gotten enough resources for this night. Sure, Gus has not taken that much, but Dan has taken so many experience points and money, that he advanced two levels. Gus is feeling proud of Dan, in the way like a father when he sees that his son could save him from a Grizzly bear attack.

And, to celebrate their victory, these two have decided, mostly Gus cause dan doesn't know much about this VR world, to go to a bar in Greece, a bar that is owned by a player (Yes. There is a feature that allows players to buy buildings and to make money out of them, but there is a tax for doing that and you have to pay half at the company, and a half at the actual owner, but on a secret account who will be given when the business is going t obe shut down, in real-world). Those two guys are putting their weapons in the inventory and enter the building unarmed, cause the system of business are automatically taking their weapons from the inventory and they gave it back after they leave the bar, or they disconnect if it is the case.

"Cool place," says Dan to Gus, while those two are walking to the counter to order some drinks.

"Hello, fellow players!" says the Bartender who is actually a player like Dan and Gus, not an NPC programmed by him who is going to take 5% of the profit. "And also... Hello, to you, Gus! How is the business going?"

"Well. I got a new weapon," says Gus to his friend.

"New weapon? I never saw or hear that you are taking a new weapon. Whose the name of your weapon?"

"I haven't given a name yet, but it is the Wind Guitar."

"Cool. It looks like your work here as a musician was quite good training."

"Somehow," he said to his friend. "And today I have come with someone new."

"Again? What are you, the new NPC guide? Ha, ha, ha!" he said this thing as a joke, and Gus was also laughing, but Dan didn't get the joke. He then looks at Dan and he shakes hand with him. "Nice to meet you. Welcome to our VR world."

"Thanks. This game is really amazing," says Dan to the bartender.

"It sure is." says the bartender who is opening a hologram tab, and he searches the menu that contains almost one hundred types of beer. "What are you two ordering?"

"Two bottles of Bud Light," says Gus to his friend.

"That would be nine dollars." says the bartender.

Dan and Gus are handing to the bartender a total of eighteen dollars. Then, he goes to the refrigerator of the beers. He takes one from there, and after he took two bottles from the refrigerator, close the refrigerator, two bottles of beer "Bud Light" have appeared there. This is a system that respawns the beer or any kind of beverages taken from the refrigerator respawns immediately.

"Enjoy your drinks." says the bartender at those two, who are going with their beer at a table, close to a jukebox who is currently playing the song "Bad Boys" by Bob Marley. That one song that has used a theme in COPS, not the one made by a female musician who is not even that good at signing, but she has some kind of toxic fanbase of girls. But hey, the teenagers are teenagers, what can you do? Send them to Gulag or in Iraq?

These two dudes are drinking their beer and talking about their achievements in this game. Gus is telling some kind of secrets to Dan, to help him become better in this game since he plays it regularly, and Gus is a gamer who is mostly focusing on testing weapons and helping other friends leveling up, sometimes, even new guys such as Dan and George.

"One dude decided to go Berserk Mode against a few zombies in Finland, and the result was... disastrous. He didn't even kill one. He just hurt them enough to let my friend Cesar cut them all with his spear."

"Woah. And what happened after that?" asks Dan who seems interested in one Gus adventures.

"We have taken the reward and then we go to our things. But I, have decided to train the new guy, by throwing him into some slime to launch his berserk attacks and be much more calculated."

"Cool. and, what happened to him?"

"He became a good player who has most likely forgotten me. But eh, that is how the business works nowadays. Even if you try to help someone, that person will not even try to say "Thank you" cause they are just for your talent. But I got used to it."

"... You are really a pro player?"

"Kind of," says Gus. "Sure, I have a big level but I do not know many things about this game. I am mostly working at testing weapons and helping some players in my free time."

Dan takes a sip from his drink and then he tells his fried Gus something important.

"I have a confession to make... I want to go with someone on the Apocalyptic sever, and I think, that person could be you."

"Dude... Are you drunk or something?" asks Gus who doesn't believe what his friend Dan wanted to do. "Going there it is guaranteed death, my friend."

"Come on. How hard it can be?" asks Dan which is sounding slightly drunk. "The people will just shoot at you, and then you will respawn. It can't be that hard to dodge one shoot, ey?"

"Trust me. I was there for only three minutes, and when I did get shot, I got disconnected automatically cause that cursed server is taking a lot of energy from the player he wanted to join, so you have to wait for much more for recharging."

"Well... If you say it like that. Maybe I should be thinking more about going there."

"And after all, you are alow-level. You do not have the access to join the server. To join that server you need level 20 and to sign a contract with the company. A contract which shows that you have been signed to join the server and you accept all the conditions, terms, and policy of that server."

"Which is ?"

"Like the Pacifist one, this one I mean. But the papers are much heavier."

"I see. So I better grind to go there."


"Good to know," he says Dan to Gus, and both of them are taking a small sip from their beer. "How much are you going to stay?"

Gus opens his watch, and he looks at the tab that shows how much battery it has in the capsule and in how many minutes it is going to shutdown.

"Twelve minutes," replies Dan. "Well. I think I should be head and disconnect. I have some business with my family to do in the next day."

"Sure. And also, thank you for teaching me some basics."

"Don't worry," says Gus who is getting up from his chair and is heading to the door of the building. "And also, you should start training your weapon at the Warriors training ground. It is located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. I will send you the coordinates in the DM. Alright?"

"Sure. Thank you once again for the tip, and goodbye, or good night."

"Bye, Dan. See you later," says Gus who has left the building, and now he disconnected from the game.

When he left the game, his friend, Dan, is staying alone at the table, looking at his bottle of beer and his friend's one. He was wondering while he studies the liquid from the bottles who is sparkling and making bubbles, "My life is starting to get better." he says to himself looking at his bootle.