First side quest

Inna has entered the general server, which is the normal one where most of the players are going since the apocalyptic is basically GTA Online, but on a bigger map, without an Oppressor, small child (it is considered breaking a law to bring a child in this game, and you could either be banned for life to enter this game or worst-case scenario, you could be arrested in twenty-nine countries) or those shark-cards because this game doesn't use currency since this server it is "Apocalyptic" and not "Normal" or "Roleplay" (a game mode who will be launched later since this will probably make some people feeling much safer and having a good time).

Inna got teleported in an area from Sweden, on an island with ice, where there are three bears, who are level three, which means they are strong for a low level, but at someone who is at a much more big level, they can be considered cockroaches. Inna checks the GPS to see where the teleportation system has sent her.

This is unusual. She made sure she introduced the coordinates to St. Petersburgh, not the one who displays the coordinates to an island close to a natural reservation to Sweeden ( Lat. 60.484100, Long. 18.447250). Anyway, not it is not the time to complain because those three bears have sensed Inna landed on their land and start running at her, ready to attack.

But Inna, who has been equipped with her Wrestling belt, has decided to try and attack those bears using her favorite style of fighting who has made her the fighter she is today, wrestling. Inna is approaching a violent bear, and she just grabs him when he was on two feet, pushed him into the other bears, and jumps on the other close one, with her thighs on the bare neck, and she twists the bar neck, which has killed him instantly and gave Inna a few experience points.

After that, she sees the third bear running at her, and was close to biting Inna, but she managed to avoid that hit, but a surprise has caught her off guard. The first bear, who got thrown, has jumped on her and put her on the ground, screaming at her face. Inna is trying to leave his "hug", but she cannot since she is a human and that thing who catches on the ground like a trash predator when he catches in the night an alone teenage white girl who was just break up with his boyfriend. But, an opening is revealed, and she did that opening, by using the second weapon she has chosen, a knife shoe.

Inna use the second weapon wisely, and I mean, she stabbed the bear stomach with that knife and made her an escape way. She leaps from that ground and jumped on the bear who was close to biting her a few seconds ago. After she got close to the bear, he was close to hitting her with one of his heavy paws. Inna punches the bear's stomach, then she headbutts him and she did an exceptional "Brainbuster", a technique which only a professional wrestler could do, but with this belt, even the weakest man from Africa can do it. That move did so much critical damage to the bear, that she decided to end him with a punch in the face. And that punch has killed the bear.

But, before she was about to check her stats, Inna saw that bear who got stabbed in the stomach. She goes at him quite fast, and she does a german suplex to that bear, killing him instantly. She leaves that position uncomfortable, and she is checking her stats by opening a tab from her brace. But the tab showed another thing, not the level system nor the profile, it showed her "Side Quest Completed! Kill three monsters, animals, humans, or non-humans. Reward: 2 Exchange cards and one hundred dollars.".

"Wow." She thought to herself. "And these items for only killing three bears."

Then, she checked her stats and was intrigued by the fact that she got to level two. Now she has access to much more missions, which is a good thing to grind for level, money, and other resources. She also observed that the system has a variety of missions she can choose from to begin it. So, from 10645 missions available right now, she chooses the most popular mission very low level is taking, "Capturing a wild giant dog from St. Petersburgh.". Also, that place is her home, so it will be a piece of cake since this VR game has the entire world as a map.