A meeting at Buddha Bar

A few moments later, on the Buddha Bar, located on Dubai, Inna Anna and with her new friends are staying at a table, sharing a drink after a huge fight they had earlier with a dragon in Slovenia. These four people have let their weapons in the inventory of their profile because now it is prohibited to reveal weapons in some restaurants, dinner locals, bars and any business where you can eat or drink, especially in Dubai, where the texture there costs a lot of Gigabytes, and their repairs can take hours or days, even weeks if they damage the expensive cities. A great example it is that one time when two people were throwing TNT in a hotel to kill a rat and destroyed the whole building. The repairs took three days, and it needed five expert developers from Dubai, and those people are hard to find considering the population there is almost 500 million people.

"Have you ever played San Andreas Multiplayer?" asks Esteban to Inna out of sudden.

"Yes." responds Anna with a smile on her face. "From Primary school, till to this day I play on Arizona Role-play servers. Those servers are old, but they do still run smooth and as good even after almost two decades."

"Amen." says Tudorache to Anna. "I used to play on B-Zone the entire day when I was on middle school. I had a great time with my classmates there. Doing jobs, dealing drugs, meeting new people on Prison and committing heists. Such a great game it was." he takes a sip from his drink. "So, have you people ever wondered why they are keeping this project secret?"

"Not gonna lie," says Amelia to the gang. "If the gamers would hear what you can do here, and the possibilities, this game wouldn't be what it is now. Thank goodness they are checking the background of any player, their mental health and accept the ones who are the most suitable for this. Can you imagine the whole game with nine years old being toxic and screaming slurs at every three seconds?"

"Truly hell." says Inna drinking the beer.

"Ugh." says Tudorache. "The internet people are getting worse each day."

"Don't tell me." says Esteban. "The kids nowadays prefer to do TikTok and watch porn on YouTube rather than doing the things they should do as little kids. But let that thing aside 'cause it will make all of us depressive and sad that we were born at the somewhat wrong generation."

"We are in the right generation." says Inna. "I mean, I think I am in the right generation. I'd rather be myself on this year, rather than be in the Soviet Union."

"In my case it would've been worse," says Amelia at the table to Inna, and she takes a small look at Tudorache who agrees with her. "My country was also in communism period, and it almost became what was North Korea back then before, you-know-what."

"Hey." says Esteban who is having an idea. "Would you like to go to North Korea and fight the soldiers there? And I mean in the game. Not real life."

"Why would we do that?" asks Amelia to Esteban.

The rest of the gang are looking at Esteban, awaiting a response coming from his unusual requests from earlier. He gave them a response after he watched a lady passing by him, wearing a bikini costume. Esteban looks at his gang, and he opens a tab where it shows an event going on, the name of the event "Eliminate the North Korea soldiers and Kim Jung family".

"This event is hosted at the moment, and his duration it is three days. After three days, it will expire. Are you thinking of going there?"

"I am not sure." says Amelia looking at the requirements of the event to join. "It says here that it requires players who are above level 10. And all four of us aren't yet level 10. Plus, it requires six more players."

"So?" asks Esteban. "We will search for two more players, and we will grind until we will be able to join the event. Easy enough."

"Now?" asks Tudorache taking a quick look at this tab which shows the time until he will be auto-disconnected. "Because you forgot we are limited to use the capsules. Only three hours, Carbone."

"When?" says Esteban.

"Well. I only have thirty minutes until it will disconnect me again. I would be able to do a quick mission made by the community." he opens a tab where it shows a variety of missions made by the community of this VR Game, which is about 2000 different missions.

"I have eight more minutes," responds the fifth guy at the table, Tyron, the quiet dude, to the gang. "So, I better leave now, before it will auto-disconnect me."

"Alright, man." says Esteban. "See ya, later."

"Goodbye." says Amelia to Tyron who proceed to disconnect later.

"Goodbye, TY!." says Anna to Tyron who was about to press the disconnect button.

"Bye, everyone. See you all later." he said before he disconnects from the game.

And the body of Tyron, vanishes from the game like what is happening in the movie called Gantz.

"The players can create their own mission here?" asks Anna after Tyron disconnected from the game, she looks at Esteban not believing this.

"Yes. But you need to talk to the higher ups to get the thing you need it. You know, license, and approval for doing this. A lot of documents for a small thing implemented into this gigantic VR game." says Esteban checking the community missions, and he encounter one who stopped him from checking further. "Look at this. A gang from Sicily is trying to kill a few priests. Our mission it is to protect the priests, which are ten, and rewards us three hundred dollars for a priest."

"Doing some quick math," says Inna Anna. "That means 3000 dollars in total if we keep the priests alive."

"If?" says Esteban. "This mission will be easy. We get some better weapons, suited for this mission, we kill any gangster who is coming there. And just like that," he is snapping his fingers. "we will be getting 3000 dollars, and a lot of experience points. "Plus, it also says here that you will be getting paid even higher for the kill count."

"Is that so?" asks Inna checking the last information of the mission by taking the tab Esteban was checking. "Alright. Are we buying new weapons before we start this mission?"

"I will be keeping my minigun," says Esteban who already opens his shop tab. "And I will be getting Torrentino Turret." he press the icon where it shows Torrentino Turret, and he buys it. "We will be needing some extra ammo."

"I will be trying a new double arsenal," says Anna opening her shop tab. "I will be taking this rocket launcher and this shield." she buys a rocket launcher and a shield who can become large and wide enough to even stop a missile from a tank.

"I think I will be sticking with mine." responds Amelia.

"You can go without me, guys." says Tudorache seeing a group of girls entering the bar. "I have…" he looks at his teammates. "Some business to attend." he leaves the table after he drinks the rest of the beer, and he is heading to the group of three women who entered the bar, and they feel nervous.

"Alright." says Esteban taking a quick look at Inna to be sure she will come with them. "Before that. How many minutes you guys have until auto-disconnect?"

"One hour." says Amelia to Esteban and Inna.

"Forty minutes." says Esteban.

"Fifty minutes." responds Inna to the group.

"We are good." says Esteban putting the two girls on his group of this mission they are going to jump in. "Let's get on with this."

Esteban press "Start" and all three of them, gets teleported from Buddha Bar, to a place in Sicily, close to a church where the mission will begin.