Lee jong hyun

"What are you doing?" Roman said. Anna blinked her butterfly wings like eyelashes for few time and said "what do you mean?" as she couldn't complete her sentence.

He said "the glass wall is made up of refrective glass. You can't see us but we can see your stupid acts".

Anna's heart skipped a beat "what? Omg so stupid i am. Sorry I wasn't award" she said.

"Silly girl" Roman said while before he left the room.

When meeting overed Roman came out from the room and saw Anna. Who was waiting for him outside.

"Are you hungry? let's have some meal then" he said to Anna.

Anna's heart skipped a beat. She looked at him surprisingly and thought herself "how did he know that I am starving.

After dinner they both came back to the Smith Empire. Roman's company worked 24hr, so, there were still some staff working. Roman said to his driver to droped Anna to her home.


After one week.. Lee jong hyun came back to China. He first went to the 7 Star restaurant to see Anna's face but he found that she's no more work there. He felt little upset after hearing that

"Where's she now? Lee jong hyun asked to the manager. We don't know about that young master Lee" the manager said.

"Where are you Anna? Lee jong hyun thought himself".

In Roman's office Anna was busy with her work. While she was preparing some files she felt that she's shivering.

Roman who was busy with his laptop saw Anna. He slowly walked close to her and came close to her and said "what's wrong?"

Anna instantly stood up. Nothing she said with a low voice.

"You are not looking well today" he saidi in a harshly voice .

"I am fine its just a fever I think" Anna said with low weak voice and started working again.

"Stop it" Roman said with a threatening voice this time.

Anna's heart skipped a beat she turned to glanced him.

He wasn't looking clam now his eyes were darkened and was full of anger.

"Just go home and take some rest if there is any urgency then I'll call you" Roman said.

Anna don't dare to say a single word again and she grabbed her bag and went out.


Anna checked her fever, it was 39°c. She took some medicines and go to the bed for a good sleep but she couldn't because of her abdomen pain. "Today is my date how did I forgot about it? she thought herself and went to the washroom, and after change herself into loose pair of pajamas and take her pain relief pills she fall asleep. It was 6am in morning, Anna was Lying on bed. She opened her eyes slowly and felt her body was lifeless and pain in her abdomen. Even she haven't strength to move herself. Her phone was ringing. Anna picked her phone and without saw that who's calling she answer in a very sick voice "Hello"..., on the other side a man answered "How's you feeling now?". Anna looked on phone screen. All she could see the familiar number with name Monster. She stunned for a second its Roman who was calling her in this early morning. "I'm.... am fine" she reply with a low voice. "If you're fine now then come to the my place within 20 minutes" he said. "what but why.. I mean its too early and although I didn't have address of your house?" she mentioned.

Roman said "don't forget that you're my personal secretary and its you're job to listen to me and do as I said. Now you have 18 min." and he disconnect the phone. Anna got frustrated and in pain she look at the disconnected phone and thought "now I got it why the receptionist told me that. He's a real monster. Anna received message of Roman's house address. She dressed herself and picked her handbag and went to his house but because of her sickness she was feeling little dizzy. When she reached to his house, she saw a big mansion. As she entered into the mansion she saw classy and expensive things decorate all around. A servant came in front of her "Hello miss...what can I help you?" he said very politely. "President call me to come here" Anna said. "Oh miss Anna wison ...please this way... President is waiting for you"he said with giving her direction. They both entered in a room which was huge and classy, look like study room. Roman was sitting their and busy with his laptop, "president miss Wison is came" the servant said and went out from there. Roman turned around and saw a small figure on the door. She was wearing a black denim with blue jeans. Her hair was opened and her face looked pretty even she was sick. "come in...sit here" he said. Anna sit on a couch which was next to him. He was wearing a white shirt and black trouser. His aura making the study room cold. "why did you called me this early" she said. Roman asked "how are you feeling now?, much better"she said. Whereas she was punching him in her mind "monster, who call a secretary this early when she was ill" Anna thought herself. "Do you say something? he asked again. "No have you heard anything?"she mention. "Anyway I have received some companies emails for regarding new projects and promotion. You have to send them reply of it, I have already made formate of them" he said. There are around twenty emails. Anna feel dizzy and weak "okey sir I'll do it on time" she said in a low voice. Roman found that something is off but he couldn't say anything. Anna started replying to the emails. The door knocked 2-3 time. "Come in" Roman said,then the servant men came in with a hot coffee and some snacks. He put them on the tea table and left from the room. "Have some coffee first"he said. Anna looked him for some second and then reply "no need". Roman face turned red the way she reply to him. he took the laptop form her hand and said "you're not allowed to argue with me, just do as I said". Anna shocked by his reaction. "No wonder he's a real monster" she through herself while looking into his mesmerize eyes. She picked the coffee cup from the table. After a while she started feeling sharp pain again in her abdomen. Her pretty face become pale and stopped from what she was doing. "What's wrong?" Roman asked. Before she could say something she fainted. Roman reached to her. As he touched her face, he felt her body was burning in fever. Anyone could notice the temperature of her body. "She had a high fever"he thought himself. Roman picked her up into his strong arm. He brought her into his room, and put her down on the bed. He also slowly sit down himself next to her and dial a number in his phone. "Jung hyun joon call the doctor immediately to come to my place".

Jung hyun joon he's Roman's childhood friend and also he supervisor of the Smith Empire. In Roman's absence he also direct the company. "Is everything is okay Roman, what's wrong tell me exactly" he said. "Just do as I said" Roman answered and disconnect the phone. Within 10 minutes the doctor came, Jung hyun joon also came after doctor. After few minutes the doctor said "she has a very high fever. We have to immediately admit her into the hospital". "Okay" Roman said instantly. The doctor was Smith's family doctor and also he's a family friend of Roman's father. Beside that Joon doesn't understand what was going on. He asked to Roman "Hey ..bro who is she? Did you know her? Roman doesn't reply to him. He picked her up into his arm and brought her to the hospital.

In hospital, around 10 am Anna slowly opened her butterfly wings like eyelashes. She was feeling weak and dizzy in Her whole body. As she come to her all sense, she saw that she was lying on a hospital bed and in one of her hand their was cannula and she was wearing hospital clothes. The room was look like one of the expensive VIP room of the hospital. While she was recognizing where she is, a nurse came into the room. "Oh you are awake"she said with a smile. "Who brought me here lady nurse?" Anna asked to her. Before the nurse could say something a tall and handsome male figure entered into the room. He was wearing a place shirt with a pair of black trouser and specs. He had beautiful flower bouquet in his hands. "Hello miss...how are you feeling now?"he asked while giving the flowers to her. Anna surprisingly take the flowers from his hand and said "I am feeling better now" she said. "Oh then first let me introduce myself now"he said with a handshake. "hello...I am Roman's childhood friend and the director of the Smith Empire" Jung hyun joon said to Anna. "Oh hello sir....sorry I didn't recognized you before" she said. "Its okay miss Anna wilson. You didn't recognized me because we never meet befor. Actually I wasn't here from a while" Joon said with a smile on his face.

"By the way who brought me here?"Anna asked to him. Joon say in a comfortable voice "you where fainted because of your fever. The president brought you to the hospital. I am glad to see you fine now". Anna asked him in a surprising way "where's president now?". "Oh Roman went back to the office before you awake because he had some important meeting call to attend" he said to her. Anna's heart skipped a beat.

"This monster will not forgive me easily because I couldn't complete the work he gave to me, but where this monster become so gentle at the same time" Anna thought herself. Jung hyun joon phone started ringing. He excuse himself and left out from the room. " Hello President" he said on the phone. On the other side of the phone Roman asked to him "how she's now?". Joon said "miss Wilson is absolutely fine now and even the doctor said that she can go home now. She will be discharged soon". Roman's heart felt warmth after hearing that. "Okay...dropped her to home by yourself" Roman said and disconnected the phone. "Why this man is so considerable about a secretary, what was going on here" Joon thought himself.

He returned into the room, "miss Wilson the doctor have discharged you now. let's go I'll dropped you to your home" he said. Anna blinked her long eyelashes few times and say with a smile "Oh no need sir..I am fine now. I can manage myself. You don't need to worry about me". "Sorry miss Wilson but president Roman ordered me to dropped you to your home by myself. I couldn't let you go alone" he said. "OK" she said in a low voice. After dropping her to home Joon called Roman "President I want to meet you right now. Are you free now from your meeting?"he said. "Come to see me at 9 pm. At the same place" Roman said. Roman and Joon always meet their usual place that is Shanghai Moon club. This is one of the top VIP club in China. Roman and Joon came here from when they where young. Roman always wanted to become owner of this club but now this club is officially belongs to Smith Empire. A year ago Roman bought this club and fulfill his long time dream. Jung hyun joon is already sitting when Roman came in. Joon looked at Roman both shake there hands and sit down. "Why you wanted to meet me?" Roman asked to Joon. "OK ...I'll directly asked you what I wanted to ask" Joon said. "Miss Wilson is your personal secretary right...but why you treating her like she is a very important person to you. I couldn't get it, what's going on here bro?" he asked to Roman.