Growing up with God like people for those like me

When Erin was brought forth to be blessed by the gods she was just a one year old and could barely walk. As the god Gab and goddess Nut raised her above their heads and gave her a blessing to live well and to awaken any magical skills she may have. A peculiar aura appeared over her head. This aura was a indicator of her magic most of the babies showed a aura that was shown as a small green or white crown.

However Erins aura showed all the colors of magic and filled the sky above them before slowly condensing and crowning her head. When done a small gem the color of mother of pearl graced her forehead. The God and goddess were astounded, "this child is truly blessed she will have the ability to learn any magic that has ever existed." They asked her parents to send her to the palace to be educated. In addition, they promised they would ask the God Thoth to allow her to train in the Academy of truths and magic if her aptitude was high enough.

For the next seven years she studied by the gods children side , Osirir, Horus, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. Erin was often ridculed and made fun of by them because of her height and strength differences. However they envyed her because of the speed in which she learned magic and almost any other subject that did not rely on physical abilities. Being an elf her build was slim, and elegant and so she failed at heavy arms combat or any heavy weapon at that. When it came to bows or daggers, she held her own even against these much taller and stronger god bred children.

Meanwhile the villages made fun of her for the gods favoritism which made them very envious and spiteful. They pulled many tricks on her from throwing rocks to eggs, and even tryed to get her to fall into traps and pitfalls. However her training helped her to survive and reinforced her lessons. Once in a while she felt lonely there with no friends for her to bond with except for a few adults her parent know and various animals. She would die to have a smart phone at least it never left her feelling lonely. When she had it the world was in her hands.

When she returned the next day to learn, Erin was told that the test selections would began next year and only the top fifty students would be allowed to enter the Academy of truth and magic. The gods children raised quite a fuss especially the oldest boy Osrisis and eldest girl Isis after this year they would become to old to retest. This year was a pass or fail final test their mother and father would be very disappointed if they failed. They were only twelve years old but it suddenly felt as if a heavy weight settle onto their hearts and shoulders.

Erin felt for them even through they had teased her they were never vicious and cruel like the village children. Today the teacher gave a stack of books to each child based on the subjects they needed to study most to help them pass. Erin was given only one book mostly based on how to use heavy weapons more effectively. In addition on the way out the teacher handed her a few more books to advance her studies farther along the path to more advanced magics. Being a model student they figured to let her learn extra to reinforce concepts already learned as well as get ahead.

She expected all the gods children would be gone by the time she left the classroom but was shocked to see three of the oldest waiting outside. Erin expected the worst at least a twisted ear or a knock on the head to help them relieve their anxiety. Instead she was surprised to see the oldest Osrisis kneel down to her level and ask very sincerely if she would be willing to help them with their hard subjects.

Erin had to stand for a minute just to process their request, and felt a little dumb with her mouth open in shock. Finally her brain started to work once again and with a small voice asked them if they really wanted her to help. The oldest laughed and said we are willing to try, the teacher could not get us to understand and even with four year longer to learn we still can't understand. However fifth brother Set said you help him and its easier to understand the subject from how you say and show examples.

So if you are willing, we will give you some of our allowance money each week so that when you get into the school you won't starve or go without supplies. Second sister even added that if I got them in they would promise to protect me from bullies and well any harm I might be subject to. This was a wonderful opportunity an so I agreed but was still worried a bit if I could actual help or not.

Erin and her family agreed to move her into one of the servants room next to the second princesses room in order to be able to cram more time into their studies. For the first two weeks only the se Set showed up to be helped so she worked with him organizing and finding out his problem areas. By the third week in he was starting to catch up on his two lowest areas. Erin felt truly proud because even in class his approvement was already showing.

Soon after this the other two slowly started showing up, Erin was happy to help and slowly the Isis was able to start putting concepts together and learn her problem subjects Erin just had to be more black and white for her to learn. She had a hard time with abstract concepts and thus magic was really throwing her off.

Once I explained that she didn't need to understand why it all worked but that by following a specific set of rules like in math one could still use magic. Setting out on paper the specific and easiest way for her to learn. Once Isis followed these rules and memorize them it allowed her to find a focus in the subject and even be successful in casting her first spells.

The oldest son Osrisis, biggest problem was that he had closed off his mind to learning these so called stupid subjects so he could focus on what he could learn and excel at. Finally I just told him to tell his father that he did not want to go to the school and be done with it then. So that's what he did that night at dinner but his mother started crying and vanished on a strong wind. His father told him if he truly tried his best this time then he could chose a different path but it might break his mother's heart.

Needless to say he asked to be taught separately from his siblings as he didn't want them to look down on him. Thus we started the long road to patching missing gaps in his education and we had to space his learning with breaks because of a attention problem. Six months in he was finally showing vast improvements in past failed areas, the teacher said if he continued on like this he might just get in yet.

Meanwhile I had made him help me with the heavy weapon training when we took breaks and had managed to memorize the book as well. After the same six month period I was finally able to use these massive weapons for basic strikes and hits but only for very short periods of time. His exercise routine left me feeling half dead but it did work even through he could do four times the exercises I could.

Finally I had time to look at the extra books given to me, the first three were based on how to cast third level nature, air and healing magic. Most of the folks in the village were not taught how to cast magic until they were at least fourteen. However my teachers had found out that I already could cast some magic at the age of two. Surprising my mom by healing a deep cut and my dad by making bark twist into a net for fishing.

However even with my great happiness to study and learn how to cast more spells the last book was the most important to me. It was a explanation of all the different types of magic and even told of a way to combine numerous magics in order to create anything you could think of or want for me that meant a smart phone.

The people of this world would probably classify it as a magical tool and it said some tools could even be connected to other worlds and deminsions. Things were starting to look up if that was possible then a smart phone would definitely be mine in the future.