The Guests

Continuation of Lyle's POV:

I felt him stirring against me as the sun was going down, waking up a little early as he sat up in the bed beside me. He yawned a little and then started to crawl off the bed, taking it slow like he was trying not to wake me. I opened my eyes and glanced his way. "Where are you going?" I asked him curiously. He froze up and then sat down, looking towards me then purred, crawling back and laying down beside me.

"I was going to take another bath," he told me sweetly, looking up into my eyes from my side innocently.

"You can do that," I purred and looked him over. "Are you hungry yet?" He looked thoughtful then nodded towards me, blushing slightly.

"A little," he admitted to me.

"I'll have a maid bring us some blood, go pick out some clothes from my closet and take a shower. We'll see about your clothes later tonight." I sat up against the headboard and picked up the phone on the nightstand. He nodded and got up, bouncing over to the closet before he disappeared inside. I could hear the water running in the shower after a few minutes, the bathroom door locking. I called a maid then while he was in there, getting her to bring two bottles to my room. I went into my closet and changed into a fresh outfit for the night. I walked back out to the bed and sat down on it, waiting for my fledgling. A maid came in while he was in the shower and sat two bottles down on the nightstand, leaving after doing so. After a few minutes, I heard the shower cut off then the hair dryer as he was taking his time, singing Pompeii softly while he did so. I smiled as I listened to him. He was actually not that bad. He had some hidden talent for it. I purred and looked at the time, calmly waiting for my fledgling. He came out after a few minutes, having picked out some of my more comfortable clothes for himself and tried to keep it as dressed down as possible with my stuff. He smiled as he walked up in a white button up long sleeve shirt and a pair of my jeans and then sat down beside me, his eyes lingering towards the blood then looked at me with a sweet smile.

"Thank you Kin- Lyle," he purred happily.

"You're welcome," I reached out and grabbed a bottle, opening it for him and handed it to him then grabbed the last one and opened it. "Drink up," I told him and started to drink the bottled blood. He looked at it and started to drink it with a purr, his body relaxing as he started to drink it. He finished it quicker than yesterday and then sat it down on the nightstand before he licked his lips clean, getting the remaining blood off them. I downed my blood and sat the bottle on the nightstand. "I have guests coming over," I told him. He looked towards me and nodded.

"Yeah, you were saying something to Everest last night about it on the phone," he mumbled and then frowned. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask something. What happens when a maker ignores their fledgling?" He asked me innocently. "You two mentioned something about it yesterday."

"The fledgling becomes rebellious and dangerous... Imagine my brother Silas but worse." I sighed as I thought about my brother. He's only mad because he knows I was adopted... and he wants the throne because of that. If he didn't know things might be different. "Makers have to be sure they raise their fledgling correctly, so they know all the laws." He widened his eyes slightly and nodded to me.

"Oh... okay... I guess that makes sense," he whispered. "Is that why you are so intent on keeping me close?" He asked and then rubbed his cheek slightly. "Besides me not wanting to leave your side?"

"To make sure your needs are fulfilled. I need to be able to tend to any problem you have. Especially when you get hungry." I told him and got to my feet. "Let's go," I reached out for his hand. He let me take his hand and got to his feet, smiling at me sweetly.

"So what happens if a vampire doesn't get fed properly?" He asked curiously.

"They'll go mad with hungry and feed off of and kill every blood source they come across. They'll blood binge and become something that's not a vampire or a human." I told him and pulled him out of the bedroom and into the hall. He nodded in interest and followed me quickly, keeping up.

"And what's that?" He asked innocently.

"A demon," I told him and smirked. "We'd have to capture the demon and perform a cleansing to get him or her back to normal."

"What happens after they're back to normal?" He asked, widening his eyes. "Do they get punished or are they let go?"

"Their maker is punished for lack of interest in the fledgling and then they're separated for the rest of the fledgling's five years." I told him. He tensed up a little and bit his bottom lip.

"C-can they still become demons after the first five years?" He asked softly. "What about makers? And... is that why you asked me to tell you when I get hungry always?"

"Vampires can blood binge at any time, but after the five years they're usually old enough to know better to. Makers? Are you wanting to know about their punishment?" I asked him. He nodded slightly.

"Uh huh... if a maker blood binged," he whispered, watching me curiously. "Just to know...."

"If any vampire blood binged, no mater their age." I told him. "We all end up in the dark side... the demon stage." I looked towards him. "I don't want you to end up like that. That's why I make sure you get your blood when you're hungry. You see the cleansing is enough punishment. It's torturous for a demon to have to come back to the light. I didn't want to have to further punish them. So even if a maker blood binged, they wouldn't be further punished then the cleansing." He looked up at me wide eyed but nodded, seeming to be understanding it.

"Okay," he whispered and then got closer to me. "I'll always tell you then.... I don't want to become like that... and I don't want you to get hurt because of it if I did become like that...."

"The reason why I punish the maker if a fledgling binges is because the maker should have been more aware of it's fledgling. That's why I told you it was a big deal turning you. I have to watch you. If you end up blood binging.... I'll get my fangs ripped out as punishment. That's the punishment. It takes five years for a full grown vampire to get it's fangs back. That's how long it takes to raise a fledgling. It's the perfect punishment. If you get your fangs ripped out right now though.... they'll just grow right back. You're still in the growing stage." He nodded.

"Okay," he whispered to me. "I won't disappoint you," he promised me, looking up into my eyes then he laughed. "Do I really have fangs already?" He asked me innocently.

"Yeah, if you widen your jaw you can expose them." I showed him my fangs then. He looked at them with interest, and I caught his face turning pink slightly before he looked up into my eyes then back at my fangs.

"Can I touch one?" He asked me, looking at them in awe.

"Yeah. When you turn a human into a vampire you have to use your fangs. That's also why the punishment is perfect. They won't be able to turn anyone for five years." He nodded and then gently touched one, gasping.

"Wow~ I'm so putting all this in my journal," he told me excitedly, looking really happy.

"You won't be able to turn someone though until you're five." I poked his nose with my index finger. He yelped and then looked towards my finger before he laughed, pulling his hand away from my fangs.

"That makes sense," he told me sweetly, looking up at me. "I wouldn't be ready to be a maker anyways."

"Your fangs can't produce venom," I explained. "You see when a maker is turning someone they have to mix their venom with their blood and feed it to their newborn. That's what also sets the loyal connection you feel for me." He looked up at me and I saw something click in his eyes before he nodded.

"Uh huh," he whispered. "Is that what it is? I just thought it was because you were my maker and first vampire.... It's actually venom and your blood?" He asked innocently.

"Well it's all of that. You like me because I'm your maker and first vampire but you also will always be loyal to my orders because the blood in you- the vampire forming in you is made from my combination of blood and venom. So even if you hated me you would still be obedient to me." He nodded then frowned.

"So it's really, really bad when a maker lets their fledgling blood binge because they could've easily ordered them to obey them and to tell them when they get hungry," he whispered. "That's messed up if they abandon them that much," he mumbled, sadness entering his eyes. "Pulling their fangs really is the best punishment for them then... especially if they could've done that instead...."

"Yeah, but after five years, you'll be able to slip past some of my commands. That's because my blood and venom in you is disappearing because you're becoming your own vampire. Makes sense right? The first five years for a vampire is a delicate time period makers have to baby over for their fledgling. You're learning everything. Why something smells the way it does or why your fangs ache when your throat dries up." He nodded to me and smiled.

"I'll listen to you anyways even after five years," he purred to me, giving my hand a slight squeeze. "You're my maker after all~"

"I'm also your king," I told him and smiled. "You'll have to for that. My siblings can slip by with it because they're related to me and royal blood is in their system." He nodded and smiled.

"I won't have to call you king after five years, right? Because if I do, I might as well start now before it becomes a habit to call you Lyle," he said sweetly, watching me.

"You'll only have to call me King Lyle in front of the council. Normally I would prefer you to call me Lyle. You're close to me and so we don't need to be so formal with each other. I'm your maker after all." He nodded and then glanced around the hallway before he looked back at me.

"Thanks Lyle," he mumbled and seemed to be out of questions at the moment as he watched me curiously. I looked him over.

"Since you're a fledgling you can always ask me questions. Don't feel shut in at all. You need to stay open with me. This is an important time for you to learn everything you've got a question of. I don't want you to wonder about anything." He nodded and laughed.

"I won't hold any questions back then," he told me and leaned his head against my shoulder. "If I can't ask you, I'll ask Everest," he promised me. "But I'll always try to ask you first unless you're really busy."

"If I'm busy you'll still be allowed to ask me and take me away from my business. I won't mind. You're my first fledgling and I want to be here for every question you have." He nodded to me and then smiled.

"Yes sir," he said happily.

"So the guests I have coming over tonight are apart of the council and they're very important council members so I want you to be on your best behavior around them with every manor you can think of. Don't curtsy though. Just do a slight bow and hold out your hand to shake theirs. They're all very friendly unlike Silas. So I think you'll enjoy their company." I purred. He nodded.

"Okay, I'll do my best," he whispered and then sighed softly, his breath tickling me a little before he let go of my hand and then started to wander the halls a little ways ahead of me, exploring in my sight. I watched him carefully and gave a small smile. The maids had the windows open to let in the cool night breeze. He wandered up to a window, looking outside curiously before he stopped walking and watched the outdoors, rubbing his arm a little as he looked outside in awe and wonder. I walked up to him and looked out at the garden and maze.

"We can go out there one night if you want," I purred to him. "We'll set up a table with blood and just smell the flowers for the night." He looked at me and smiled.

"That sounds nice," he whispered then looked outside in excitement. "Can we this week? When you're not so busy?"

"We can do it tonight. I'll tell Everest I want the dinner to be outside in the gardens. I think our guests will enjoy that too." He smiled and then tackled me into a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He said quickly, rushing them out as he laughed. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him.

"You're welcome. Let's go see if we can find my brother." I purred and tugged him down the hall. He followed after me, bouncing with excitement as he hummed a little. It didn't take me long to find Everest, directing some maids in the dining room. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow before he sighed.

"Lemme guess, the gardens?" He asked me and then put his hands on his hips. "I was planning on having a small private ball out there, but okay, I can get the musicians to move their equipment to the actual ballroom."

"Whichever works for you," I told him and smirked. "Milo wants to go out into the gardens though." Everest glanced me over and then looked at Milo in consideration.

"Well... if we had them dance in the gardens, they might accidentally injure themselves and ruin it.... I'll send out the new orders. We can get this done," he told me, his eyes flickering back to me. "We should probably start it off outside rather than end it outside. It's safer inside the house, and if the dancing was to last longer than expected, the sun might catch us or cause a panic. It'll be safer and more controlled this way. It'll also give Milo the chance to enjoy the garden peacefully rather than worry about dancing. After all, I heard from a little bird that Esther was going to ask for a dance tonight." He smirked and looked at the maids. "Get some help from the butlers to move this outside to the gardens, okay? After that, take a break and enjoy some tea."

"Where are the others?" I asked and looked around for our siblings.

"Well, Esther is prettying herself up and dressing up, Sylar is doing Sylar things, and Silas is planting bugs around the house," he growled that last part, crossing his arms. "He's getting out of hand, and us talking to him yesterday didn't help. I managed to stop him from getting into your study already."

"Where have you last found him?" I asked and sighed. I need to go deal with him before the guests arrive.

"Headed for the night room, but I think he was muttering something about your room being next," he muttered and then walked back to the maids. Milo shrunk against me and then looked up at me before he started to tug me towards the door a little, holding my hand. "Oh, and if you want to leave Milo with me, you can," my brother suggested, glancing over at us. "So you can deal with Silas without staining your image in Milo's eyes." Milo tensed up, looking at him with wide eyes then up at me, fear sparking in them of being abandoned. I looked him over and gave a small pout.

"Milo I won't be long," I whispered to him. "Stay with my brother and if you need anything ask him until I get back. I promise I'll be back before you know it." I grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes. "Stay a good boy." He whimpered a little but nodded.

"Yes sir," he whispered to me, gently touching one of my hands before he looked away from me.

"I promise," I whispered to him and then pulled back. "Everest, don't let my fledgling out of your sight until I get back." Everest walked up.

"Of course not," he purred to me. "I wouldn't dream of letting your fledgling get away from me if you entrusted him to me like this. He's in good hands." He grabbed Milo's hand and purred to him. "Don't be so upset. He's not abandoning you Milo. He just needs to take care of something that is very sensitive. When you're older, he might take you with him, but for now, stay his innocent little fledgling, okay? When you live forever, you want to keep your innocence as long as possible," he purred to him then started to tug him over towards the table. "So what flower should I use as the main part of the centerpiece Milo? Should it be this pretty silver rose or maybe it should be this violet?" He asked, distracting my fledgling with rows of flowers to pick from and tons of bows already tied up for the vases. I watched them for a few seconds before I used his distraction to make my way out. I started for the night room first to see if Silas was there. I caught him just as he was exiting, pausing as he saw me and then frowned.

"What do you want?" He asked me, giving me an irritated look.

"I'm having guests over from the council," I told him quickly. "Try to behave. I don't want them thinking this family is weak and can't handle their insane brother's tantrums." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm not insane," he hissed, exposing his fangs at me. "I'm going to reveal you if it's the last thing I do. I'm not going to live in your shadow, especially if you're not even blood related!" He jabbed my chest then and growled. "I'm going to prove it too. We'll see who is insane!"

"You sound insane now," I told him. "You're jabbing about me not being blood related but my blood has been tested and it rung up that I am in fact a son of the Rosario family. You're being dramatic because you didn't get the throne. You're making this family look bad." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"All I need is one other person to believe me," he growled. "You're no son of my father's." He started to walk off, muttering things under his breath as he stalked away. "Throw the damned party without me if you're so fucking worried about your goddamn image. I'm busy."

"I had a witch spell my room so you can't enter it," I warned him. "If you try to you'll end up paralyzed until I come into your view. So stay away from my bedroom. I want you to come to the dinner though brother. Even if you're jealous I still love you. Let's have a normal family dinner for once with guests." I watched him with a playful smirk on my lips. I know he's got this place bugged. He's not going to get me to own up to anything.

"No fucking way," he growled over his shoulder. "I refuse. You shouldn't be hanging around that damned council anyways. I'm pretty sure they killed my father."

"I know, but what did our parents teach us?" I asked him. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If they did kill our parents... It's best to follow his advice." I followed Silas quickly. Of course it was the council that killed them.

"And is that what you're doing right now?" He hissed at me, glancing over his shoulder at me. "Following me around? Where's that stupid little fledgling of yours? Be careful. I'd hate to see him blood binge. You'd get your fangs ripped right out of your thick skull," he spat at me and then smirked. "Heh. That'd be a sight."

"He's in good hands right now. I'm dealing with you and I don't want him to see us fight if it comes down to it. Silas, you're going to make me look bad if you don't come to the dinner. You'll make yourself look bad too."

"I'll make you look worse if you force me," he hissed at me, narrowing his eyes. "I swear I will. I don't need to suck up to the council to get my way. Besides, you've got something a lot more precious to protect at that table. I wouldn't push me if I were you."

"Silas," I sighed. "Don't come to the party. I'll just make up some excuse for you and that'll be it. Too bad I won't get to see you dance with our sister at the ball. I guess I'll have to do that instead." I stopped walking as I watched him. "Have fun bugging the castle." He tensed up then looked at me in pure hatred.

"How the hell did you- Everest," he muttered then balled up his hand. "That snitch." He looked pissed then.

"I am king after all, he wasn't snitching. He was being loyal to his king and making sure I knew you were trying to set me up. You're never going to find evidence to something that doesn't exist though." He watched me for a few seconds before he relaxed.

"Fine, whatever you say," he told me and then smiled. "I'll go to your stupid party," he purred, ruffling my hair before he started to walk away towards his room. I smiled softly as I watched him.

"Please be on your best behavior!" I called to him. "This means a lot, Silas." I started down the hall to get back to my fledgling.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he called back to me, disappearing around a corner quickly. When I got back to the dining room, Everest was nowhere to be found along with my sweet little fledgling. I frowned and went over to a window.

"Everest, I want my fledgling back!" I called. I couldn't see them out there in the gardens though as the maids were setting up. "Where'd they go..." I grumbled and looked towards the maids expectantly. One of the maids looked towards me from the gardens and walked up to the window, holding a vase in her hand.

"I believe your brother went to the ballroom, King Lyle," she said respectively of me and bowed her head before she walked back to the others to set up the table out there. I smirked and used my power to run to the ball room and get there quicker then it would have been for a human. I could hear Everest laughing.

"No, step with this foot first kiddo," I heard him purr. "You're going to step all over my sister's feet tonight if you can't get this part right." I walked in and saw Everest teaching my fledgling ballroom dancing as he led him around the dance floor as the musicians were setting up in here.

"Teaching my fledgling without me?" I asked playfully. He looked at me and smirked.

"About time you got here," he purred at me then gave me a wink before he spun my fledgling out, making him yelp as he was pulled back into Everest's arms and then dipped down. Milo's face turned a deep red as he looked up at Everest and he went to shove him away quickly, but Everest kept a tight grip and smirked.

"Silas decided he would be present tonight," I told them.

"Oh? Good job, you got him," Everest told me and then pulled Milo back up, starting to dance with him again to get him used to the steps. "That is great news! Maybe we won't send him to that insane asylum after all."

"This will be his only chance to prove himself not crazy. I hope he takes tonight wisely." I muttered. Everest sighed and nodded.

"Hopefully," he muttered back.

"Is he really insane?" I heard Milo ask Everest softly, catching his attention quickly.

"Oh yes, yes he is. He thinks that your maker is a fake and that he isn't the rightful king and that he isn't my brother which is all lies," Everest told him and smiled. "He's been trying to expose him for years."

"He's not going to expose something that's not true though. I just wish he would see that. He's had this crazy idea for years I'm not actually family. We've already had his theory tested. I am the rightful king. He's just jealous he didn't become king and he's trying to find a way to get me kicked off the throne. I still love my brother though." I purred. Milo nodded and then looked down at their feet, making my brother tsk. He moved his hand to Milo's chin, tilting it up to make him look at me.

"Don't take your eyes off your partner Milo. Don't even look down at your feet," he warned. "Especially with royalty, and you'll be dancing with my sister tonight, so you might offend her if you don't look her in the eyes."

"You're a great teacher," I told Everest. "Probably because you've been a maker before."

"That's part of it," he purred to me. "I'll have your fledgling dancing like he's been doing it all his life before the party. He's the king's first fledgling after all. He'll need this tonight if one of the council members want to dance or watch him dance. He can't be a wallflower either. It'll make you look bad. I taught each and everyone of my fledglings how to dance simple ballroom dances before they left me." Milo bit his bottom lip then yelped as he accidentally didn't move his foot out of the way in time and got stepped on by Everest, making my brother sigh. "So close Milo... so close to getting this. You just need to feel it... when to step and when to turn...."

"Milo, can I have this dance?" I reached out for him. Everest looked at me and smirked.

"Nuh uh, technically it's cutsies," he teased me. "I'm his dance partner, and I say.... no." He smirked playfully at me and then pulled Milo a bit closer, making him tense up a little out of nervousness.

"Well if you don't mind I want to dance with my fledgling. You got his first dance... now let me finish up teaching him his footing." I started after them. Everest laughed a little and purred at Milo.

"Do you want to dance with him or me?" He asked Milo. Milo bit his bottom lip then quickly slipped from Everest's arms while he wasn't expecting it, escaping. I laughed and reached out for Milo. He looked towards me and then blushed a little before he gently took my hand, accepting it. "Aww, you're ditching me?" Everest asked him and frowned. "After all my hard work."

"Sorry Everest," Milo told him and then looked up at me sweetly.

"Now," I purred and started to guide him to dancing. "Let's focus on your footing." He nodded and started to concentrate, taking it a little slower than he was with Everest. I felt him almost step on my foot after a few minutes and he blushed, looking embarrassed and nervous to get it wrong with me. "It's okay," I whispered. "It's not about where your going.... it's how you get there. One step at a time. All within your bones." I pulled him closer and swayed with him for a minute before guiding him across the floor. He followed me, starting to calm down as he did his best and after ten more minutes, his footing was starting to improve and I wasn't getting stepped on by him much anymore. "You're getting better," I purred. He blushed and nodded, looking up into my eyes.

"I'm really trying not to step on you," he admitted and laughed a little. "It is getting a little easier for me...."

"Stop focusing on your feet," I tsked. He frowned.

"Isn't that why we're doing this?" He asked me and then sighed. "I can try," he mumbled and then watched me, letting me lead him. I suddenly heard music start, my brother playing a violin for us as we danced.

"Listen to the music and forget about your feet. Soon enough you won't have to even worry about stepping on my feet." He blushed and then nodded.

"Yes sir," he whispered as he glanced towards my brother then back at me before he gave a soft smile. "This is kind of nice," he mumbled to me.

"Being a fledgling to a king.... you'll have to dance often at balls." I purred as I looked him over. He nodded.

"At least I like it though," he told me and then laughed. "It'd be bad if I didn't and had to...."

"I'll tell you a secret... I do things I don't like sometimes." I whispered to him. He blushed and nodded.

"Well... I'd imagine you don't like all that paperwork on your desk," he purred to me and then smiled. "Plus all that stress in your back I worked out yesterday."

"Thank you for doing that, it was really nice.... where'd you learn to do it?" I asked curiously.

"My sister did it for me when she used to stay with me... and I'd have to stay up late writing my books to meet the deadlines. It was a little trick she used on me to make me work harder and better," he told me and smiled innocently. "I thought you'd like it.... She taught me how to work it out after I asked her what exactly she did."

"You had a family?" I asked curiously. "Sister and parents?" He bit his bottom lip then nodded.

"Yeah... my sister lived with me for a little bit.... My parents though..." His eyes darkened a little and he looked away from me. "They um... they... didn't make it back home one night...." I could barely hear him say it, but I was pretty sure that's what he said as he started to tremble and his voice shook. I frowned and pulled him closer to me.

"It's okay," I whispered. "You're no longer apart of that world.... yes? You've got this family now and we're not going to leave you." He looked up at me and I saw tears in his eyes, but he quickly buried his face into my chest, stopping us as he hugged me.

"I-I know," he whimpered and I could hear him breathing shakily as he tried not to cry, gripping the back of my shirt tightly as he held onto me. "I-I'm sorry," he whispered as I began to feel my shirt getting wet from him crying. Everest stopped playing and frowned, looking at me then at him.

"Is he alright?" He whispered to me, walking up with a worried look. I sighed. I guess I chose the wrong words.

"No, he's not." I muttered. "I'm sorry for what I said about your human life," I whispered to my fledgling. "You're still there because you're still turning. It'll take you five years. Emotions will also be mixed up throughout the period. I forgot that detail." I leaned in and kissed his cheek then started to wipe away his tears. He sniffled and looked up at me as he tried to stop crying before he got closer to me and hid his face back in my chest.

"I-It's fine," he told me as his body was still shaking. "I-it wasn't that. I just... I'm happy to be here... but I do miss my parents," he explained to me, gripping the front of my shirt tightly as he tried to calm down for me. Everest's eyes softened as he watched him and he looked up towards me with a smile.

"We lost our parents as well," I whispered to him. "I know it hurts, but you're going to live for eternity."

"Yeah cutie, as the King's very own first fledgling," Everest whispered to him. "Other fledglings would kill to be you. You got very lucky to have such a good maker." Milo nodded and I felt him start to relax as he breathed in my scent then moved his face into the crook of my neck, still gripping my shirt. "It's going to be alright. That's it...." Everest purred, walking up and rubbing Milo's back gently to sooth him as I held him. "You've got everything to look forward to."

"Not to mention I'm going to spoil you," I purred with amusement. Everest laughed a little and looked up at me then at Milo.

"So don't cry. If you need a family, you've got your maker and his family as your own," he whispered to him then kissed Milo's head before he rubbed between Milo's shoulder blades. Milo's grip loosened on my shirt and he nodded slightly, keeping his face in my neck.

"O-okay," he whispered, his voice quiet, almost unable to be heard. He sounded like he was doing better though, and he wasn't trembling as bad. I heard feet rushing to the room and a maid appeared in the door way.

"They're here," she huffed out and tried to catch her breath. Everest looked towards her and nodded.

"Yes, thank you. Make sure that they're taken to the night room while I get the rest to join," he purred her way then pulled back, walking towards her and the door. "See to it that they're well attended while I make sure everything is perfect before we take them outside to dinner. Lyle, sweet brother, I don't know if you want to dress your fledgling up more that that simple dress shirt and jeans, but if you do, you better hurry." He looked over at me over his shoulder and smiled before he walked out, taking the maid with him.

"Everest just hinted you're underdressed. Let's go get you something else," I whispered and used my powers to get us to my room quickly. I rushed us over to the closet and stepped inside, getting him a better outfit to put on. Milo bit his bottom lip as he watched me and rubbed his arm.

"I know they're really important... but... does it really matter if I'm dressed in something more than this?" He asked me, looking himself over. "I think I look okay like this...."

"You're a king's fledgling. The first one. It matters, so put this on and don't make me look bad in front of council members. It's bad enough you were in the room during the meeting dressed with coffee stains on your shirt. They were staring you down all night and I could feel them judging me. The worst part is you were human." He blushed and nodded, looking slightly embarrassed before he took the clothes from me and looked away.

"Yes sir," he whispered and then walked past me quickly for the bathroom door. He went in and I heard the door lock behind him as he started to do as I told him, changing. I let out a small sigh of relief as I waited for my fledgling to return. He walked back out after a few minutes and bit his bottom lip as he adjusted the shirt on him and looked up at me. It definitely suited him.... He just needed a trim to pull it off the highest expectations, but it definitely showed him off, the best thing I've seen on him yet. He looked a little slimmer too and he had combed his hair out, making it look neater rather than the little messy human writer I met on the streets with coffee all over him. I laughed as I looked him over.

"I'm impressed," I purred and reached out for him. He smiled and quickly was in my arms, purring to me sweetly.

"You are?" He asked me, sounding excited to hear that from me.

"Yeah, you clean up nicely. The first time I ever met you, there was coffee staining your shirt and ink all over your body." I purred and kissed his cheek. I pulled him closer to me and ran us down to the night room, stopping right outside of it. He smiled sweetly at me and leaned his head against my chest, staying in my arms as he purred.

"Thank you King Lyle," he said sweetly to me as he looked up at me in adoration, his eyes shining happily. "I'm glad it makes you happy."

"Let's go meet my guests," I whispered and wrapped my arm around his waist and guided him into the  night room. Esther looked over as we entered the room then smiled huge.

"Brother! You made it just in time! Everest just went to go fetch Silas, isn't that right Sylar?" She asked, looking over at Sylar sweetly. He nodded his head in agreement.

"Is that the same human from two nights ago?" I heard Primrose asking her siblings as they all sat on the same couch, waiting for me. She looked Milo over and frowned, looking towards Jason. "That's his first fledgling?" She asked. Milo blushed slightly and hid a little more against my side.

"I hope he was turned willingly," Jason said coldly as his eyes judged me with harsh daggers. His arms wrapped around his two sisters, Primrose and Emily.

"You're correct, this is the same human except he is my fledgling now Primrose. I wouldn't dare take his life from him if it was by force, Jason. Let me introduce you.... This is my fledgling Milo Tomas Young. Less formally, Milo. Milo, these are council members, the Nero family. In order from how they are on the couch, Primrose, Jason, Emily, Zachary, and Xzander." Milo looked towards them and gave them a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you," he said, trying to be polite then bowed his head a little like I told him too before he snuggled up in my arms, getting close to me. Primrose watched and sighed.

"He's polite," she whispered. "At least the clothes and appearance have improved from last time.... He learned quickly...." She leaned her head against Jason and watched us. "He's rather cute like that though. Are you sure he's not too innocent Lyle?" She asked, blinking as she looked back at me with an emotionless face.

"Newborns are always too innocent," Sylar told her before I could answer. "That's a good thing though. We don't want to tame killers, we want to raise vampires."

"Well I liked the coffee stained human I saw before," Zachary said calmly. "I'm actually a fan of your work, Milo. Too bad King Lyle got to you first." Milo blushed big time.

"Y-you read my books?" He asked him, pulling away from me as his attention focused in on Zachary rather quickly.

"You're New York's best selling author about vampires. Of course I've read your work. You'd be surprised by how many vampires find your work extraordinary and amusing. You can include me with them." Zachary leaned forward and eyed my fledgling with a hungry look. Bastard... "What's going to be your next-"

"Zachary," Emily hissed. "You're being rude. You're not his maker so it's none of your business."

"Em," Zachary gasped and glared her down.

"Everest," I began. "Has planned a special evening for us. We're going to have dinner and then afterwards a small ball."

"Indeed I have~" I heard Everest from behind me. "Hello everyone! I brought Silas," he purred.

"I was coming anyways," I heard Silas purring. "I would've been down soon with or without your help." Milo glanced at me then at Zachary before he looked like he was going to ask something, but Esther was quick to grab his hand, stopping him.

"Milo! Remember the dance you promised me? I'm getting the first, the second, the third, the fourth, and all of them~" She giggled and pulled him closer. "We'll have lots of fun dancing together~ Oh! You should sit by me at the table too," she told him, smiling at him sweetly.

"Lyle, we should sit next to each other." Jason got to his feet as he suggested it and walked towards me with an amused smile. "Before dawn I want to talk with you privately." He walked up and gently brushed some hair away from my face then tightened my tie. "After all, that's why we came." Milo glanced over and I caught a small jealous look in his eyes before he looked back at Esther and nodded to her, letting her pull him out of the room as she started to go on and on about how she wishes there were more guests and it was an actual ball and whatnot, the usual from her. Everest sighed and shook his head, following them as he grabbed Sylar and Silas, taking them with him. Primrose got to her feet and smirked slightly before she looked at Zachary.

"Steal a dance with that fledgling, kay Zachary?" She purred, giving him a challenging look. "I want to see if you can do it. Then you can tell me if he can actually dance and I'll consider dancing with him."

"Why don't you do your own experiment?" Zachary asked her before he stood up and extended his hand towards her. "How about I escort you to dinner." He changed his hand direction to Emily. "My beautiful sour sister," he smirked towards her.

"Sorry," Emily said quickly and linked arms with Primrose. "We don't need boys to escort us." Primrose laughed and smirked towards Zachary.

"That's what you get," she purred at him then winked before she started to lead Emily towards the door, ditching him. "So~ I think I will get a dance in with Everest tonight to pass the time. What about you? Will you dance tonight?" She asked, walking out of the room with her sister, leaving me with Jason, Zachary, and Xzander, but Xzander was quick to follow them, not even sparing me a glance as he looked bored. Zachary's eyes landed on us before he started after the others, leaving me alone with Jason.

"You wanted privacy," I told him. Although this place is bugged and Silas will hear everything in the end. If I told Jason the room was bugged, it wouldn't look good for my family.

"I did," Jason purred, but it broke up into a sharp growl. "What's the matter with you bringing a human to a council meeting?" He asked me firmly. "The who council was buzzing with small comments, your reputation isn't looking so well, Lyle. Humans are not supposed to be at council meetings. Even if you're about to turn them."

"I knew," I muttered. "He was persistent with wanting to keep me in his sight though."

"Excuses," he brought his hand up and smacked my cheek lightly. "You've forgotten that it's one of our laws. No humans are allowed at-"

"Well then why didn't they say something?" I challenged. "They didn't seem to mind to me."

"Councils are about order, if we can't remain calm together then it sets a bad example. That's why I'm here. We've voted, and you're getting a small punishment." He smacked me hard then, leaving a stinging sensation on my cheek. "Don't let your little mistake happen again, right? You might loose a tooth." He left the room then, leaving me standing still. "I hope the blood will taste as sweet as your fledgling smells." I heard him call over his shoulder. I clenched my jaw and brought my hand up to my cheek, rubbing it. I guess I should have figured they'd want justice in my little mistake of bringing Milo there. Even if I made sure to tell him to stay quiet. I started after Jason, to make sure I made it appear I wasn't moved by his punishment.

"As long as you know he's my fledgling."

"Really? You're letting your siblings steal him out of your sights and you still call him yours? This is your first fledgling? I hope you keep this one. Remember what happens if they make one small mistake... the maker is the one punished."

"You don't have to remind me," I mused.

Jason and I remained quiet the rest of the way to the dinning table out in the garden. When we arrived I made sure Jason was seated before I took mine, crossing my legs instantly under the table and bounced my foot. Oh I felt fuming inside towards the Nero family's presence. Most of it was directly towards Jason. That little roach slapped a king and just left. He's never even going to be punished for slapping me. It's all because of his bloodline. He's a higher vampire. A Nero. He's part vampire hunter. He makes the choices with his siblings on who dies, specifically vampires. They pass their choice along to their elder fledglings and have them carry out the sentence. No one is allowed to question the Nero family's decisions. That's why I'm positive they killed my adopted parents.

Silas looked over at me and frowned slightly as he saw I was agitated, nudging Everest's foot. Everest looked at him then at me before he looked at my cheek and widened his eyes. I could see anger simmering below the surface as he saw the red mark on my face that was fading and he looked towards Jason in pure bloodlust, hatred brewing in him. Esther grabbed his hand and purred, kissing his cheek to keep him down then looked at Milo. "Milo~ What would you like? Any blood preference yet?" She asked him sweetly. Milo widened his eyes and then shook his head no, blushing. "You must be too young to know the differences yet... That's alright. It'll come in time and you'll have a favorite." She smiled and kissed his temple before she looked at the maids, gesturing for them to serve us and watched as the maids quickly came with plates of food and glasses of blood for each of us, serving me first before they served my siblings then my fledgling then the guests, taking us for higher priority than the guests. I grabbed my glass of blood and stood up, holding it towards Jason and his siblings.

"Here, let's make a toast to our gathering. May we have many more." I motioned my glass to them before swallowing the first taste of blood and sat the glass down by my plate and sat down. Milo looked towards me and gave a small smile before he frowned, looking towards my cheek. His eyes lingered there in confusion before he looked into my eyes then down at his plate, picking at his food as a guilty look crossed his face. I held back my anger instantly. It's okay that Jason hit me, but when my face starts to bother those around me..... That's where I want to draw the line. I want my fledgling to stay innocent right now.

"Many more," Jason purred my way and gave a smirk.

"So~ do you find the garden to your satisfaction?" Esther asked, trying to keep the mood happy and light. I could tell she was easily picking up on Everest's anger and Milo's guilt, but she was covering it up for them like a good sister of mine to keep this from turning into a fight. "The roses are really blooming this time of year, don't you think?" She purred, smiling at our guests.

"I can smell roses," Emily purred. "They're really scent catching. Almost like Milo."

"I think I can still smell his human side lingering," Zachary purred and gave a small smile towards my fledgling. "You could easily be stolen, watch out Milo. There are thieves out there who steal other's fledglings."

"We wouldn't want that to happen," Emily tagged on.

"He's quiet safe, I assure you." Sylar said calmly and looked around the table, catching the tension that was lingering under everyone's words. Milo frowned and sat his fork down, not even taking a bite.

"Fledglings can be stolen?" He asked with a disbelieving look, confused.

"All it takes is for another vampire to drain you and feed you the way your maker turned you." Zachary told him and gave a playful smirk. "Are you hungry?"

"Zachary," Primrose purred towards him. "That's a naughty move. Don't play with the king's fledgling like that." She smirked at him and Milo shrunk down in his seat, pulling his glass of blood closer to him innocently.

"That's right Milo, drink up." Zachary purred. "Stay strong."

"I've made arrangements for your rooms," I told Jason calmly. "They're almost as safe as my chambers."

"Really?" Jason asked. "I want my sleeping quarters to be safer than yours."

"It doesn't get any safer than no light at all," Everest told him and then took a sip of his blood. "Unless, of course, we didn't have a door on the room, but that would defeat the purpose for you. You wouldn't be able to get in or out, just stuck in a box for all eternity until a teleporter rescued you." He watched Jason then smirked.

"Now, now," Esther whispered to him, nudging him. "Don't be like that." Milo looked towards me and bit his bottom lip.

"Can I be excused from the table King Lyle?" He asked me, sounding nervous to be asking.

"No," I told Milo. "Stay in my sight."

"You know, I wouldn't mind sleeping with you tonight," Jason told me. "Since your room is the safest."

"Actually..." I gave him a nervous smile. "My bed is going to be occupied and won't have enough room for three."

"Three?" Jason asked. "It'll just be the two of us." Milo shrunk down in his seat and looked at Esther, whispering something to her. She giggled and looked at him.

"Aww, okay cutie. Let's go. He'll let you if I go with you," she purred to him then stood up. "Excuse us, but Milo needs to use the restroom," she told us then took Milo's hand, pulling him to his feet. "Come on~" Milo blushed and started to follow her, not letting himself get dragged as she kept a tight grip on his hand. When Milo was completely out of my sight I gave Jason a huge empty smile.

"Milo is currently sleeping with me and I don't want you ruining it." I said simply to him.

"Ruin?" I heard Zachary ask and stiffen a laugh. Jason's jaw clenched and he looked me over with a pissed expression.

"You can sleep where I had the maids clean a room specifically for you. If you don't like the sleeping quarters then you're welcome to sleep in a coffin in the dungeon deep down in the basement. That'll be equal to the safety of my bedroom." I downed the rest of my blood and leaned back in my seat. "If you've got a problem then go home." Primrose raised an eyebrow at me and then looked towards Jason.

"Just suck it up Jason. Unless you'd rather leave this on a bad note," she told him then took a sip of her blood. "I'd calm down. If I were you, I wouldn't want to sleep in the same spot that little fledgling has been sleeping. You don't know where all it's been." Everest narrowed his eyes at her.

"That fledgling is a he," he told her firmly. "He is also the king's fledgling, and in five years, he'll be considered a full vampire, the same as the rest of us except we're purebloods. I wouldn't be downgrading the king's own first fledgling in front of the king himself. Especially when you don't know much about Milo." She glared Everest down and gripped her cup a little tighter, angry.

"Let us remind you, you're in our castle. Mind your manors and we'll mind ours. That includes keeping your hands to yourself." Sylar snapped sharply. Jason's eyes lingered over my brothers and I felt scared for them as Jason's eyes twitched with anger.

"Not in front of the ladies, right?" I asked them quickly.

"What ladies?" Sylar asked. "They can't keep their damn mouths shut and their manors are-"

"Sylar," I hissed. "Maybe you should go freshen up and come back with a better temper."

"How about you go check on Milo, hmm?" Everest suggested, giving Sylar a smile as he ruffled Sylar's hair. "After all, it seems hardly right that he asked only Esther to go with him. What if something happened? Go along," he purred then kissed Sylar's cheek. "Come back with them both." Sylar nodded and stood up quickly.

"My apologies," he bowed towards our guests. He started to walk around the table then, brushing past Silas and stopped behind him, rubbing his shoulder before he left us. Silas watched him go, giving a small smile before he took a bite of his food, the only one eating. Everest looked the table over and frowned slightly.

"It looks so much more empty without cute little Milo, sweet Esther, and my side kick Sylar," he murmured and then sighed, taking a sip of his drink. "Already getting used to Milo.... Whateeeeever shall I do in five years?" He asked then looked over at me teasingly.

"I told you, find your own little innocent fledgling." I gave my brother a playful smirk.

"Silas, you've been quiet." Zachary noted and leaned across the table towards him. "Cat got your tongue?" Silas looked towards Zachary and then smirked.

"Do you really want me to talk Zachary?" He asked him.

"It's not very polite to stay quiet the whole time your brother hosts a small dinner and ball." Zachery told him. "You should at least dance with one of my sisters. If you ask me, neither of them. You'd be better off dancing with my brothers. You don't want to be a wallflower, right?" Silas laughed.

"I could care less what you think," he told him and smirked. "You're one to talk about manners Zachary. You were talking about taking Milo away from Lyle earlier, and you know how taboo it is to steal from another maker. Besides, you're only taking an interest because I haven't made a single claim about Lyle all night, aren't you? That's what you're after. Well you're not getting it for tonight. Stay tomorrow night and you might hear something if you're that desperate."

"Ha, he must've told you to stay quiet tonight and behave." Emily laughed towards Silas. I bit my bottom lip and stood up.

"That's it, Jason, I'll expect to see you in the ball room in less than an hour. I'm not staying at this table if we're all going to spit out double meanings." I started for the door. "The only good conversation we've had at the table was when Esther was still seated." I fumed. "One hour," I hissed. "I suspect both our families can calm down in the mean time and mingle by then."

"Well now you've made Lyle pissed, happy?" Emily asked.

"Shut up," Silas hissed towards her, being blunt. "You and your siblings have no room to talk about making Lyle pissed." He actually sounded like he was defending me a little right there... like he was angry with them too.... I gave a small smile as I left them and started to seek out my fledgling. I eventually found Esther wandering the hallways, humming softly. She stopped when she saw me then smiled.

"Oh hey there," she said sweetly and walked up. "Had enough of them already? How's your cheek?" She looked towards it in worry, gently touching it. "Let me heal it for you, my sweet big brother," she mumbled, her touch numbing the slight pain in my cheek and jaw and I felt her healing powers working on me to fix what Jason did to me.

"I wish the dinner went better than it was planned. Where's Milo?" I asked her curiously. "Everyone is meeting in the ball room in a hour." She smiled and rubbed my cheek as she finished.

"Well, he used the restroom, but he didn't want to go back to the table, so I decided I'd let him eat in the safety of the night room. He almost didn't accept the blood I got for him," she told me. "He's eating though, so I think that's good enough."

"I should made him stay in my study all night instead of let him witness Jason and his siblings. I should have known the true reason why they were coming and kept him away from it this one time." I rubbed my cheek and let out a small sigh. "I hope I'm still his whole world." She smiled and nodded.

"I wouldn't be worried about that if I was you. He's just a little worried for you... and he's embarrassed that Zachary was watching him when he was trying to eat, that's all. It got to him just a little, and he didn't want to eat because Zachary had been teasing him about it, but he eventually accepted the blood. I'm sure if you went in there, he'd be all over you in seconds," she told me, watching me closely.

"Do me a favor, go back to the table and make sure things mello out." I gave her a small smile. She nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Of course~ Anything for you," she purred and then walked past me, going for the door with a look of determination. I watched her leave then headed to the nightroom and went inside.

"Milo," I purred sweetly to him. He looked up from where he was sitting by the window then quickly sat down a half empty glass of blood, rushing over to me before he looked towards my cheek worriedly. "It's fine," I told him quickly. "Vampires heal quickly." He bit his bottom lip and then nodded, looking up into my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he told me quickly. "It was my fault, wasn't it? You got smacked because of me...."

"Why would I get smacked because of you?" I asked him and shook my head. "It wasn't anything over you. It was my own fault." I assured him and kissed the top of his head. "I need it, to remind me of something."

"To get smacked?" He asked me, sounding upset. He quickly hugged me, burying his face into my chest. "That's not fair.... You shouldn't be smacked. You don't do anything wrong...."

"I don't think you should think anything of it." I purred. "It was small and meaningless compared to what I could have gotten. A punch would have been worse. I feel better already." He looked up at me and then nodded, but he still didn't look too happy about it.

"Okay," he whispered and then looked towards my cheek, gently giving it a small kiss where I had been smacked. "I'm sorry that I left when you told me not to.... I'm in trouble, aren't I?" He asked, pulling back a little as he looked up at me.

"It really didn't make me look like I had power. You're supposed to respect and follow my orders. It's a good thing you're still learning though. That'll give me wiggle room." I looked him over and sighed. "You can go to my study for the rest of the evening if you don't want to face them again." He bit his bottom lip and then watched me for a few seconds before he shook his head.

"No, I want to stay with you," he told me and then was back in my arms in seconds, giving a small purr.

"You sure?" I asked him curiously. He nodded.

"Uh huh, I want to stay with you.... You're my maker," he whispered and then smiled, looking up into my eyes. "I'll stay with you though."

"Uh-" I pressed my finger to my lips, remembering the room was bugged. I started to drag him for the hall then. "Let's go somewhere else until we have to meet everyone in the ball room." He frowned but nodded, following willingly and shut the door behind us.

"Okay," he hummed out, staying close by me.

"You did well tonight," I told him. "I'm pleased with the manors you had when you greeted them." He smiled and nodded.

"That's good," he said and then held my hand with a happy smile. "If you think I did okay, then I'll be fine with that for now...."

"They were impressed with your appearance," I teased him. "You should dress this way more often." He blushed a little then shook his head.

"No way.... I'm getting sweatpants soon for while there isn't anyone else around," he told me. "I'm not used to this at all...."

"Sweat pants? That sounds hot." I purred. His face turned a deep red and he looked away from me.

"Uh-uhmmm... not really. They're just comfortable," he whispered to me. "And warm...."

"I'll have to try a pair," I thought softly and pulled him towards my study. He looked up at me and looked to be thinking about that then nodded.

"Yeah, everyone should at least try on a pair in their life," he told me and then glanced at the doors of the study as we reached them. His eyes lit up in recognition and he looked up at me with a smile. "Are you going to work on stuff while you wait?" He asked me sweetly.

"I don't have any work tonight, I brought us in here for more privacy." He frowned a little but followed me inside, shutting the door behind us.

"But we had privacy in the night room.... We've been alone," he whispered in confusion.

"Silas bugged it," I whispered. He frowned.

"Why?" He asked and then walked over towards a couch, sitting on it as he watched me.

"He's delusional," I said quickly and sat down next to him. He nodded and relaxed a little.

"I guess he could be...." He watched me then leaned his head against my shoulder. "Did you get enough to eat?" He asked me softly. "You left the dinner table early...."

"I finished my glass of blood before leaving, thank you for your concern." I wrapped an arm around him. He smiled and snuggled up to my side.

"Well, I wanted to make sure. You always check on me," he purred happily, giving me an sweet, innocent, adoring look as he watched me. "I'm happy you're the one that became my maker. I don't think I would've been as happy with someone else."

"You're just being spoiled," I teased him. He shook his head at me.

"Nuh uh, I was happy before you were spoiling me," he told me and smiled. "I could care less about the spoiling." He purred and kissed my cheek. "I feel safe with you too... even if it is just because you made me."

"I will always be a good maker to you," I promised him and smirked.

"I know," he said sweetly before he rested his head against my chest, taking in a deep breath then let it out as he relaxed and started to get quiet.

"You should know," I leaned in and kissed his temple. He blushed a little and looked up at me before he nodded. I hummed to him softly, trying to sooth my fledgling. He relaxed a little and smiled before he leaned his face in the crook of my neck, resting his head against my shoulder as he got a little closer to me and purred happily, listening to me as he closed his eyes. I laid down and pulled him on top of me, wrapping my arms around him to keep him there. He tensed up a little but then relaxed, nuzzling his head against my chest as he got comfortable on me, not seeming like he even thought about leaving as he kissed my chest before he settled down. I hummed for over half an hour before deciding it was time to go to the ball room. I looked down at him to check and see if he was asleep yet. He's still so young and might not make it through the night fully. He seemed to be drifting to sleep, his eyes fluttering as he tried to keep them open before he finally shut them and smiled. He nuzzled his head against my chest before he let out a soft sigh and seemed to be on the verge of sleeping on me. I laughed and managed to sit up with him like this. I scooped him up into my arms.

"No nightly balls for the little fledgling," I whispered and started for my bedroom with him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned in towards it, placing his face in the crook of it as he let me carry him.

"Mhh," he hummed softly, sounding tired as his fingers got curled up in my hair. I walked us to my bedroom then laid him down in my bed, giving him my pillow to cuddle. I made sure my door was locked before heading towards the ball room. It's a good thing he fell asleep. I really don't want him to continue experiencing two families feuding over something so little.