Silas’ Storm

Silas's POV:

I sighed as I felt the sun going down and got to my feet. I hadn't been able to sleep well during the day today.... I ran my fingers through my hair and walked over towards my closet. It's high time that I went out to clear my head up. I think I'll hit up a nightclub and have some fun.... I smirked at the idea of sinking my fangs into some helpless human tonight then grabbed my street clothes I never really let my brothers see, a pair of purple and black suspenders, a black long sleeve button up shirt, my jeans, and my Black Butler belt I had gotten a few months ago. Yeah, I watch anime... just not around anyone else. It's my secret.... I stripped, dropping my pajamas on the floor before I put the clothes on then grabbed my converse and a pair of black socks that ended just below my ankles. After I was dressed, I went into the bathroom then brushed my short silvery hair out, styling it before I grabbed my toothbrush and began to clean my teeth. When I finished, I grabbed some of my cologne, spraying it and then put on some deodorant before I walked out of my bathroom, getting my wallet then stuck it into my back pocket. Great, got everything I need to have a night away from them. I smirked and snuck out of my room, heading for the garage quietly. They wouldn't notice... or at least care. They've got Milo to distract them.

I picked out a small black sports car before I drove out, turning up the radio loud. YES! I escaped! That idiot Lyle won't be there tonight to be breathing down my neck and growling at me every time I trap my prey easily. He's just jealous. He can't get bites in without consent. I smirked and leaned back in my seat, hitting the car up to over 100 mph as I raced down the road, leaving the oppressive castle behind as I drove for the city. I've got a great feeling about tonight....

The smell of sweat hung heavy in the air with alcohol practically drowning your senses as I made my way through the crowd of humans dancing in the dimly lit dance floor, music pounding through the room and resonating in my body as it messed with the natural pulses of my crystal. I glanced around and then tensed up as I felt a human girl brushing up against me in the mob, giving me a playful look over her shoulder as she looked me over. Humans... I narrowed my eyes slightly then smirked. She'd make easy prey.... I gave a playful growl, leaning in towards her ear before she gasped and looked interested. I chuckled and then pulled away from her, losing interest now that she was drooling for me before I walked away, going towards the bar. I spotted a girl sitting at the bar leaned over a long island ice tea, looking through it and down at a heavy book. There was another girl poking her side and giggling into her ear, trying to convince her to go to the dance floor. I watched as the girl hanging over the thick book shoved her friend away.

"I've got an exam tomorrow," she hissed.

"Says the girl drinking a long island ice tea, you're not going to remember any of that in the morning." Her friend laughed out and stomped away, eyeing a guy down on the dance floor. I smirked a little. Huh, a book nerd? I walked up and sat down by her, purring towards her before I glanced at the book she was reading, apparently studying for Ancient Egypt. I raised an eyebrow in slight interest before I looked towards the bartender.

"Give me a Shirley Temple," I told him then got out some money, putting it down on the bar. She glanced my way and blushed lightly before taking a sip of her drink.

"Whatcha doing at the bar? You're too hot to be here," she smirked and brushed me off with her fingers. I looked towards her and smirked at her.

"That sounds like you're into me," I purred to her and then turned to look at her. "Ancient Egypt?" I asked her, pointing towards the book. "You take classes at the college, don't you?"

"Yeah, I take classes. I have an exam tomorrow and I'm not exactly prepared... I think I'm going to fail it." She laughed and took a sip of her drink. "Might as well fake studying but in reality I'm just drinking.. Plus someone has to be here to watch my wild friend over there," she pointed to her friend that just left. "Oh... and I'm so into you..." Her eyes looked me over before she giggled. I smirked towards her then and picked up my drink as it was set in front of me and sipped on it.

"Then how about...." I reached over and shut her book slowly, not taking my eyes off her. "You and I... go on the dance floor and see if we're compatible," I purred her way. "If you're going to fail it tomorrow, you might as well have some fun, and not regret passing up a chance to dance with the hottest guy here."

"You're too confident for your own good," she told me as she got to her feet and downed the rest of her long island ice tea. "Come on Mr. Compatible." She grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the dance floor. I smirked, looking her over as she led me. She's not actually that bad. She's got a good figure, kind of a shame to waste. I purred, catching her scent and loved it. It was more addicting than the look of fear in my victim's eyes.... I leaned in a little towards her neck, taking a deep breath as I felt my fangs sharpening at the idea of sinking my fangs into her. I smirked and then kissed her neck to cover up what I was doing before we got to the dance floor then turned her around, grabbing her hips before I started to move us to the music a little. After a half hour of dancing with her she pulled back from me and laughed. "You know what, I'm not feeling good," she told me. She looked a little pale like she was going to puke. "I gotta go," she told me. I frowned, not liking the fact she had moved away. Out of all my prey, she's been the most entertaining for me.

"No you don't," I told her. "Come on, we can leave if you want.... What do you say? We'll get you feeling better....." I'm not letting this one out of my sight till her pretty little neck is bloodied and broken and her body limp with lifelessness. She looked me over for a minute and blushed before nodding.

"Yeah, okay, let's get outta here." She bit her bottom lip with uncertainty but I could tell the alcohol wasn't allowing her to think straight. I smirked. Good girl. I pulled her close, slipping my arm around her waist.

"Alright," I purred softly in her ear, letting my breath hit her skin. "You won't regret it." You know... maybe... just maybe she'd look better as my first fledgling rather than a corpse.... She looked into my eyes and blushed before leaning in to kiss me. I tensed up and then purred, meeting her lips as I pulled her body closer. Her lips are so soft and warm.... I felt a moan slip from me before I pulled back, looking her in the eyes as I licked my lips slightly. Oh my hellish nightmares.... I felt a different kind of lust I hadn't felt before pulling me closer to her before I leaned in and kissed her again deeply, making it longer. She pulled back from the kiss slightly.

"Let me go get my text book," she husked out against my lips. I nodded and then trailed my fingers down her spine lightly before I let go.

"Meet me at the door," I whispered in her ear. "We'll get the hell out of here and enjoy it." I smirked and then kissed her neck playfully before I started for the door, getting through the mob easier this time and then stood by the door, pulling my keys out. She's going to become my dark princess until I grow bored of her.... I'll give her immortality instead of sweet, sweet death. After a few minutes she came up to me with her text book and gave me a playful smile as she slipped one arm around me.

"You're still here, good." She gave me a cute smile. I smirked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I teased her then started to lead her out, checking to make sure no one was watching us then took her out to my car. I unlocked it then got the door for her, letting her in the passenger seat then shut the door like a gentleman before I got in the driver's seat and started it up. "Do you care where we go? Or would you like to have some fun and go wherever the road takes us?" I purred to her. "Or if you're wanting something else, I can take us back to my place...."

"How about we have some fun," she told me and gave a small smile. "Let's see where the road takes us. That sounds like an adventure." I glanced at the time to make sure that we had a good while before the sun came up then sighed in relief when I noticed I still had a long while. I backed out of my parking space before I sped down the road, driving as I turned the radio down a little from what it had been earlier with just me.

"So," I purred and smirked. I could play with the idea of the supernatural to get a feel about how she thinks about them.... It'll help to know this if I'm keeping her. "Have you ever wondered about the supernatural? I know a lot of people really like that Milo Young's writings."

"I've read a few of his book," she told me. "I'm not a huge fan but when everyone is reading and talking about certain books I happen to read it as well to join the conversation. Milo's got a clever idea about supernatural though. It's better then that lady who wrote Twilight." I laughed.

"Twilight was terrible," I agreed with her. "What about supernatural in general? If you ever met a vampire, what would you do? I know Milo would beg to go with him," I purred, holding back a laugh.

"What, are you like into vampires or something?" She teased me and scooted closer to me. "Tell ya what, if vampires come out of the coffin I'll get you a number." I laughed then. Yeah, we're not coming out of the closet with the council watching us like hawks.

"Hmm..." I moved a hand off the steering wheel and smirked, resting it on her lower thigh near her knee to mess with her before I looked at her. "What if I was a vampire?" I said in a teasing tone to her to keep it light.

"Don't wreck us trying to drink my blood," she teased back and rested her arm on my leg. I smirked at her then looked back at the road before I laughed and then pulled the car over, letting it idle before I turned to look at her.

"Don't wreck us?" I teased her and then smirked, leaning in and kissing her lips. She giggled and puled away from my lips.

"It's just a joke," she told me and drew her hand away from my leg. I laughed and then took my hand away from her knee, brushing her hair over her ear slowly like I knew human girls liked and then kissed her cheek.

"How about we exchange phone numbers?" I suggested to her. "Unless you're not wanting to continue this after tonight."

"Yeah, we can totally exchange numbers..." she looked down as she dug around in her pocket to get her phone. Her neck exposing to me. I looked towards it and instinctively leaned in as my crystal pulsed harder in my chest, dragging me towards her. I felt my fangs sharpen before I was over in her seat in seconds with her, kissing her neck before I scrapped my fangs against it as a moan escaped me. Her scent is so intoxicating.... like catnip to a cat.... She let out a sharp gasp and yanked her neck back quickly from me and hit her head up against the seat. Her eyes scanned my face quickly with wonder. I looked at her as I let my fangs stay exposed, watching her reaction. That look is so beautiful on her face.... I kissed her cheek and then gave a playful growl to her. "A-are those real?" She asked quickly.

"Oh yes," I told her and laughed. "They're extremely real," I purred to her as I smelled her neck.

"Then that explains why you were lingering at the bar," she whispered. I pulled back to look at her.

"I don't plan on killing you if that's what you're thinking," I told her and smirked. "No, I have other plans." She let out a small sigh of relief and relaxed.

"Other plans?" She asked softly.

"I'm going to let you live," I told her and then smirked, stealing a kiss. "But I'm going to make you into my fledgling."

"Into your what?" She gave me a confused look.

"I'm going to turn you into a vampire," I whispered in her ear. "As Milo had put it, I'm going to turn you into my newborn. The real term is fledgling."

"You're going to..... turn me into a vampire?" She laughed nervously.

"Don't worry," I purred to her in a soothing tone. "You might stay human for a few more nights if you're afraid." I rubbed her thigh and then kissed her neck.

"I'm not afraid," she told me and shook her head. "You said you weren't going to kill me." Oooh, she's brave. I smirked. She'll make a fine fledgling for me.

"Good," I told her then pulled back from her neck, kissing her deeply. "We'll make the arrangements tonight then."

"T-tonight?" She asked me. "What's the turning like?"

"You'll want to be in a comfortable area where we can be alone while you turn," I whispered to her, looking her in the eyes. "Let's hurry up to the castle before we lose time to get you situated. We won't want to do it while the sun is coming up." I purred and then kissed her again before I got out of her seat and then into mine, starting to drive us quickly in the direction of my home.

"Castle? Did you just say castle? You live in a castle?" She asked me quickly. "I expected you'd have a nice place but you live in a castle? What are you a prince?" I laughed dryly at that. I'd be KING if it wasn't for that bastard Lyle.

"Yes, I am a prince," I told her, deciding to leave Lyle out of this right now. "My family is the royal family of vampires."

"Seriously? I'm in the car with a royal vampire?" She looked me over and raised an eyebrow. I smirked.

"Yes," I told her and then sped the car up to 120 mph as we left the city and I got on the road to the castle. "I am Silas Rosario."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you my name didn't I?" She asked. Oh, she did.... Huh, I didn't ask yet.

"Yes, you did," I purred to her, glancing her way in interest. "If you're going to be my first fledgling, I should know your name at least before I take you in my arms and turn you...."

"Well my friends call me Stormy or Story, depending on their moods but my name is Valerie Storm." She told me calmly and looked out the window. "Do you always drive like this?"

"Uhmmmm.... I never really thought about it, but yes," I told her and shrugged. "Want me to slow down or something? I promise you I've driven this so many times, there is no way in hell I'd crash us."

"If you crash and kill me, I'll haunt you." She threatened. "You're going to have an eternity of me haunting you too." I laughed at that. Turning her would essentially be the same idea. She'd be haunting me for centuries either as my fledgling or my dark princess.....

"You're not going to die," I told her confidently. "So, let me explain my family household before you get in there and get confused. There is Lyle who is currently the king. He recently got his first fledgling, Milo Young- but don't tell anyone that.... He'll come out as missing soon. There is Everest who is another prince and has quite a few of his own fledglings but they don't live with us. There is Sylar, another prince, and then there is Esther, the only female in our family. Our parents are dead though, so it's just us."

"You were born a vampire?" She asked curiously. I nodded to her.

"Yeah, I'm known as a pureblood," I told her. "We don't have human in our DNA at all."

"That's crazy... I'm drunk. I'm going to wake up face planted in my book at the bar in a few hours," she laughed out and rubbed her forehead. I smirked at her as we reached the castle quickly and then I parked in the garage, getting out and went over to her side of the car, reaching in and grabbing her hand before I pulled her out.

"You'll see," I told her and smirked as I scooped her up into my arms and started to carry her towards the doors bridal style. She giggled and rested her head on my shoulder, looking towards the castle doors in awe. I stayed silent as I walked into the castle with her and then begun to carry her to my room, staying dead silent to avoid attracting any of my siblings attentions. I didn't need Lyle ripping her away from me.... He would because she has a little bit of alcohol on her breath....

"WELCOME HOME SILAS!" I heard Sylar yell from down the hall. "Who's that in your arms?" SHIT!

"Sylar," I hissed his way. "Could you quiet down a little? You'll catch everyone's attention being that loud."

"WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LET ME GET CLOSER!" He started for me then. FUCK! I took off running with her then down a separate hall, hoping to lose him. He's going to get me questioned! I don't need this! Not while I'm trying to turn her! I couldn't hear him following me after that. I slowed down and sighed in relief before I rushed us to my room and went inside, shutting the door behind me and locked it. I walked her over to my bed and then sat her down on it, kissing her lips. Safe.... I purred and then pushed her onto her back, crawling over her. She giggled and leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck. I moaned softly from her warmth and the feeling of being held by her before I gently pulled back from the kiss and started to trail small kisses down to her neck with a purr. She arched her back as I trailed the kisses and let out a giggle.

"Hey, that kinda tickles..." She mumbled. I smirked as I reached her neck and then exposed my fangs, biting down into her perfect neck while she was distracted. She yelped and I could hear her heart start to race in her chest. She let out a small hiss of pain and gripped my shirt. I rubbed her sides comfortingly, loosening up on the bite before I injected her with my venom to start the process off before I would drain her then feed her. She moaned and moved her hands up to my hair and ran her fingers through it before gripping a lock full. Good, she's enjoying it.... I moved a little closer to her before I trailed my hand down to her thigh and gripped it playfully, giving a small growl to her. She giggled and let my hair go, reaching for my hands. I laughed a little and then keep my hands away from hers before I got ahold of hers first and held them down. I pulled away from her neck a little and then nipped at her ear teasingly.

"Stormy," I purred sweetly. "What would you say if I asked you to be my princess?" I asked her, knowing she'd probably shy from the idea right now anyways. Humans have that weird notion that they need to know the person very well before they talk about stuff like that... but I think it's silly. If you're going to be together... be together.

"Your princess? If you promise to take it slow." She looked me over and blushed. "Or promise I'll be your only princess." I smirked and then kissed her cheek.

"I wouldn't turn you if I didn't intend it," I purred to her. "You'll be my only princess as long as you make me happy."

"Then I'll try to keep you happy," she leaned in and gave me a kiss. She's mine.... I purred and kissed her back before I leaned in towards her neck to finish this. I started to drink her blood, not bothering to rebite her to finish it as I used the old bite, letting her hands go. She grabbed my shoulder and gripped them firmly but as I drained her she lost her grip and her hands fell down onto the bed. It didn't take me long to get her to the point where I needed to feed her, her heart barely beating in her chest. I pulled away from her neck then looked down at her before I bit into my wrist and then pressed it up against her lips, getting my blood in her mouth.

"Drink this," I purred softly to her. "Drink it, and we'll be together...." She started to drink my blood as ordered, finding the strength to grab my arm after a few minutes and tug it closer to her. Her features started to look healthier as she drunk my blood and eventually bit down into my wrist. I winced as her human teeth tore into me and kept in a groan of pain, letting her. Damn it... her teeth are way too blunt to make this comfortable.... I watched her before I slowly got off her, taking it slow so that way I wouldn't end up taking my wrist from her on accident. I purred softly to sooth her and then got us under the covers carefully before I moved her closer to me and wrapped my free arm around her as she fed from me. "Get as much as you need," I whispered to her encouragingly. She'll be strong.... She pulled my wrist closer as her human teeth tore through my skin, she let a moan slip. She's going to be a biter too.... I laughed a little at the thought. My throat is going to have bites all over it from her being a vampire.... I kissed her cheek and then closed my eyes as I decided to get some shut eye, knowing that the transformation would take awhile and she'd probably pull away when it started. I started to feel a little light headed while she fed from me. I frowned and then tugged my wrist away from her, taking that as a sign that I needed to stop for now. I wrapped her up in my arms and then kissed her cheek. "That's it for now," I whispered to her. "Get some rest if you can." She sighed and curled up to me, I could hear her hear start to race a little. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep too.... "It's going to hurt a little," I mumbled and then opened my eyes to look at her. Maybe I should stay awake, just to make sure it all goes smoothly.

"Hurt?" She mumbled.

"Yeah, the transformation will hurt for a bit and then all the pain will go away and you won't ever have to feel that pain again," I promised her, brushing her hair out of her face. "Compared to a life of eternity with almost no worries to a few hours of pain... you won't even really remember this too much unless you purposely hang onto these memories."

"A few hours of pain?" She asked and sat up quickly. I frowned and watched her before I pulled her back to me and kissed her to calm her. Of course when they learn it's not all sunshine and rainbows, they freak out.... This is why I never made a fledgling... and because humans are really basic... and disgusting.... She pulled back from the kiss and sat up again.

"I don't feel so good," She mumbled. Please don't tell me she's going to puke....

"If you're going to puke, the bathroom is that way," I told her and watched her. Not in my bed... don't puke in my bed.... She started for her feet quickly and ran for the bathroom, disappearing inside it. I sat up and then sighed, reaching for my phone to call Lyle to inform him that someone needed to go shopping for clothes again. I dialed up his number as I sat up against the headboard and waited for him to pick up.

"Silas?" Lyle asked.

"Yeah, I need you to do me a favor. Can you send someone out to get some girl clothes for my fledgling?" I hummed out, looking at my nails. "She's going to need them... and some of her own hygiene products."

"Your fledgling?" Lyle asked. "What, were you jealous I got one so you just had to get one?" He teased me. "I'll ask Esther to do it for you.... or some maids. I'm going to need her sizes in clothes though."

"First off, I'm not jealous. I was going to eat her then decided I'd rather have her as my lover," I growled softly. "She's probably a medium."

"Does she know she's your lover? I thought you was gay." He laughed and I could hear him typing on his phone. "Okay, I'll send some maids out in the morning to get these things for you. They'll have them ready for you by dusk."

"Good... and yes, she knows she is going to become my lover. I already told her," I hummed out. "If anyone is gay around here, it's you."

"Well at least I proudly admit and own it." He hung up on me then. I sat my phone down and looked towards the bathroom before I laid down to wait on her, closing my eyes. After a few minutes she came back to bed and collapsed on it, curling up and holding her stomach. I looked towards her then purred, pulling her closer before I got her under the covers, holding her comfortingly.

"Try to get some rest," I whispered to her and then kissed her cheek, rubbing her back.

"Okay," she groaned out and buried her face into my chest. I purred to her comfortingly, watching her as I stayed awake through the whole transformation process, helping her through it the best I could.