The Child of the Past

Unknown POV 27 years earlier:

I woke to the sound of glass shattering, stirring me from my sleep. My eyes opened to be face to face with the love of my life, Ridley. He was still sound asleep though. I could hear footsteps near by, raising my attention and making my heart pound in my chest. My baby! I reached out for Ridley and shook him awake. I could hear Trystan- my baby boy break out into a cry. I could barely make out a dark shadow looming over his crib and picking him up. My little one year old Trystan was being stolen from his crib! My heart panicked, I was panicking. Ridley groaned softly as his voice crackled through the cold night air, "What's wrong, Pamela?"

"Ridley, there's a man stealing our boy!" I shrieked, climbing for the edge of the bed. As soon as my voice hit the air around us the kidnapper disappeared into thin air with Trystan...

Different Unknown POV 9 years later:

I felt a small kick in my stomach, making me laugh as I walked into my darling Enoch's study and sat down on the couch. I picked up my book to continue reading softly to little Sylar. "Jonas wants us to take down a resistance post tonight," Enoch spoke up from his desk. He sat down a piece of paper and stood up, coming over to me and sat down, starting to rub my stomach. "I think you better stay here tonight, Ella. You don't want to risk getting shot and hurting Sylar, do you?"

"No, of course not! I don't want you going alone though, I'll be worried."

"It's the last of the resistance, I don't think you have anything to worry about. We're setting up a better life for our children. They won't have to fear other vampires stealing them from their crib to sell them on the market because they were born from royalty. Sylar will never know that fear like Silas, Esther, and Everest had, how we had to take so much precautions just to sleep. We're tearing down those crib robbers, the horrible resistance, and the dark market. Stay here with the children. I'd feel much better anyways with you watching them. I'll be okay with my men, storming the last bit of the resistance."

"I don't understand why Jonas just doesn't do it himself," I hissed with irritation. "He knows we're about to have another baby any time now."

"Jonas has been handling most of this. I'm sure he has a good reason for sending me to the last of the war lines. He has children just like we do and a worried wife like I have."

"I'd feel better if he was there with you," I mumbled.

"I don't need a babysitter," he grumbled and stood up. "I'm a grown vampire king. I can set a good example to the other royal families that royalty can take care of business too and don't need families like the Nero to go in the lines of battle and fight for us. You know we're even opening up the council to the Nero family soon-"

"Yes, I know." I sighed then. "I don't like it so just make sure to come home to your loving family," I purred to him. He purred back and leaned in, giving me a deep and passionate kiss. When he pulled back he stared lovingly into my eyes.

"I'll come home," he promised me.

Unknown POV:

I curled up into a dark corner, shivering as I tucked my arms into my ripped tank top. I let out a small cough, feeling my throat sore and aching for blood again. Daddy is supposed to be awake soon.... I looked towards his coffin that protects him from the sunlight that comes through the windows sometimes. If I don't avoid the light, I'll burn in it. It'll hurt my skin so bad... I rubbed at my hand where I had been recently burned. It's already night though, the sun went down a long time ago. I'm so cold too. I crawled my way over to the coffin and raised it a little to peek inside, yelping as a hand snatched me by the throat and pulled me in. I felt fangs scrape against my neck and pierced my skin. I relaxed as my daddy started to drink from me, his venom soothing me. I hated getting bit though, he'd sometimes drink from me until I fell unconscious.... I don't like falling unconscious. My dad's fangs pulled out of my neck and suddenly he spit my blood onto me. "You taste like the sun, I told you to avoid the sun! Didn't I? What'd you do? Fall asleep and get burned?" He snatched my hair and tugged on it. "Boy! Get out of my coffin!" He lifted the top and shoved me out as fast as he pulled me in.

"Your scent is staining my coffin!" He yelled with anger, making me scared. I ran over to the corner of the room and slipped back into it. He's not happy tonight. I watched as he crawled out of his coffin and started for me. "I paid a good bit for you and all you've got to give me is burned blood!? I want my money back! You're not worth it, pureblood!"

"I'm hungry," I said softly and squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

"Hungry?! You're hungry? You better start drinking your own blood then sonny boy because I'm not feeding you until you give me better tasting blood." I heard his boots coming for me then and his fingers scrapped against my body- towards my stomach where he grabbed a handful of my shirt and yanked me to my feet. "I don't have to feed you anyways, I'm selling you tonight and getting something better for my liking, maybe I'll buy a little girl this time. I'll sell you cheep though, because that's all you're worth." He hoisted me up and threw me over his shoulder to where my stomach was on his pointed shoulder- hurting me and stabbing into my emptiness. I felt my hunger rise and pain struck me.

"Daddy," I sniffled. He was going to sell me? I thought he loved me! He said he'd take care of me and keep me forever. "You said you were going to take care of me," I whined and gripped his shirt.

"I don't want you anymore," he decided. "I'm selling you and getting something that'll keep hidden in the dark."


"I'm not your dad anymore!" He carried me up and out of the basement and into his small home. His house was empty and had little to no furniture inside. My previous home where he had bought me from was filled with furniture and wonderful servants... He never had servants. He's only kept me for a few months. I've always been tossed around, sold and bought. Every since I can remember... I'm not sure why they buy me and then turn around to sell me... Is it because I'm so young and they only want a taste of my blood- not really to raise me? He lied to me. He doesn't care either about me. He carried me outside and towards his car where he popped the trunk open and threw me inside. I curled up as he shut me in. I'm not big enough to defend myself from these monsters... I've tried so hard to please whoever owns me. I could feel the car crank and the engine start up.

~Time Skip~

"four- five- six- seven- ten- twenty- thirty- fif-eighty. There you go sir, Seven hundred and eighty for your young boy there, what's his name? I'd like you to fill out all this information about him." I watched as a man handed my daddy a piece of paper, pen, and clipboard with money before looking towards me and gave me a huge fake smile. "Okay youngster, I want you to strip off you clothes and put this on." He handed me a blue jumpsuit that looked around my size. I blushed and done as I was told, getting into it. It was a little long for me though.

"I've been calling him Noah, it was what his last master called him," my daddy told the man. A woman walked up and took my old clothes from me and walked away with them, muttering something about a fire. I watched as my dad signed off on the pages, stuffing the green cash into his pocket. I started to feel itchy in the jump suit, casing me to scratch as my arms, feeling something biting at my skin. Another woman walked up and snatched me up into her arms and started to carry me off.

I sniffled as my dad disappeared from my sight, no longer being my dad anymore as realization struck me. Parentless again. The lady carried me into a bathroom and sat me down on a sink where she started to wash my face off. When she finished she carried me into a room filled with caged others and stuck me in a cage with another boy my age. The lady walked off, I could tell she was pleased I didn't struggle with her. If you struggle you'll just wind up hurt so I never tried to.

I looked towards the other boy in the same small cage as me and panicked as I saw a hungry look on his eyes. He was eyeing me down, his hunger looked ten times worse than mine. He was starved. He started for me then, grabbing my feet and yanked me down onto my back then crawled on top of me. I panicked but exposed my neck for him instinctively so I wouldn't be hurt worse. He purred at my offering and bit down into me, feasting on my blood. I felt his hands traveling around my body, starting to make me feel uncomfortable. Why is he doing that? His hands slipped around me and pulled me closer to him, holding me in his arms. His body heat started to comfort me suddenly as I found myself wrapped up by him. His warm body..... his fangs sending a pleasurable venom in me to sooth me. I felt my eye lids starting to get heavy. I felt his fangs slip out of my neck and his tongue licking me. He stopped before I could fall unconscious?

"Merci," he whispered in my ear. I think he said thank you in French... I heard gun fire suddenly, making the guy move away from me and look around curiously. I eyed my surroundings around quickly.

Enoch Rosario's POV:

A few of my knights walked up, dragging a guy towards me. There was dead bodies everywhere from the raid on the outpost. "This is the last man standing, he said he's the leader here. We caught him making a deal with another guy but he escaped." Fredrick- one of the knights told me. "We thought you might want the privileges in what to do with him."

"Let's take him home and put him in a cell. I'll send word to Jonas about him and let him come get this rat."

"What should we do with the others?"

"Let them go, figure out what to do with the younger victims." I suggested. I decided on helping out with that, walking towards where they were keeping the victims in cages. I glanced around and started helping my knights break open the latches on the cages. My nose caught the scent of a pureblood then- the smell of a royal. I glanced around for where it was coming from and found myself in front of a cage with two young boys inside. They were probably around ten. I broke open the lock and reached in, helping one of them out first. It was a more alive looking boy who smelled like he had been turned. I sat him down then started for the second boy.

Our eyes connected and I stared into blood red eyes. The boy was in poor shape, unhealthy looking and abused. He smelled like he had been burned in the sunlight recently. His eyes had dark circles under them from the lack of sleep. He looked hungry, freshly drained. There was a bite mark on his neck steal trying to heal. His hair was a really dark brown, almost black looking. It curled down to his shoulders to give him a very old look for a child of this age. Whoever kept him was an old vampire. I liked the look of his hair though, it suited him. This was the pureblood I sniffed out. His blood was of the old royals though. I decided then, I wanted him. He's going to be my son. "Do you want to come home with me?" I asked him softly. His eyes lingered on me, I could tell he was scared of that question. "I promise it'll be the last home you'll end up in. My name is Enoch Rosario, I'm a king. A good king. I just saved you."

"The others promised me that," he mumbled.

"Well I'm not like the others," I purred and reached in, stealing him from the cage. I wrapped him up in my arms and carried him towards the exit. "I'll be your father until death," I promised. "You're going to have three brothers and one sister. They'll love you as much as I do right now. You'll also have a mommy, have you ever had one?" He shook his head quickly.

"She'll love you too," I promised. "You're a little older that your new siblings. I hope you won't be sad about that. Silas is around your age though, he'll be able to play with you. You two will be best friends, I just know it." I rubbed his back to give him comfort and carried him away from the horrible place and outside to the waiting car. I slipped him into the back with me and reached into a drawer under the seat then pulled out a blood bag from a hospital and opened it, grabbing one of the cups in plain sight and poured the blood into the cup. I handed it towards the boy then. "Here, drink this. I bet you're hungry." The boy took it quickly and started to drink the blood as quickly as he could. "We'll let your mom come up with a name for you," I suggested.

"My name's Noah," he mumbled.

"Do you want to be called Noah?" I asked.

"Not really, I wouldn't mind a new name."

"I think you should have a new name. As of now, you have a new life. You're a prince now."

"A prince?"

"Yes, you're a prince. I can't wait for you to meet your brother Silas. He's been asking for a brother old enough to play with him." I rubbed his head and watched him as he finished off the blood. I grabbed the glass and sat it aside then used my sleeve to wipe off his lips. He leaned his head onto my shoulder then. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep against me, sleeping through the rest of the car ride.

When the vehicle stopped right outside of my castle, I shook the boy awake and got out of the car, holding the door open for him. He slipped out of the car and looked around nervously before looking up at me. I reached out for his hand and once he grabbed mine I lead him up to the castle doors and inside. Ella was waiting for me, rocking our three year old baby boy (Everest) to sleep in her arms. There was a few maids waiting by her as well as a nanny we hired for our children. We needed help of course, sometimes the three we had was a handful. Five is going to be a handful but a wonderful handful. "I'm glad you made it home," she whispered to me. "I just managed to put Everest to sleep for a nap. Whose this?" She eyed our new son down.

"I found him at the auction house. He smelled like a royal pureblood- but the old royals. I couldn't just leave him there Ella. I figured we could welcome him into our home as one of our own."

"One of our own?" She asked and purred. Ella was a wonderful mother, having pure instincts for anyone she came across that needed help. I knew she wouldn't say no to this. "Does he have a name?"

"I was wanting you to pick," he spoke up softly beside me. His tiny hands gave mine a squeeze. She purred with delight and handed Everest off to the nanny since he was knocked out. The nanny rocked Everest just like Ella had been doing and carried him off towards the nursery. Everest and Esther was sharing a nursery together right now. Ella walked up and knelt down in front of our new son and examined him, checking his teeth. I could see concern vanish as she looked him over.

"I know what we'll name you," she decided. "Lyle. It was a name I was considering for Sylar earlier in my pregnancy. I think it's a name that suits you. Lyle Rosario."

"Do you want to meet your brother Silas?" I asked Lyle. "He's around here somewhere, he shouldn't be hard to find. You two can share a room for tonight."

"Uh-" Lyle blushed.

"SILAS! DADDY'S HOME!" I yelled. Where's my beautiful son? Silas came running around a corner and fell on his face as he accidentally tripped on the carpet in the hall. He giggled and sat up, looking towards me with delight before he tried getting back to his feet.

"Daddy!" He called out, laughing then paused, noticing Lyle. He gave him a curious look then looked back at me then at Lyle. He got up slowly to his feet and dusted himself off before he walked over, trying to look like a proper prince as he bit back a smile. I got down on my knees to be their height and pulled Lyle to stand right in front of me and in front of Silas.

"Silas, meet your brother Lyle." I gave them a smile and let Lyle go then nudged them into each other's arms. "You two are going to share a room tonight, okay?" Silas's eyes widened and he looked at Lyle before he smelled him then purred.

"Okay daddy~" He said sweetly then pulled Lyle a little closer. "Are you going to play with me? You will, right? You're my brother~"

"Uh-huh," Lyle nodded quickly towards Silas. "I'll play with you."

"You two run off and play before the sun comes up," I suggested. Silas's eyes brightened and he glanced behind me towards the door then back at me.

"Can I go outside?!" He asked in excitement. "Please, oh please? I'll come in before the sunrise, promise! I won't go too far either!"

"Okay, you two can go outside but stay in the garden where the wolves will be able to protect you if something bad happens." I told him. "Behave too."

"Yes daddy," Silas promised and then let Lyle go before he tackled my legs. "Can I have some blood when I get back in?" He looked up into my eyes and gently tugged on my pants leg.

"You may, I know Lyle will be hungry for some too. So you'll watch him for me won't you?" I winked at Silas. Lyle looked towards us and bit his bottom lip. Silas nodded and smiled.

"Okay~ I will." He looked towards Lyle then tackled him back into a hug. "Come on, come on, come on~ Let's go play outside~ You'll love the flowers! They're so pretty! The butterflies land on your nose too!" He giggled and started to drag Lyle towards the door, opening it to pull him outside. Lyle giggled and followed after his brother, making me purr. They're going to be great together.

Lyle's POV:

"And this one is my favorite! It's pretty and silver," he purred, showing me a rose then looked towards me with a small smile. "Which one is your favorite? We can plant more of them later if you want, your favorite that is. Mommy won't mind." He giggled then grabbed my hand, rubbing his cheek against it with a purr. I watched him and giggled.

"I like those too," I told him. "I like them because you like them." He looked up at me sweetly then.

"Really?" He asked excitedly and then pulled me closer. "You're the best brother ever~" He giggled and then kissed my cheek softly before he started to tickle my sides. I giggled and pushed his hands away then took off running from him. No! He's a tickle monster!

"Tickle monster!" I yelled.

"I'm going to get yoooou!" He called out after me and started to chase me, giggling. I giggled and ran for a tree that had a low enough branch for me to crawl up on for protection. If I'm higher than him then he can't get me. He stopped underneath the tree when he reached it and looked up towards me with a frown then looked towards the tree before he bit his bottom lip and started to climb it. He whimpered when he reached the branch then looked towards it and then at the ground before he yelped and clung to the tree, starting to cry. I widened my eyes and reached out for him.

"No, don't cry!" I begged and brought him close to me. He whimpered and curled up in my arms, trembling as he squeezed his eyes shut. He gripped my shirt and held onto me tightly. I crawled us both out of the tree and nuzzled into his neck. He slowly started to relax as we got to the ground and then curled up into me. He purred softly after a few seconds and then kissed my cheek, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry," he told me. "I don't like heights. They're scary," he purred and then giggled. "You rescued me brother~"

"Uh huh, you're my brother." I kissed his head and giggled. "I'll always rescue you." He giggled and then pulled back to look at me then smiled.

"Guess what?" He purred to me then tackled me to the ground. "Tag~ You're it Lyle," he told me then got up, running away as he giggled. He was heading for some bushes nearby... I giggled and got to my feet, taking off after him.

"I'm gonna get you," I teased him. He squealed and then ducked behind some bushes then got under them, laughing as he watched me. I reached the bushes and looked around it then got behind them to go in the way he did. He giggled as he watched me coming and playfully exposed his fangs, purring towards me. I gasped and backed away from the bushes and watched his fangs. He frowned as he saw me backing away then unsharpened his fangs, slowly coming out from under the bushes.

"Don't be scared," he whispered, looking a little upset. "I'm not going to hurt you.... I wouldn't.... I'm not dangerous...." I watched him coming towards me and let out a small sigh of relief. He relaxed as he saw me and then smiled as he sat down by the bush. "See, I'm not evil," he told me softly and then started to play with his hair. "I wouldn't bite you like that." I giggled and crawled up to him then gave him a hug.

"Gotcha," I purred. He giggled and looked at me then kissed my cheek.

"Got me?" He asked me playfully and then pushed me onto my back before he laid on top of me. He purred and nuzzled his head against my chest then sighed softly. "I'm happy you're here.... The others won't play with me.... Daddy says they're too little. It's lonely...."

"They'll be able to play with us in a few years though," I told him and giggled. "It'll be so fun when they get older."

"Yeah, but years is so long," he whined then looked towards me. "Brother, you won't leave me, right?"

"Never! I'm staying. Daddy said that I was staying forever." I purred happily. I believe him too. He giggled and then pulled me closer.

"Good, I'd hunt you down and drag you back if you left me," he told me and smiled. "You're my brother. You can't be anyone else's," he purred and then started to get to his feet then tugged me to mine. "The sun is going to come up in an hour~ Let's go get something to eat!"

"Okay," I purred and pulled him towards the doors we came out of. "Daddy says I get to sleep with you tonight too."

"You're sleeping with me in my room forever~" He told me and giggled. "Daddy won't mind."

"Okay," I giggled. "Roommates! Forever and ever and ever." I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. "How comfy is your coffin?"

"Comfy and big," he told me and smiled at me. "Daddy wants me to grow into it." He pulled me inside then shut the door before he bounced up towards a maid. "I'm hungry," he said sweetly, looking up at her as he tugged on her skirt with a cute look. She giggled as she looked us over.

"Are you both hungry?" She asked. I nodded towards her. "Let's go get you some blood then," she suggested. Silas nodded quickly and held onto her skirt as she started to lead us, clinging to her as he glanced towards me with a huge smile and grabbed my hand, pulling me along.

"Is mommy going to sing to me tonight?" He asked the maid softly, looking up at her.

"I'm sure she will, she's in the nursery right now. Do you want to go to her after we get you two something to eat?" She asked us sweetly.

"Uh huh," he said and then purred before he nuzzled his head against her. "I wanna see mommy~"

"Okay sweetie." She lead us into a kitchen and walked up to a fridge, pulling out two blood bags for us and got two cups down from a cabinet. She fixed us two glasses of blood then gave them to us. "Don't make a mess," she warned. Silas nodded sweetly and started to sip on his blood, purring as he drank it quickly then licked his lips. He handed her back the glass and then started to wander the kitchen, moving a chair towards a counter before he got up on it and then crawled onto the counter and then got a cabinet open, revealing a cookie jar. He giggled happily and started for it, climbing up into the cupboards and then opened it, stealing one out of it. I finished off my glass of blood and gave it back to the maid then watched my brother carefully, making sure he wouldn't get hurt.

"Why didn't you ask?" The maid giggled out as she watched him. He stuffed a cookie into his face then looked towards us innocently before he giggled and then got two more cookies and reached for the maid. She grabbed him and sat him down on the floor, rubbing his head. He smiled up at her then gently put a cookie in her hand with a sweet smile.

"For you miss," he said and then gave her a cute look before he looked towards me and held out the other cookie towards me. "And one for you brother~ You can have one from my conquests of the cupboards!" I blushed and took the cookie from him.

"Merci," I purred to him and giggled as I ate the cookie. He tilted his head slightly as he heard me then smiled.

"You're welcome," he told me. "I didn't know that you knew a little French," he purred in approval and then grabbed my hand before he looked up towards the maid. "Mommy?" The maid giggled and pulled us off towards the hallway. She lead us into a room upstairs where there was two cribs- a nursery. The lady I met earlier was reading to two toddlers in the floor. Silas ditched me and ran up to her, climbing up into her lap and knocking the book out of her hands easily before he giggled and wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her cheek. "Mommy~ Mommy, mommy!" He purred and then curled up to her, closing his eyes happily as he smelled her.

"Hey sweetie, I was just reading to your brothers and sister." I watched as she rubbed her tummy. I walked up and looked at the three year old looking boy and four year old looking girl. I sat down next to my mommy and looked towards the book she was reading to them, finding it to have a picture of a bear on the front with letters, but I couldn't read it. The boy started to gnaw on his hands and whimpered before he rolled over onto his tummy and started to crawl away towards a couch and slipped under it. The girl watched him then squealed before she started to play with her toes, falling over onto her side then played with her hair. She looked towards a doll a few feet away and got up, crawling towards it.

"Dollie," she purred and then grabbed it, starting to braid it's hair. I looked back towards Silas and reached out for him. He looked towards me from mommy's arms and then purred.

"Brother," he purred sweetly and then looked me over before he looked at mommy and kissed her cheek. He climbed out of her lap and then tackled me into a hug, smiling happily. He suddenly yelped and then let go of me and screamed like he was being hurt as he looked towards his foot. I saw the little four year old girl latched onto him, her fangs stuck in his lower leg as she held onto him and drank from him. Mommy yanked her away from Silas quickly and pointed a finger at her.

"Don't bite your poor brother," mommy told her sternly. "That was really mean." The little girl looked towards mommy and licked her lips.

"Mean?" She asked with a small whimper, looking hurt that she was in trouble.

"Very mean. You should ask permission at all times. That way when you are allowed to bite someone they'll not have any problem with it and you'll both be in agreement." She frowned a little and then touched her fangs.

"What's agreement?" She asked her and then looked towards Silas hungrily. He yelped and started to tremble, cradling his wounds.

"When you're both okay with the outcome," mommy purred.

"What's outcome?" She asked innocently and tore her eyes away from Silas. I suddenly heard a purr from beside me and the little boy crawled into my arms, starting to fall asleep as he got comfortable on me.

"What happens after an event." She nodded and then giggled, kissing her cheek and getting a little of Silas's blood on her cheek. She looked towards it then licked it off her then smiled innocently.

"So what rule did I just teach you?" Mommy asked.

"No biting... without... per-permisshion," the little girl said cutely, looking up at mommy as she hugged her.

"Good job pretty girl," mommy purred. I frowned as I thought it over. I have to ask? The boy in my arms nuzzled his head against me then purred before he sneezed and then opened his eyes a little then looked around before he crawled away from me and then went towards the crib, grabbing the bars and pulling himself up to his feet before he crawled up and managed to crawl over it, getting inside. The girl looked towards him and whined.

"Evey," she cried out then looked at mommy in panic. "I want brother. BROTHERRRRR!" She started to cry, tears streaming down her face. The boy shrunk down in the crib and quickly pulled the blanket over his head, hiding. Mommy giggled and picked up the girl and carried her over to his crib and placed her down inside.

"Goodday my sweet babies," mommy purred and rubbed them both on the head. "I have to go tuck in your brothers now." They looked towards her then curled up to each other, snuggling up together as they started to fall asleep. Silas looked towards mommy expectantly and stood up, walking up to her.

"Sing for me," he purred sweetly to her and grabbed her hand, starting to take her towards the door and glanced my way. "Brother, come along. I want mommy to sing to both of us." He smiled hugely at me and giggled. I ran after them then so I wouldn't get left behind.

"Sing for you?" Mommy asked. "What song?"

"My lullaby," he told her and smiled. "I want it to be Lyle's too. He's my brother now. Please mommy? Or if you can't do that one... could you sing the song about the lamb and Mary?"

"I'll sing your lullaby," she purred and reached behind her, grabbing my hand. "You two getting along good?" She asked.

"Uh huh," Lyle purred. "He saved me from a tree!"

"A tree?" She asked. "What were you two doing with a tree?"

"Playing," I told her quickly.

"He got up in the tree and I went after him, but I was too scared to move and he rescued me, mommy," he told her innocently. "We were playing chase."

"Well I don't want you two climbing trees for another few years, promise me sweeties."

"I promise," I mumbled. Silas frowned a little and then nuzzled his head against her hand instead of answering her. She pulled us into a room then.

"Do you two want to take a bath tonight or tomorrow?" She asked us.

"Tonight," Silas said happily and then ran over to a door and opened it, disappearing inside. I heard water starting to run and heard him giggling. "Bubbles~" She tugged me into the bathroom then.

"I think we can find something for you to wear," she purred and ducked into another door- leaving me in the bathroom with Silas. Silas looked towards me and smiled innocently as he pulled his shirt off and put it in a basket before he started to play with the water, waiting on mommy to come back instead of climbing in all the way. She came into the room with a few shirts and pajama pants and put them down on the counter. "Okay boys, get undressed and take a bath together." She walked up to the tub and checked the water temperature before getting us wash clothes and towels out of a closet. Silas obeyed and started to undress, putting his clothes into the basket then got into the tub, making room for me as he submerged his head under the water. I pulled off my blue jump suit and sat it in the basket then got into the water with him and blushed. She walked up and started to pour soap into the running water to create bubbles for us. Silas giggled happily and then started to play with them, smiling as he popped one. He looked up towards mommy and reached for her with a huge smile.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy~ Look! Bubbles! They're my bubbles..." He giggled and purred, splashing the water.

"Yeah, you two wash up good for me. I'm going to go get the room warm for you kiddos and the curtains shut tight." She walked off and left us alone. He watched her go and then started to wash up, cleaning his hair and his face as he calmed down a bit and seemed a little tired. He purred softly and finished up rather quickly before he got out of the tub and went over to the towels and dried off then got dressed before he looked towards me with a smile and bounced up to the tub and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be waiting in bed for you," he told me happily. I blushed and watched him leave before I started to wash myself off like he did then climbed out of the tub and walked up to the towel on the counter. I dried off my body then slipped into the left over clothes on the counter. I walked out to the bedroom and spotted him in bed with our mommy on the edge of it. I walked up to the bed and got into it. Silas looked towards me and smiled, pulling me close and then kissed my cheek before he tucked me in beside him and looked towards mommy expectantly. She purred happily and started to sing to us a lullaby I never heard before. Silas seemed to relax at the sound of it and closed his eyes, starting to fall asleep beside me easily. He snuggled against me and then sighed as his breathing became slower. I felt my eyes becoming heavy at the sound of her voice and found myself drifting off to sleep with him.