The Doctor of the Wolves

Everest's POV:

I ran into Esther's room then, seeing her playing cards with the maids. She glanced up at me and smiled. "Hey Everest, what did you want?" She asked sweetly.

"Silas has a new fledgling!" I told her. Her eyes widened and she quickly took off past me, rushing to go to them. I laughed a bit and then looked after her, watching her go. I better hurry and get back to Neal before he gets upset with me. I started walking for the night room to go find him, smelling the air to check and make sure he hadn't left as I headed for it. I caught him in the hall, smelling for my scent. He paused as he caught me.

"Oh, there you are. You left me. So who was the guy?" Neal asked. I walked up to him and smiled.

"It was Charles, one of Silas's human friends he recently turned. Apparently Charles took a bullet for my brother," I purred and then wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in, kissing him. Neal kissed me back and pulled away from the kiss.

"So, Charles is okay?" Neal asked and gave me a confused look. I nodded.

"Silas turned him to save his life. It's a way to save humans who are dying," I told him softly. "Becoming a vampire fixes a lot of problems that might be going on with a human. He fed him his blood after draining him which healed him."

"Charles was very brave to take on a bullet. He was just a human. He should have let Silas take it. Even a werewolf would have came out of that better than a human." Neal shook his head. "So, you want to take me up to meet him? I'll tell my alpha about the new member." I nodded.

"Okay," I purred and then grabbed his hand, starting to pull him towards the stairs to take him up to see Charles. "Did I tell you how happy I was that you don't have patrol tonight?" I said and gave him a sweet look, bringing him closer to me.

"No, instead another group is going instead of mine." He followed after me, giving my hand a squeeze. I purred happily to him, pleased.

"That's good. I've been missing you way too much," I purred and then kissed his neck. "You'll make me go out in the garden and listen for you howling~"

"The full moon is two days from now though so you won't be seeing me that night or tomorrow night." I whined and then looked up at him.

"Two days from now?!" I pouted and then wrapped my arms around him. "No fair...."

"I'm sorry but I don't think you'll want me whining to go run with the pack on the full moon and tomorrow I've got hunting duties. My mom wants me to bring her back a deer." I sighed softly and then nodded.

"Okay," I mumbled. "I guess it's alright...." I looked up at him and then purred at him, stealing a quick kiss. I'll have him all to myself in the summer anyways.... It's like late winter.... I've only got to wait some more months and then the pack will calm down and he'll be spending time with me.... Speaking of that, he turned eighteen recently. I looked at him curiously then, wondering if he might want kids his first mating season with me or not. "Hey, I have a question," I mumbled.

"Yeah?" He asked and smiled sweetly towards me. I blushed then and looked up into his eyes.

"I was wondering if you wanted kids or not.... Mating season is in the next few months... and I wasn't sure if you wanted to try or not," I mumbled. "If you do, I should probably start making preparations soon."

"You're wanting kids?" He asked and bit his bottom lip. I blushed and looked at him.

"I was asking you," I whispered and tightened my grip on him. I made him nervous.... Maybe I shouldn't have asked. He might be too young to want to consider it right now. It probably needed to wait till his late twenties.

"Yeah but you're going to be the girl so it's only fair if you want it." I blushed then kissed his cheek.

"I don't mind," I whispered to him. "I would carry your kids if you wanted them."

"Well I need to know if you want them. I wouldn't mind." I blushed then and nodded.

"I kinda do," I told him then hid my face into his neck as my heartbeat sped up a little. "I'd have to find  a volunteer and talk to Lyle about switching my gender closer to time."

"Well I don't mind then. I'm sure my parents will adore the idea." He kissed my cheek then. I nodded and then started to pull him with me, purring.

"I think they'll be happy," I purred to him and laughed. "I'll get Lyle to help me out so that way all we have to do is make a switcheroo on my gender when the time comes when you want to try instead of me having to hunt everything down and trying to get everything together."

"Okay," Neal purred. I blushed and looked at him then tugged on his hand. I purred and took him to Silas's room then let his hand go and walked over to Lyle to talk to him.

"Lyle, can I talk to you?" I asked him softly, leaning in towards his ear. Lyle nodded.

"Of course, what about?" Lyle asked.

"I need your help with something in a few months," I told him then gently grabbed his hand. "I'd rather talk to you outside about it...." He nodded and got to his feet, pulling me into the hall and shut the door. I blushed then and looked up at him. "Can you help me change my gender in May?" I asked him. "Late May?" He widened his eyes at the question.

"You're wanting to change your gender? Are you planning to have kids?" I nodded.

"Neal and I decided to try during his mating season." I mumbled. "I might not even end up pregnant, but it's still worth a try."

"Okay, I'll ask around and see if anyone knows of someone that would volunteer for it. We'd probably have to pay them in the end." I nodded.

"I think we could find someone.... I'll be looking too," I told him then purred. "Thanks Lyle. I didn't want to ask my other siblings. I trust you better with my crystal." I hugged him then and kissed his cheek. He kissed my forehead then.

"I'll take good care of your crystal while I transfer it to the body that'll be holding your life-force." I purred happily then and looked up at him.

"You're the best brother ever," I told him then smiled, pulling away. "I'll tell Neal you said yes~" I opened the door and laughed happily, running back in to Neal and hugged him. "He said he would," I purred to him sweetly. Lyle walked back in and sat down next to Milo. Neal smiled and kissed my cheek. I spotted Milo giving Lyle a curious look, but he didn't ask, looking back towards the sleeping Charles. I glanced everyone over and smiled a little as I curled up into his warmth. Charles opened his eyes tiredly as he heard the excitement going on and rubbed his eyes.

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked tiredly and reached out for Silas. Silas purred and was over by Charles in seconds, pulling him into his arms as he snuggled up with him in the bed.

"Uh huh," Milo told Charles with a smile.

"It's natural though," Lyle told him. "So don't feel bad. Milo slept for a long time before he woke up." He rubbed Milo's head then. Charles looked over the room curiously then.

"I can smell a dog..." I laughed and looked up towards my love then at Charles.

"You smell Neal," I told him softly. "My mate is a werewolf." Neal blushed and looked towards Charles. Charles looked around then and rubbed his head before burring his face against Silas's chest. Silas laughed and then pulled him closer.

"You're cute," he purred towards Charles and gave him a sweet look then grinned towards Sylar. Sylar laughed and watched them.

"Are you still tired Charles?" Sylar asked. "We're not disturbing you are we?"

"No," Charles yawned out. Silas rubbed his head and then laid his head back against the pillow, closing his eyes with a happy look. I smiled softly and then sat down on the bed, glancing Charles over before I looked up to try to guess at what was going on in Neal's head. Neal gave me a smile as he noticed me watching him.

"Milo, how about you come with me. We've got a few things to do now that we promised to help Silas on the ball preparations. Esther, we'll be working on that together now. We can tell the servants about getting Charles's things." Lyle got to his feet and pulled Milo with him. Milo nodded and started to follow him. Esther got up quickly and followed them, starting to talk about what they had planned so far. I looked towards Neal then looked at Silas and Sylar before I got to my feet.

"We should give Silas some time to relax with his fledgling. Charles is just starting to experience all kinds of new things and our scents are probably confusing being so mixed with each other all at once on him," I told Neal and gently grabbed his hand.

"You're right. I heard it's difficult on just turned vampires. Let's go do something together and let them enjoy their first night together as maker and fledgling." Neal pulled me out the room then. I purred to him and then kissed his cheek.

"You want to tell your parents?" I teased him.

"Do you think we should tell them now on our decision?" Neal asked me.

"I think your mom would be excited, and she might know some tricks with pregnancy," I hummed out thoughtfully. I'll need to be taking really good care of myself while I'm trying to give him a child. If I slip up, I could miscarriage easily in the first few months... and it's already hard to get a kid. "She might know ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant," I mumbled.

"Okay, you're right. Plus she might know someone who could help us with finding you a body. It's good enough to get all the help we can on finding someone." Neal started to take me towards the maze then. "Let's go tell my parents." I blushed a little and nodded.

"Joss won't be there, right?" I asked quickly, giving his hand a squeeze.

"I don't know, probably not. He might be out with Taylor in the woods. I didn't ask before I left to see what they would be doing today. Either way it's night so they're probably in her room and won't bother us. My parents will be in the living room." I nodded and relaxed a little.

"Okay," I mumbled and got closer to him as we walked through the maze. I'm going to be a mommy hopefully.... I hope his mother doesn't go crazy with the excitement. She seemed so happy to hear that she might get grandkids from him.... He puled me through the maze, taking us to the dead end that would take us through the hall and into the pack house. He dragged me up to his parents' apartment then pulled me inside.

"Mom! Dad! We have something to tell you!" He called.

"Everest is with you?" I heard his mom ask from the living room. Neal pulled me in to where they were both on the couch watching a movie together. His father paused the movie.

"What is it boys? Are you planning on moving out on us?" He chuckled lightly. Neal sat down, pulling me with him.

"No actually, we were thinking that this mating season we would try for kids." He straight out told them. His mother's eyes widened with delight. His father gave us a serious look then.

"It'll be hard to try son," he told him. "After all we're two different species. You two might not be able to even with him being a girl." I bit my bottom lip as I looked towards his father and nodded.

"I know," I told him softly. "I was planning on doing everything I could to increase the chances... maybe even start researching the vampire history to try to get a better grip on the existence of halfbreeds," I mumbled. "It might not happen, but I at least want to try."

"Well there might be something in our library," his mother suggested. "In the pack library about halfbreeds. The alpha's parents look over and see it every day. How about we go down there and ask them if they know anything and do some research on finding it. I bet it's happened before in our pack and was recorded down there." Neal nodded.

"That's a great idea." Neal smiled. His father turned the TV off then.

"Alright, that's a great idea. Our library is sure to have something on it." His father got up as well as his mother. I smiled happily and then got to my feet, looking towards Neal as I held his hand. It probably has happened before. I know I've heard of vampire halfbreeds living before.... I could probably find a few if I searched the rumors hard enough, though no doubt they are probably protected by their parents big time. I gave Neal's hand a squeeze and a hopeful smile before I looked at his parents gratefully.

"I was also wondering if you knew tricks in general for help getting pregnant," I asked, looking towards his mother specifically. "I want to increase the chances as much as I can."

"Yes, we'll talk about that when you're a girl, okay darling?" She asked me sweetly and linked arms with me. "I'll give you all kinds of tricks for pregnancy. Especially for wolves. We're actually very fertile creatures that can have multiple at a time if we don't watch ourselves. There's been a birth recently in our pack where the poor mother had quadruplets." She tugged me along then and pulled me out into the hall of the pack house. Neal and his father followed us.

"Quadruplets?" I asked nervously. Good thing that probably won't happen with us because of the fact that vampire pregnancies are so finicky. I highly doubt that I'll be able to have more than one child at a time.

"Yes. You see because we're fertile creatures the moon goddess has made it harder for us to find our true mates. Neal and Taylor are very fortunate to have found their mates. That's why we're pleased with you even if you're a vampire. It's a blessing to find a mate to werewolves. Neal told you that already, right?" I shook my head.

"No, but he did tell me that werewolves constantly search until they find them, and he told me that he never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend before because he wanted to be completely for his mate," I mumbled to her and blushed. "I didn't know it was hard for your kind too.... It's almost impossible for mine."

"Yes, it's gotten hard for both species over the years. That's because there is so much of us now and if we keep at it, it'll be harder to hide amongst the humans. Especially vampires. If there is too many then there won't be enough blood to go around. Just like there won't be enough meat for werewolves and we'd be forced to hunt outside of animals. It's to keep us under control. That's what the alpha says anyways when he talked with the moon goddess." I nodded.

"That makes sense," I whispered to her. "It would be bad if there were too many."

"So what are your plans so far, are you planning to become a woman in late may?" His mother asked. I nodded.

"I figured that would be the best plan," I told her. "It'd give me enough time to research and to find a suitable person who volunteers," I mumbled. "My crystal will have to be removed when we find someone in May."

"I bet Neal's inner wolf is pleased that you're wanting to have kids for his first mating season," his mom purred happily.

"Mom..." Neal blushed. "Don't say something like that, it sounds funny." I blushed then.

"The inner wolf legend is true?" I asked softly, looking at her.

"Oh yes. Neal hasn't told you?"

"He doesn't need to know that I'm listening to my inner wolf all the time," Neal mumbled. I blushed and glanced back at Neal then looked at her.

"Do inner wolves... have more control and influence during mating season then?" I asked her curiously.

"Yeah. Neal's inner wolf used to take over him all the time as a child though and he'd chase Taylor until she hid in her closet from him. He's got a funny way of showing love so watch out."

"Mom, don't scare Everest." I bit my bottom lip and glanced at Neal then got closer to his mom. I should find a special place to hide then for when I want alone time. I might get bit. "Rusty doesn't want to chase you Everest, he's calmer now."  I blushed then and nodded.

"O-okay... but there is a chance you'll be taken over more during summer then huh?" I asked him softly.

"Yeah," he mumbled. "Especially since I just started shifting a few months ago. You should expect him to come out towards my mating season."

"Don't worry," his mother told me. "If he's anything like his father, he'll go chasing deer and bring you home a dead one by the end of his hunt." I nodded and relaxed.

"Okay," I purred softly and smiled. "I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll make sure to be a little careful though just in case. I don't think I'll have to run from Neal though. He's sweet." Neal's mother lead us down to another hall and finally we came across an open library, the doors were open to it. There was a lady and man sitting inside who looked to be in their seventies.

"That's the alpha's parents," Neal told me. I widened my eyes and then nodded, biting my lower lip.

"They won't be upset about me coming in there, right?" I whispered, looking towards him.

"No, not at all... You're part of the pack now since you're mated to me. Plus they're very kind people." Neal got to my side and pulled me in, his parents following as we walked up to the alpha's parents.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Gray." Neal walked up to them and bowed with respect.

"Oh, good evening Neal, I see you brought us your parents and mate." The old Mrs Gray gave a huge smile of approval.

"How are you Esme?" Neal's mother asked.

"Very old Abigail, thanks for asking. My back is beginning to ache again." Mrs. Gray told her. "Arthur woke up cranky this morning too." She motioned towards Mr. Gray. "He's starting to loose touch with his inner wolf. Old age is really getting us now day."

"That's too bad," Neal's father said. I noticed Neal's parents bow slightly to the elders before us.

"Esme, we was wondering if you knew anything about halfbreeds." Neal's mom mused.

"Halfbreeds? Are you interested in mating so soon Neal?" Esme teased. I blushed a little beside Neal and gave his hand a squeeze, moving a little closer to him. Is he really young for mating? I'm not sure when werewolves normally pick to start having kids.

"Yeah, Everest and I are going to try this summer." Neal admitted to her.

"Well I think I spotted a book the other day," Esme began and motioned for Neal to help her up. Neal gave her a hand in standing up. She took a cane then with her and started for one of the bookshelves. "I think it was over here sweetie."

"I remember when I was younger, I met a halfbreed. A mixture of a wolf and vampire," Arthur said from the couch. "I don't quite remember his name though, sorry I can't help you find one personally." I smiled then. He's met one.

"That's okay sir," I said softly. "Thank you though.... The news gives me more hope," I told him. So there are still couples out there like Neal and I....

"Well that gives you hope that you can have children," Neal's father told us. Esme pulled out a book from the shelf than.

"Here we are, it was a report of a half breed. A doctor wrote this out while following a couple very much like you through the months until the child was born and a few months after. How about you two give this a read. I'm sure it'll help you. I bet there is even some names you can look around for and go and meet them." Esme handed Neal the book. "Now remember to bring it back to us."

"I will, thank you Esme." Neal hugged her and looked towards me, waving the book for me to take. I walked up and took it from him then smiled happily.

"Thank you so much," I told them and looked at the two elders then looked at the book. I'll read it closely and learn what I can from this.... I should probably look into getting a supernatural doctor too now that I think about it... either a vampire or a werewolf. I'll ask Neal which he prefers. I purred softly and then hugged Neal, kissing his cheek lovingly then held the book close.

"I'll keep an eye out for anything that might help you," Esme told us as she sat back down with Arthur. I nodded and then smiled at her sweetly.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Grey," I told her gratefully. I looked towards Neal and then purred before I began to walk away, opening the cover curiously to look at the first page as I headed for his mother. She looked over my shoulder. The journal started out with a description of the pregnancy being recorded and how rare it was for there to be a halfbreed conceived. I glanced at the date, checking to see if it was near today's time or not and then brightened up when I saw it was near today's time. I glanced at the doctor's name, memorizing it. I wonder if I could find her. I blushed as I noticed she listed herself as a werewolf and then looked towards Neal. I wonder if he'd want to see if the doctor would help us. She's probably still around. I think I will find her and ask her if she'll be our doctor for this. I pulled out my phone and started to look up the doctor on google, wondering if I could find contact information there. I couldn't find anything though on goggle. I frowned slightly and then put my phone up. I'll have to ask. "Hey, do you think it's possible if we could find the doctor?" I asked, looking towards Esme and her mate.

"The doctor? Hmmm, what's the name?" Esme asked. I looked the name over again.

"Dr... Lillian Forest," I told her and then looked up at her.

"Dr. Lillian Forest? Well I didn't realize that was one of her journals," Esme said and sounded pleased. "She's been retired though for about a decade. You can find her- hold on, giving me a piece of paper and pen."

"Could a phone work?" Neal asked.

"Yes, that'll do. Give me your phone." Neal handed it over after putting it on notes for her. She typed something in then. "Those are the directions to her house. She doesn't live in the pack house anymore." I bit my bottom lip then. Retired huh.... Darn.

"Do you think she might help us though... even if she is retired?" I asked softly, getting a little worried. I might have to look around for a different doctor.

"No harm in asking," Esme told us. "She has a younger daughter that's a doctor here you could always ask."

"Her daughter stays here?" I asked curiously. "Do you think she'd know a lot about halfbreed pregnancies from her mother?"

"No harm in asking, Lillian taught her everything." Esme told us. I brightened up quickly and looked towards Neal in excitement.

"We should go ask her," I told him quickly. "I'd rather have someone who knows how to deal with halfbreed pregnancies helping us."

"She's probably in the infirmary," Arthur told us. I bit my bottom lip in excitement as I held the book close then looked at Neal expectantly, trying to keep from bouncing happily. Has my search for a doctor ended almost as soon as it has begun?

"Thanks for all the help," Neal told them and looked towards his parents and me before leading us out and down the hall. "The infirmary isn't too far away. We have several doctors though so she might not be on shift tonight." I nodded as I walked by his side, holding onto his hand tightly as I started to get nervous. What if she doesn't help us? I blushed and then bit my bottom lip hard and yelped when I accidentally drew blood. He looked towards me. "Don't be nervous. We have other doctors to choose from if it doesn't work out." I nodded and leaned my head against him, holding onto the book tightly. But will they be as good? I don't want to get a doctor that won't know what they're doing.... I don't want to accidentally lose the baby.... When we walked into the nursery, I saw a curly blond haired girl in a lab coat looking over some files near a filing cabinet, studying them before she put them up and sighed. She suddenly tensed up and smelled the air before she looked over in confusion then grinned as she saw us.

"You're that vampire werewolf couple I've been hearing about! Good for you two! I'm happy for you," she said and walked up. "Did you need something?" She asked and looked Neal and the rest of us over, her eyes landing on me in particular interest before she looked at Neal like she knew something.

"Yeah, we was interested in talking to Lillian, she's your mother right?" Neal asked. The girl nodded.

"Uh huh," she said and smirked. "You're holding one of my mother's journals... particularly the one about the halfbreed," she said and then giggled. "You want children, don't you?" I blushed as she noticed what I was holding onto then bit my bottom lip as she looked me over.

"Yeah, we're wanting to get a doctor for us when it comes time this summer. We're thinking late May," Neal told her. "We was wondering if your mother could talk to us about what she knows and if you could help as well that would be great." She thought it over and looked us over then looked at Neal.

"How old are you?" She asked him softly.

"I just turned eighteen," he explained and blushed. She looked him over then leaned in and smelled him before she circled him, examining him. I yelped as she came near me and moved out of the way, not wanting her to accidentally bump into me. "Um," he blushed as he stayed still and let her examine him. "I just started transforming a few months ago." She nodded.

"Well, you're at that age where it might help you actually," she told him. "Any younger and I'd tell you to not even bother. It will be a little easier to have children in your situation till your late thirties. It gets harder when you hit your thirties and becomes near impossible in your forties," she informed him. "You look healthy which will improve your chances as well. You're strong too," she muttered and then stopped in front of him.

"So it's a good thing I want kids now instead of later?" He asked her. She nodded.

"If you waited till your late twenties, early thirties... it'd be rougher for you. You'd see less chances of your mate getting pregnant... and it'd be more possible for her to miscarriage. Your little one has to have the strength to hold on... and as for your mate," she said and whirled, looking at me. "I want you to start eating human meals, mostly meat, starting in May." I blushed and nodded. I might get sick though... "You'll get sick at first, but trust me, it's better to get used to it for when you get cravings and try eating it and getting sick. I want you to eat once a day."

"So your mother taught you everything?" Neal's mother asked. The girl smirked then and looked at Neal's mother.

"Of course she talked to me about what she has seen," she told her. "My mother and I are very close. I'll probably ask her to come in during the mating season to help me though. After all, this will be my first time handling a halfbreed pregnancy for real. I know what to do, yes... but I still would like her to be around. Plus she's seen many things before. She's seasoned with experience," the girl said and smiled. "Don't worry, Mrs. Oki. By the looks of things, you might end up with a grandchild. I highly doubt that there will be more than one in the pregnancy though. Werewolves tend to have more than one during a single pregnancy, but they'll be lucky to even get pregnant, so don't count on twins or triplets and whatnot," she told her.

"Well as long as I get little feet to play with and a face to blow kisses at this time next year, I'll be happy with one." Neal's mom giggled with delight. The doctor smiled then.

"Your son is very healthy. I doubt he'll do anything to lesson the chances," she told her then looked me over. "It's hard with vampires because their bodies are so picky... and they get sick eating our kinds of foods. The baby will have to be really strong to survive Neal's mate... not that it's his fault, but that's just how it is. You'll have to be really careful with the child," she told me firmly. "That means not doing anything dangerous to your health or traipsing through the woods or anything like that. I actually might put you on bedrest if I see fit to, if there is any danger to your pregnancy if you end up pregnant." I bit my bottom lip and nodded. Bedrest? Isn't that a little extreme? "Neal, I'll also want you to catch some deer or something for your mate too when he becomes pregnant. It'll do your child and your mate some good to eat something healthy like that."

"Yeah, of course. I'll start hunting for my mate and put the best meat on his table." Neal looked towards me lovingly. I blushed and looked at him before I felt her tug me a little closer to her. She smelled me and then started to look me over.

"You're actually a really healthy vampire," she mumbled as she held me close, examining me. "I'll have to see how your female form is when it's closer to time, but you seem like you could be able to have halfbreed children. It'll be hard, but I think you can do it. You're well fed too but not overly fed which is good. That's a good balance to have. I'll want to start watching your eating habits though... and I'll give you some vitamins and whatnot to take when you become a female."

"Thank you for helping us," Neal told her sweetly. She nodded.

"No problem," she purred. "Keep him safe Neal," she told him and smiled. "Especially when you start trying. Don't let him out of your sight for too long. He might accidentally fall or something.... It'll be mating season, and if the alpha has a problem with you staying in the castle constantly, I'll tell him it's doctor orders." I blushed and looked at Neal from the doctor's arms. Looks like we have a doctor now. "I'll be visiting late May to check on your mate then in June to see if you've managed to get your mate pregnant." She giggled and ruffled my hair.

"Do you have any advice?" Neal asked. "On trying?" She looked thoughtful.

"Do it often," she said after a few seconds. "I mean often, like... once a night for a few weeks and have your mate double check every time he checks. I'd also suggest praying to the moon goddess for help too. The vitamins will help and making sure your mate is well fed will be great. Don't be shy either when it comes to him. Being around him a lot right before the mating season would be a help. A good relationship never hurt anything." She giggled then and smelled me a little more. "He's never been a female before either, so it'll be a little harder. I can smell it on him." She frowned then and I tensed up. She relaxed after a few seconds and smiled. "I think I can handle that though by getting you some pills to help. We can also do some home remedies that work on vampires to help them... like putting certain herbs in his blood and food."

"I was going to suggest doing that," Neal's mom told her. She nodded and smiled.

"We can get our hands on the herbs," she suggested. "We'll start feeding them to him to get him used to the taste." I frowned.

"Will it taste bad?" I asked.

"It'll make the blood taste strange from what I've heard," she told me and rubbed my head again. "It'll be fine though." I held back a whine then. It'll taste weird? She noticed and then laughed. "It's better than giving it to you when your trying to conceive and then you end up starving yourself because you don't like it."

"You want children, you have to start preparing early." Neal's mom said. I whined then and pouted.

"Sorry sweetie," Neal whispered.

"It won't be that bad," the doctor promised me and then smiled. "That's why we're going to get you used to it now though because I don't want to hear whining when you're trying to get pregnant."

"It'll stress you out," his mom explained. "That'll be unhealthy." I sighed and then nodded, relaxing. She let me go then and smirked.

"I'll come visit you with everything you need when I hear you've become a female," she told me and then looked the two of us over. "My mother and I will do our best to help you two have children." I blushed and walked up to Neal.

"Thank you very much," Neal told her than looked at me. "You're going to be a mommy." I blushed and then wrapped my arms around him, hiding my face into his chest.

"We still need to find a volunteer first," I mumbled to him then looked up at him. I found a doctor already....

"We'll find one," he promised. I nodded and then leaned in, kissing his lips.

"Alright you two~ Run along now. I'm going to call my mother to tell her about this," the doctor said and chased us out of the room with a giggle. I blushed and looked at her as she shut the door then curled up to Neal. I'm really going to be a mommy....

"You'll be a daddy too," I whispered to him.

"Okay you two, take Everest back to the castle and make sure to read that book. I'll want to see you tomorrow to start going over the herbs we'll put you on." His mom told us. I nodded and smiled at her.

"Thank you," I purred softly. "I'll see you later then~" I looked up at Neal and then purred happily, starting to walk with him as I laughed. I'll be a mommy.... I didn't think I'd ever be a mommy. I blushed and then looked at my stomach, wondering what pregnancy was like. He pulled me on to get me back to the castle.

"Ask Lyle tomorrow night if he's found anything yet," Neal suggested. I nodded and then smiled.

"I'll look myself," I told him and smiled. "Lyle and I will both be searching." I laughed and then moved closer to him. I smiled and looked around before I tugged him towards the end of the maze. "I think I want the baby to stay in my room when I have it," I told him. "I don't want it to be away from me and possibly have it stolen from us.... There used to be cradle robbers when I was younger that would steal vampire children," I mumbled and squeezed his hand. "If they're still out there... I don't want them to try taking our baby." I looked up at him and bit my bottom lip.

"We shouldn't tell many about our baby's birth than. We don't want it to get out until our child is older." He decided. "Especially since it'll be a halfbreed. I'll move in with you in may, okay?" He asked. I blushed then nodded.

"That'd be great," I purred and stole a quick kiss from him. "I'll see about finding a safe crib too."

"I'm sure if we put extra locks on the windows and doors we'll be fine," he told me. We made it out into the maze then. I smiled and took him into the castle, purring happily at him as I led him towards my room, feeling like we had an hour before the sun would be coming up. He pulled me up to my bedroom and pulled me over to the bed.

"Okay, you've kept us up all night. Let's get some sleep." He gave me a playful growl. I laughed and playfully exposed my fangs at him then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Sleep? Is the wolfie tired?" I teased.

"Yeah," he let out a yawn then and collapsed on the bed. I watched him then crawled up, getting right up next to him as I pulled the blanket over us and kissed his cheek.

"Good night, wolfie," I mumbled to him happily. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled, nuzzling my face into his neck. He curled up to me and I could hear him falling asleep against me.

"Nighty night," he whispered. I'll have to learn to wake up a little earlier for him once he moves in... that way our sleeping schedules aren't too apart from each other. I curled up and closed my eyes, smiling as I fell asleep against the possible future father of my children.