Lyle's Knights in Shining Armor

Lyle's POV:

I looked towards Milo's sleeping body and kissed the top of his head before slipping out of bed. I walked into the closet and changed into a pair of sweats and a batman shirt before walking out to my phone and ordered a maid to take Milo a bottle of blood to him than one to Silas's study. I walked out towards his study then to get the desk work done for him while he was away. I stepped inside and sat down at the desk, starting up on sorting the mail out for him, throwing ones away that were unimportant than going through the letters with money. Once I finished off those I started sorting out the ones he would have to reply to and sat them aside for when he gets back. I scanned over the rest of the unimportant news updates and threw them away. I looked towards the door with a frown. The maid is late... I told her specifically to bring it here. I stood up and walked out into the hall. Looks like I'll have to go get it myself. As soon as I took a step out, however, I tripped over something limp in the floor. I landed in red liquid that was pooling around the area- blood. The maid's lifeless eyes looked towards me, her throat cut as she was reaching out for the bottle of blood a few inches away from her hand, the tray under her. She had died bringing me my blood.... I frowned as I fought my hunger from the smell of the fresh but yet lifeless blood surrounding her. I looked around as I stood up. Who the hell killed my maid? I pulled out my phone to call Dmitri. Suddenly my phone cracked and fell out of my hand as a knife hit it, embedding deep into my phone as it sputtered and then died when it fell into the puddles of blood around me. I widened my eyes and ducked back into my brother's study. I shut the doors quickly. FUCK. I grabbed one of the swords we kept over the door and ran it through the door handles to hold back whatever was out there.

"Heh, you're rather stupid," I heard a masculine voice purr behind me. "My mate almost hit you, and yet you didn't even call for help once? That's going to cost you." I was suddenly pinned up against the door and my attacker smirked at me.

"I'm not pity enough to call for help and get the rest of my beloveds in trouble with scum like you," I spat. I slammed my head back into his to throw him off before taking the sword out of the handles and stuck it into his leg, pushing it in and rushed him to the ground. I grabbed at his neck to start choking him. I frowned as I instantly recognized he was a council member. He snarled at me and exposed his fangs, managing to throw his weight against mine and flip us. He ripped the sword out and tossed it aside before he reached into his jacket and pulled out a cloth. He narrowed his eyes at me and pressed it firmly up against my mouth. I groaned and stopped breathing quickly, refusing to let him take me like this. I kneed him where it counts quickly and exposed my fangs, going to bite him.  He groaned and then snatched one of my fangs quickly, tugging on it slightly to send shocks of pain through me. He hissed as he gave another threatening tug, his eyes murderous. He would take them. I hid my fangs quickly, cutting his fingers as I managed to get them away then bit down into his finger. He yelped and then smacked me hard, pissed looking as he managed to wrestle his finger away from me. He started for my chest then, ripping my shirt open. I widened my eyes and threw him off of me and got to my feet with wide eyes. No way in hell am I letting him destroy my crystal!

"Crazy bastard," I hissed. I grabbed the sword quickly and went to rush him. "I'll kill you for that!" I was suddenly stopped and felt something sharp pressing between the vertebrae of my spine, paralyzing poison leaking into my system.

"You're not killing him," a purr sounded behind me. My attacker suddenly relaxed and gave a loving look behind me. I reached out behind me for the blade as I fell straight down, my body locking on me. "It's no use. It's my own poison," the girl told me as she stepped around me and then took the sword away. "You won't be able to move until it wears off... which could be permanent... or a few weeks to a month depending on the potency and where it hit you," she explained. "I would've used it on that pretty maid... but... I needed it for you. Uriah knew that the chloroform wouldn't work on you, so he instructed me to keep an eye on the fight." She smiled and then took a small needle from my back and twirled it around in her fingers. "Isn't it lovely?" I glared her down before looking towards him. I should've ran for help instead of coming back in here. At least Everest could have taken them on through teleporting real fast. She giggled and watched me. "Oh, he looks so mad!" She purred and then walked up to my attacker, kissing his cheek. "Let's get him out of here darling... before someone comes looking. I think I smelled a fledgling nearby a few seconds ago." Milo. I looked towards the door. Please don't come in here Milo. You need to stay away and stay safe. Uriah nodded and then moved away from her, walking up to me then picked me up off the floor.

"Get the window," he instructed, watching as she ran quickly for it and opened it up. He started to carry me to it but then paused. He looked towards me and then smirked slightly before he glanced towards the fireplace. "Wouldn't it be great... if it looked like you died?"

"Fucker," I hissed through my teeth. "You better not." He laughed and sat me down, walking over to the fireplace where he managed to get ashes out and then walked back over, dropping them in the floor before he grabbed me and then the sword, cutting me across my chest and let my blood pour out onto the ashes. "Don't do this," I warned. Even if he fakes it, Milo will sense I'm still alive somewhere. He won't believe this trickery. He growled at me.

"Shut up, you better be thankful I'm not slaughtering you just yet," he hissed at me then picked me up when a substantial amount of my blood was mixed in with the ashes to look believable. I felt my senses beckoning me to sleep now from the blood loss. I kept fighting my eyes to stay open. He watched me and then bit into his wrist, pushing it against my lips as he walked us towards the window where his mate was waiting patiently. I bit down into his wrist and started to drain him as fast as I could. He ripped his wrist away from me in seconds and smirked. "Oh, I'm not letting you kill me either. I'm just going to make you live. I want you to watch every second of this."

"Of what?" I asked. "What do you want Uriah?"

"Your brother's eventual death and his doom," he purred then pulled out a lighter and lit it, tossing it towards the desk where it lit up the letters and started a fire. "I'll start by tormenting him."

"Silas?" I asked. "Your not jealous of him are you?" I teased. "He's gotten everything," I purred. "He'll come for me."

"To him, you'll be dead... and if his family doesn't make it out, they will be too," he warned me then got up on the windowsill and jumped out, landing gracefully on his feet. His mate was quickly by our side and she glanced around, pulling out a gun and put a silencer on it as she gave a wary look towards the maze and we started to run. I could hear the wolves in the forest ahead break out into a howl, picking up on the scent of us. They probably smelled my distress as well. I could hear them coming our way and the pack in the maze broke out into a thunderous howl. Good boys. We raced up to a waiting car and I was shoved into the back as they got in and hit the gas quickly, managing to get out of the gates before the wolves could catch up and started to drive fast down the road. "Rachel, get his fangs," Uriah said, sounding a little on edge as he watched the forest around the road as he sped.

"Hell no," I hissed. "Don't you dare!" I warned.

"What's the point of taking his fangs?" Rachel asked curiously.

"I'm going to sell them to a witch I know," he purred. "I also don't want him biting us if he gets too close." She nodded and then started to crawl into the back, sitting on top of me as she grabbed my jaw. I clenched it, making sure to not let her in my mouth. She gave an amused purr and then I felt something sharp against my stomach.

"Open up~" She purred to me, pressing the knife against my skin further to make it painful. I held in a groan of pain, trying my best not to let it out and allow her access to my teeth. She slowly started to push the blade into me, breaking my skin as she sunk it in deep. It's okay Lyle, the pain will stop soon, don't let her get inside.... I squeezed my eyes shut, holding back. She laughed and I felt her knee me between the legs, trying to get me to scream. I let out a whimper as I struggled in pain to not scream. She pulled the knife out then stabbed my thigh threateningly. "Open," she growled. I watched her with a challenging look. She raised an eyebrow at me then pulled the knife out and started to bring it to my face. "Well~ I guess I could just... cut your mouth open," she said and smirked. "The nasty scar won't matter if we're killing you later." I opened up slowly and held back tears, not wanting to do it. She smiled. "Good boy," she purred to me and rubbed my cheek as she sat the knife down and then held my mouth open as she reached in and touched my teeth. "Expose them... or I'll rip out both sets." I exposed my fangs obediently. She smiled in delight and then grabbed the first, ripping it out quickly and went for the next one. I screamed out in pain and hid my fang quickly. My body trembled internally from the pain. Poor Sylar... How'd he do it freely? She smacked me then, her eyes taking on a darker light as she got mad. "I won't hesitate to cut up into your mouth to get at your fangs," she warned me. "Now. Expose them," she snarled. I looked at her beggingly. She softened her gaze slightly and then rubbed my cheek. "Yeah, it hurts... but your death will hurt more," she promised me. "Don't make this harder than it has to be. The sooner it is over, the sooner you can lay back here on your own and cry." I closed my eyes tightly as I exposed the last. She purred softly and then reached in, her fingers gently touching it. "A vampire's pride," she mumbled. "It's almost painful to pull the last one from a victim," she whispered and then went to pull it but stopped when Uriah turned a corner quickly.

"Rachel, have you not pulled them out yet?" Uriah growled up front.

"I'm on the last one," she told him as she got back on me from having fallen off. "Maybe if you didn't turn corners so sharply I would have it by now!"

"You have one of them?" Uriah asked.

"Yeah," she told him.

"Can you get the other easily?" I glared him down. I hope he dies a painful death that's dragged out through centuries. She looked down at me and towards my exposed fang.

"I can," she whispered.

"Then get it," he ordered. She shuddered slightly and then leaned over me, reaching for it. I watched her, tensing as I waited for the pain to come again. She watched me and then tilted her head before she reached past me and under the seat, pulling out a small jar of fangs. She glanced towards the front cautiously before she opened it silently and pulled one out that looked like it could match mine then put the jar up and looked at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Scream," she mouthed. I faked another scream of pain and watched this crazy girl betraying her mate. She's going to be the death of him. She tensed up and watched me as she played with the replacement fang for mine and then eyed mine down, looking like she was still hesitating slightly as she glanced towards the front nervously.

"Rachel," Uriah purred, sounding pleased. She smiled then and held the fangs tightly in her hand. I hid my last fang, relieved I got to keep it... but eventually it'll have to be pulled. Half fangs are useless and the other can't grow back alone. She glanced down at me and then kneed me between the legs one final time before she crawled back into the front, letting me keep my fang for now as she smirked. She probably did it on purpose with a hint of pity for me. I held in my scream, pain tingling around my body. I could feel my crystal dragging it's roots deeper into me, freaked out that I was going through so much. I haven't felt this way since... I was little and stuck between homes. "Put the fangs in the glove box for now," Uriah told her as he managed to get us away from the castle and into town. I could hear sirens going off, sounding like fire trucks. "Hmm... I think that fire is getting out of control.... It looks like they called for help to put it out. Funny what a lighter and some desk work can do to your home."

"Silas will find you eventually," I told Uriah. "He'll murder you, but he'll drag it out longer than you will mine." He laughed.

"Silas isn't going to do shit," he told me. "He'll probably be relieved. Bad boys can't be good for too long. I know who he was before he was king. He'll relapse," he purred.

"He won't, he's been doing it for Sylar. He'll keep his promise of being a good king. He'll find you and he'll see out your death."

"Believe what you will. I know Silas isn't changed for good, and it'll be his downfall," he purred. "I'll be the one killing him in the end. He won't get away... and you know... maybe I will kill off that fledgling you used to bring to the meetings too. He'll be a pest if he figures out you're still alive. It shouldn't be that hard to assassinate him."

"If I'm gone, I instructed Everest a long time ago to see through the rest of his raising. You won't lay a finger on him," I promised. "He'll be taken to a safer place as I instructed." I made sure Everest would take him straight to Aurelio and Kingsley.

"Hmm..." Uriah glanced at me in the mirror then pulled out his phone. "I'll have to move quickly then if I'm going to tie up that loose end." He started to call someone then. I looked him over and clenched my jaw. He's wasting his time. I made sure to pick Everest due to his power to teleport. There wouldn't be any hassle of daytime movement to get to my younger brother.

"Idiot," I chuckled. He glared at me in the mirror then.

"What?" I smirked.

"You won't be able to catch that loose end," I purred. "He's already gone, you're wasting your time." Uriah frowned.

"Already gone?" He asked curiously.

"My brother can teleport. My fledgling is already halfway around the world, far gone from you." He glared at me then.

"Damn you," he hissed then tossed his phone to Rachel. She caught it then started to text someone, humming softly. "Fuck... well.. it won't matter. I'll just have to kill you faster instead of waiting a few days to torture you."

"Are you sure?" I asked. "Because either way, you're fucked. Milo will know I was alive for a certain period. He'll know someone kidnapped me. He'll have my whole family searching for you, scum. Family always loves each other. We might have had our differences.... but they'll avenge my death." He raised an eyebrow.

"Gross, you actually talk like that," he groaned and then pulled out a gun and handed it to Rachel who took it easily and aimed at me, shooting my chest. A dart stuck out of me, and I could feel myself getting drowsy as Rachel hummed and sat the gun back down, not really paying attention. I felt my eyes getting heavy and suddenly I remembered our recent family member.

"Laurence," I whispered. He knows.... He'll let Silas know what happened to me.

"Laurence? Who the hell is that?" I heard Uriah asking as the world slowly darkened, my body going numb as my crystal started to slip to a slumber.

"Your downfall," I chuckled lightly, fighting the sleep to frighten him. I heard him growling softly at me as the drugs started to fight back harder.

"You're not going to win at all. Look at where you are, fangless and paralyzed in a back seat fighting sleep," Uriah pointed out to me. "No one is going to be able to save you. No one is going to find me either until it's too late and Silas is at my feet."

"Silas's fledgling has a gift from the gods, he knows everything. He knows who you are and he knows where you're taking me. I bet he's waiting there now for you. He'll be there..... with..... Silas....." I fluttered my eyes, fighting it but it was too late as I passed out, unable to keep consciousness.

Laurence's POV:

I sat up quickly, my heart pounding as I could hear sirens in the back of my mind going off and I could smell fire surrounding me. I looked around in panic as I realized I was just visualizing something terrible. Back home, the castle is burning. Lyle was stolen from the comfort of his desk. The wolves are going nuts trying to track his scent down. Milo is crying in Everest's arms as everyone stands outside the burning castle. Fire fighters are rushing to put out the fire. Toma is going nuts about what happened. He's not pleased at all. I looked towards Toru and rubbed his head before slipping out of the bedroom and rushing to my maker's room he was staying in. I slammed the door open in panic. "Silas, something bad has happened!" I told him. Silas groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Shhh... it was probably a daymare," he told me, looking tired. He got to his feet and stretched. "Daymares can get to fledglings pretty badly... especially ones like you." I stormed into the room and grabbed his wrists.

"No, it's real! It's real. Call Everest! The castle is on fire, a maid was murdered, Lyle was stolen!" I shook him into focus. He widened his eyes as he listened to me and then pulled away quickly, rushing around the room as he started to throw his things into his bags quickly.

"Laurence, pack your things. Now!"

"I'm going to tell the others," I told him quickly and rushed out and straight into Charles's room. "Get up and get ready! We have to go right now." Pierre groaned from where he had trapped Charles in his arms during the night and then buried his face into Charles and bit him in displeasure from being woken. Charles's eyes snapped open in shock before looking at me.

"Why?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

"Something bad has happened at the castle back home, please Charles, I'll explain on the way." I ran out and towards my room, rushing in to get my bags packed as quickly as I could. "Toru, help me pack." Toru yelped and sat up, his ears flicking as he looked towards me and then frowned in confusion but got to his feet, his kimono falling around his body as he started to get my bags for me.

"What's the matter?" He asked curiously. "You sound frightened. Is it the demon? I'll get him good this time," he promised me, looking over as he tried to stay calm with me panicking.

"No, it's not that. My maker's brother is in trouble and his family needs us. The castle is up in flames right now. We've got to get back before Lyle's death so we can prevent it." I explained and rubbed at my jaw, feeling my fangs ache. He widened his eyes and started to move a little faster.

"Rei!" I heard Silas shout as he started past my room quickly. "Rei! I hate to tell you this, but we're leaving! I need you to get my pilot back to my plane quickly and have it started!"

"You can't go rushing outside!" Rei shouted. I realized then I had woken us all up in the middle of the day. I widened my eyes but relief flushed over me. Rei will help. "What's the matter? It's daylight!"

"My family is in trouble. I need to get home! I don't care if it's daylight.... I'll leave my fledglings behind and go myself if I have to! Where'd I put my cloak?" Silas muttered and I could hear him digging around in his bags in the hallway.

"How bad are they in trouble? I can get us there in seconds, let me call my fledgling to come. She's a teleporter. She's skilled enough to get us all there and be fine." That's right, Mauri is one of his fledglings who can teleport.

"THAT'S PERFECT!" I shouted and grabbed Toru, yanking him into the hall. I found Charles rushing out.

"What's happened!" He begged. "Is Milo okay?" Silas paused and then widened his eyes.

"Shit," he whispered then turned to Charles. "Probably not... and he might not even be with the rest of the family," he told him. "Everest would've moved him. He loved Lyle enough to look out for Lyle's fledgling like that, and he's smart enough to know that if something happened to Lyle, something might happen to Milo. Milo is probably hidden and in a lot of pain from his maker being missing... not to mention his lover."

"Lyle went to Everest a few years ago and told him that if something was to happen to him, Everst was in charge of seeing to Milo's raising until he's five and to bring him to Kingsley Void," I told Silas. "Kingsley was instructed that if that ever happened they were to all go into hiding together, for their safety. He knew the council would find out and become upset about Kingsley and him. They'd hate the lies that they believed so he set it up to keep those four safe while you could avenge him. He hasn't had time to think of me now and how I can take a role in this." I could hear Rei calling one of his fledglings for us- Mauri. Charles gave us a worried look.

"What's happened to Lyle?" He asked. me.

"He's in pain but he's not dead yet," I told him. "We need to hurry if we're going to save him." Silas started to pace the floor, clenching and unclenching his hands.

"This wouldn't have happened... if I hadn't chosen to stay longer.... I should've just have gone home," he muttered after a few minutes of pacing, looking guilty about it.

"It's one of the council members, Uriah. That's his kidnapper." I looked towards Rei as he snapped his phone shut and looked at us.

"Any second now and she'll be here. I'll come too to provide assistance," he gave a comforting smile to Silas. "We'll get Lyle back." Silas stopped right in front of Rei and looked at him.

"What if we don't?" He whispered, looking like hell already. "What if he dies and I spent almost my entire existence arguing with him and hating him and trying to get rid of him? What if I never get to make amends for it completely by years of being a good brother? What if he dies... because I chose to stay here instead of go home where I could've protected him?"

"Silas," Rei whispered.

"You have the best damn fledglings in the world," Charles snapped. "You've got Laurence who can prevent it from happening because he knows everything and you have me, the coolest Charles you'll ever meet! We've got your back too! No one messes with our family, right Laurence?"

"He's right," I told Silas. "As long as you follow my instructions I can make sure we save him from his death."

"And if he dies, we'll deliver that ass wipe Uriah centuries of torture for what he done and every council member will have your back. We know him, we know Lyle. We all love him. We love his leadership. He's a good vampire," Rei whispered to Silas. "The council will stand beside you, and if they're against you then we'll end their rein." Silas looked at Rei then with a slightly surprised look- a good surprise. He melted slightly and then grabbed Rei's hand, holding it as he began to purr and nodded. A girl teleported in with dyed brown hair that was shoulder length. She had managed to slip shoes on but was still in her day clothes for sleeping.

"What's happened?" She asked with concern.

"Can you get us to Rosario's castle?" I asked her. She nodded.

"All of you?" She asked. "Alright, link hands." She held out her hands for us to grab. Toru looked towards her hand then grabbed mine and grabbed hers. Silas kept a hold of Rei, giving his hand a squeeze then reached for Charles's hand. Charles took his hand and Pierre's hand.I took Pierre's hand and grabbed a hold of Toru. Mauri grabbed her maker's hand and we was suddenly standing by the burning castle of my nightmare. I let go quickly and ran up to Esther.

"You okay?" I asked her. "Everyone escaped the fire?" I checked to make sure I was right on my facts. She looked at me shakily and nodded.

"Y-yeah... except for Lyle, but Milo says he's not dead... so maybe he was... kidnapped? The wolves are going insane," she whispered and then trembled as she looked back at the burning castle as she started to cry from the loss of her home and her brother. Silas stared at the castle in rage and then glanced around, checking to see if Everest had moved Milo yet as he held onto Rei's hand. I looked around, checking that fact and was relieved to find them gone.

"Everest took Milo off?" I asked to make sure.

"This is terrible," Mauri said in horror. "A vampire's home in ashes....."

"Silas, your family is welcomed in my home." Rei said quickly. "I don't want a vampire family out on the streets during dawn." Silas widened his eyes as the realization hit him that we didn't have a safe place to wait out the dawn. He looked towards Rei and nodded slowly.

"T-thanks," he whispered and then bit his bottom lip as he looked at the burning castle as firemen tried to put it out. I could see his eyes wandering towards the garden where the maze was, relief flooding his eyes as he saw that the maze was untouched- his precious garden for Lyle safe. I looked around and sniffed the air.

"Don't worry Esther," I told her. "Stay with Charles and Pierre for us. Silas, Rei, Mauri, and Toru, follow me."

"What the hell is happening?" I heard Toma asking Dmitri. "Tell the red stuff to go away, I'm the only one that burns the house down."

"That stuff is fire. It can't listen to us," Dmitri whispered to him, rubbing his head. "You've almost burned the house down many times the way that fire is doing... but yours always got put out."

"How long will it take to put it out?" Toma asked. "It's eating away at everything."

"Right, let's go." I ordered and started towards one of the cars the servants had managed to save. They had saved two for us that would block out the sun. One will be enough for us while the rest can take the second incase we're not back in time- racing the sun wise. "Good thing the butlers are fast at thinking." Silas nodded and pulled Rei with him, holding his hand tightly as worry flooded him again. Toru was quickly at my side, the bell on his kimono jingling as he looked around. "I better drive," I told them and got into the drivers seat. "I can get us there faster this way." I waited for everyone to get in before racing dawn to get us to Lyle.

I pulled us up in front of a manor, surrounded by beautiful flowering grounds and little ponds. Silas looked out the window in recognition then started to crawl over Rei with a growl, going for the door from where he had been sitting in the middle.

"Cautiously," I warned. "He might have this place on high alert. Lyle was very talkative after loosing his fangs," I muttered. He practically gave me away. Silas didn't seem to care and opened the car door, moving around Rei rather quickly. Rei followed him out, obviously having his back. I got out as well, motioning Toru to my side. He bounced up and then laid his ears back, looking at the manor before he started to follow us towards the entrance. Silas busted the door down and walked in, grabbing a nearby table and smashed it, stealing the leg from it as it splintered into a large stake. I got one of the stakes and gave it to Rei before handing the other one to Mauri and took the last. Toru can transform into his fox, he'll be fine. Toru looked towards me and whined slightly, but he didn't pester me. Silas started to lead us in, gripping his stake tightly on edge.

"URIAH! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" He shouted angrily. A girl, Rachel, walked out of the darkness and smirked.

"So you did come Silas.... Too bad there's no room for your friends," she purred and I suddenly felt something sharp stab into my side as all of us except Silas collapsed from the same poison that got Lyle.

"Watch out for the poison," I hissed to Silas. Silas looked towards us with wide eyes and then looked towards Rachel who laughed.

"Oh... surely you didn't believe that I wouldn't have trapped the door? Of course I did~" She walked up and snatched Silas's hand and made him drop the stake as he struggled to get away, snarling. She smacked him then and started to drag him away. "Ta ta little intruders~" She called over her shoulder towards us. "Silas is expected by Uriah~" I frowned and watched Silas. What's the matter with him? Kill them, Silas.