My Everything, My World, Mine

Continuation of Dmitri's POV:

I woke up as the sun went down and then sat up slowly, glancing towards his nest to see if he had left me or not. I found him gone from the nest, instead the water in the bathtub was running. I sighed and then got to my feet, walking into my closet to get changed for the day. I put on a simple t-shirt and some sweatpants then walked out to my bedroom and then over to the bathroom door, gently knocking on the door. "Toma... do you want me to make you breakfast?" I whispered softly, fidgeting nervously.

"Yes treasure," I heard him call softly to me. At least he's still calling me treasure.... I walked away from the door slowly and headed for the door to go fix him something to eat downstairs. I cooked him up some fish and a little bit of lamb then dripped honey all over it. I kept the DT out of his and put some in Mushu's honey when I dripped it over Mushu's plate. I put the plates on a tray and then got out some milk, heating it up for Toma and then poured them both a glass. I took it up to Mushu's room first, finding him right where I left him. I purred and walked up, setting it down in front of him. I smiled when I saw that Mushu's missing teeth were growing back in just fine, already starting to replace themselves because he's an older dragon. He snapped his jaws at the food and tackled it quickly, eating it fast.

"Be good," I told him then rubbed his head, earning a purr from him. I smiled as I watched him acting practically tamed then headed into my bedroom after locking his door back up. I set Toma's down by the couch on an end table and then went over to the bed and sat down on it. Toma came out in his human form wrapped up in a towel as he looked around and went for the plate of food and sat down on the floor by it and started to eat it on his knees. I watched him and held my breath, fidgeting as I tried not to draw too much attention to myself. I bit my bottom lip nervously, wondering how afraid he was of me. He finished his food then got onto the couch and curled up on it. Apparently enough to still sit far away from me. "I didn't put any DT in it," I whispered to him.

"Why?" He asked softly.

"Because I trust you to not burn anything down... and I want you to be able to protect yourself," I mumbled.

"But...." He mumbled. "You've been feeding it to me since I was little little." I nodded.

"I have been... but I need to move you off it while I can't, right?" I whispered. "I can still handle you like this. I won't be able to when you're older, and taking you off it then might be a bad idea because you could easily fry everyone up and I wouldn't be able to stop you at that age. I trust you though that you won't do anything." He nodded and fell out of talking to me. I watched him quietly and then looked away from him. So... I guess it's going to be a lot slower. I frowned and then got to my feet, deciding to go explore and let him have some space... or go see Mushu. I'm not sure yet. Just anything besides the awkwardness. I started for the door, slipping my phone into my pocket as I grabbed it off the nightstand. He sat up quickly and looked towards me before rushing to my side and grabbed ahold of my shirt. I frowned and paused, looking down at him. "You don't have to come with me," I told him softly. "I'll return."

"Where are you going? How long will you be?" He asked.

"I was going to give you space for a few hours," I admitted, watching him.

"A few hours?" He asked and shook his head no.

"Toma, you're frightened of me. I can tell," I whispered to him. "I want you to be comfortable, and I think that maybe if I give you some space, you'll eventually be able to calm down around me."

"What if he steals you from me while you're giving me space?" He asked with worry.

"He won't," I promised him. "He's on a DT diet and he's also being really calm today."

"Can you take me to Charles then?" He asked. I hesitated then nodded.

"Yeah... I can take you to Charles," I mumbled and then gently took his hand, starting to walk him to he door. Darn... I might lose him to Charles. Toma tugged on my hand.

"Can you carry me?" He asked. I nodded and then leaned down, scooping him up into my arms.

"Is that better?" I asked softly. He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. I purred comfortingly to him and walked out of the bedroom, starting for Charles's room as I held him. "I really am sorry I scared you," I mumbled to him and glanced at him. "I hope you'll be alright." He sniffled and gripped my shirt.

"I don't want to witness that again," he mumbled. I nodded.

"I won't ever do it again," I told him softly. "Nothing like that again in front of you and probably I won't even do anything like it at all again anywhere." I looked away from him as my heart pounded in my chest from the nerves.

"Do you have to leave me tonight?" He asked. I paused in my steps then looked at him.

"Do you want me to?" I asked him and bit my bottom lip.

"I'd much prefer tonight with you," he told me sweetly.

"Are you sure?" I asked again and held him a little closer. "You didn't seem that way before." He nodded towards me.

"I want to make sure my treasure is protected... now that you're keeping that other dragon around..." He glared at the wall then. I purred and squeezed him into a hug, laughing happily and then kissed his cheek. He wants to stay with me~! He blushed and looked towards me.

"Toma~" I purred happily and looked at him. "I love you," I told him and then rubbed his back, starting to carry him back to our room. "I'm so happy you're wanting me to stay."

"I love you too treasure," he said sweetly. I smiled at him and carried him into the room, sitting down on the couch with him then handed him the remote.

"Want to watch cartoons?" I asked him sweetly and then kissed his cheek. Oh! I should probably get him clothes... unless he wants to be rubbed down with oils. "I can rub your scales down in oils some more if you want while you watch cartoons."

"Nu-uh, just cartoons," he told me and turned the TV on and started to watch Yuri on Ice. I laughed softly and rubbed his head, starting to run my fingers through his hair lovingly as I purred. He held onto the remote as he watched a little bit of it before flipping the channel onto another anime, Soul Eater and kept it on, clinging to the remote. I paused then, wondering if he was still freaking out then sighed softly, deciding maybe he's still a little nervous. I kissed his cheek and moved him off my lap, looking towards the TV. He gave me a small frown and went back for my lap. I purred at him as I watched him curiously and let him back into my lap, wrapping my arms around him.

"You want to be in my lap?" I asked him softly and then nuzzled my face against him. He nodded as he sat the remote down and leaned back against me. I purred to him and then kissed his cheek happily, running my fingers through his hair. He hummed as he watched an episode focusing around Death the Kid. I watched it with him, playing with his hair throughout the episode then smiled when it was over. "Want to pick us out another show?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed the remote and surfed to find another one, picking Ouran High School Host Club. He looked towards me then.

"Do we have to keep that dragon around?" He asked.

"Wouldn't you like it if he sweetened up and became your friend?" I asked him softly. "What if we release him and then he comes back?"

"He's not gonna sweeten up and be my friend.... He'll eat me in my sleep and steal you before I know what the alphabet ends with."

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z," I sung out to him and smiled. "Now I know my ABC's," I purred to him and rubbed his back. "That's the whole thing cutie."

"Really? I thought it ended with T...." He trailed off.

"Nope, that's the whole thing," I confirmed then kissed his cheek. "At least that's the English alphabet. I don't think he's going to eat you though. He's being really calm. If you want, we could go see him and you could see for yourself that he's being really tame."

"Well ship him back to where he came from," Toma begged. "He's just putting on an act."

"But what if he's not?" I asked him softly. "What if you could actually have a dragon friend? He could show you things to help you grow and develop your powers faster."

"I don't think dragons have friends treasure," he mumbled.

"Well then how do you have kids?" I asked curiously.

"When we're ready to mate we pick the best of the best that we can find to mate with.... Then we hoard it away with our treasure...." He explained. I frowned.

"So... when you're wanting to mate... you're going to leave to go find one and then go into the basement with them?" I asked him softly. "Where all your pretty gold is?"

"Uh-huh and I'll hoard my mate there where we'll have passionate love until we make eggs and I'll run those hatchlings off when they're too old for the nest." I sighed and nodded, rubbing his head.

"Hmm, you really will outgrow me," I mumbled to him.

"Oh I will, but that's because I can't stay in my own nest forever treasure." I sighed and gave another nod, running my fingers through his hair.

Okay," I mumbled. "I guess I'll have to let you go huh? When it's time? You'll have fun...." He nodded before looking towards me.

"Do you think dragons can really have friends?" He asked softly.

"I don't see why not if you want a friend," I told him and smiled. "After all, it all comes down to one little dragon. You could make friends possible or you could make them impossible. You could change the world or you could choose to not change the world."

"He's not going to steal you from me is he?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"He won't be able to if he tries, but I doubt he will," I told him. I ripped some of his teeth out after all. Who would want me after I did that to them?

"Okay," he whispered. "I'll go see him." I nodded and then turned the TV off for him, pulling him into my arms and then carried him to the door and to Mushu's room. He was curled up on the windowsill, looking out at it. He had picked to be about the size of a small cat, looking comfortable that way. "You forgot my clothes," he mumbled to me in my ear. I nodded and sat him down.

"I'll be right back then," I whispered to him and left quickly, getting his clothes then came back and put them on him. Mushu hadn't really taken interest in him while I was gone. Toma reached up for my arms to get back in them. I purred and picked him up quickly, kissing his cheek. My sweet baby~ I tapped his nose and then looked towards Mushu, walking us over to where he was laying on the windowsill. He looked up at us and then puffed out some smoke our way before he got to his feet. Toma looked him over before frowning. I smiled and then reached out, watching as Mushu gave me a suspicious look as he hissed a bit and then hesitantly crawled into my hand, changing to fit it better. Toma looked his size over before gripping my shirt. I purred to him comfortingly and then slowly brought Mushu over to him, placing him in Toma's hands. Mushu trembled a little and looked up at Toma and then at me nervously with fear before he looked at Toma, not shifting larger to get at him. Toma held him out at arms length, watching him. Mushu must've recognized not to attack him because I was protecting my baby earlier.... I walked over to the bed and sat down with them, watching as the dragon slowly curled around his hands, his body shaking in fear. Toma placed him down on the bed quickly and curled up in my arms. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "See, he's not attacking anyone," I mumbled to him. Mushu curled up on the bed, relaxing a little.

"Why didn't he leave during the day?" Toma asked.

"He's on DT... and I locked the doors," I told him. "He's helpless."

"He could have transformed into his human form though and left," Toma whispered. "He's much older than me."

"Then maybe he doesn't want to return to Kai in his pitiful form," I told him softly. "He's missing teeth, he can't breath fire, and he lost the battle with us."

"Well he can't have you if he thinks he can just take everything from me still." I nodded.

"He won't take me," I promised him softly and then reached out, gently petting Mushu's trembling body. He slowly started to relax at my touch.

"Don't show him affection are you crazy?" Toma asked.

"Maybe I am," I purred teasingly at Toma then rubbed Toma's back as well. Toma grabbed at my hand to stop me from touching him. I frowned as he pulled my hand away from Mushu then sighed softly, bringing my hand to his cheek and gently started to rub it. "There," I mumbled, giving him all my attention and affection.

Toma looked towards the older dragon before he slipped into the comfort of my shirt. I laughed and let him, purring to him as I cradled him to me and kissed the top of his head that was barely showing. "There we go my sweet," I purred to him. He leaned against my body before I felt his scales scrape against me as he shifted into his dragon form. I blushed a little and then gave him a purr as I scratched him lightly through my shirt. Mushu watched us from where he laid and then slowly crawled up into my lap, nuzzling my hand for attention. Toma curled up against my tummy, making sure to keep the shirt between him and Mushu. I smiled a little and then rubbed Mushu's head too, slowly getting a deep, rumbling purr from him as he curled up in my lap and relaxed on me as I rubbed under his chin. I heard Toma grumble. I glanced down at him in my shirt and then slipped a hand under my shirt to rub his favorite spot. He moaned and melted against my hand, leaning into it. I purred to them both then laid back on the bed, petting them. I have two dragons~ I laughed happily as I closed my eyes and rubbed their heads. I feel like a cat lady... except I'm a dragon boy. Toma curled up on my chest then, poking his head out of my shirt and looked towards my face. I smiled at him and leaned in, kissing his head quickly then laughed and purred at him, showering his face in kisses. "My sweet baby boy~" He crawled up to the crook of my neck then and tried to curl up into it. I giggled and then exposed my neck to him to allow him to try his hardest. "Toma~" I hummed out sweetly and laughed as his scales tickled my skin. He started to purr to me lightly. I giggled and stopped petting Mushu, running both of my hands across Toma as I squirmed a little and giggled before I settled down. Mushu crawled up and claimed my stomach quickly when Toma had moved. Toma perked his head up as he noticed and let out a low growl. Mushu shrunk back a bit and watched Toma cautiously. I rubbed Toma's head quickly, trying to get him to calm down. Toma started down my chest then on instincts and growled. Mushu yelped and then curled up into a trembling ball on me, clinging to my shirt.

I gasped and looked at the boys, hoping they weren't about to kill each other. Toma jumped Mushu quickly, hissing. "That's his tummy! My tummy!" I yelped and blushed as I watched Mushu tear a hole into my shirt from being jumped.

"You're making me tear up his shirt," Mushu complained and gave Toma a pleading look.

"Don't lay on things that aren't yours," Toma hissed. Mushu whimpered and then started to crawl onto Toma instead. "I'm not yours either!" Toma flung him off and onto the bedsheets. Mushu whimpered and then curled up on the bedsheets.

"Toma," I mumbled. "Be nice. He could've shifted and fought you, but he's staying small."

"Why should I be nice?" Toma asked. "He's the one that came into my territory."

"Okay... but try to be a better dragon than him," I suggested and then rubbed his head. Mushu watched and then started to crawl away, heading for a pillow then slipped under it to hide. Toma got back under my shirt.

"I don't want him thinking we're keeping him cause we like him.... because we don't." I sighed softly.

"Remember when you asked me if dragons could have other dragon friends? I'm starting to think that it's going to be centuries before I ever see one," I told him. "I'm surprised you can stand each other long enough to mate if you are all like this to one another."

"He attacked me first," Toma grumbled. "He's the intruder."

"Uh huh, I hope your mate has more patience," I hummed out.

"Why're you talking like that? You need to be on my side." Toma let out a growl. "He can be my friend but he's keeping a two feet distance." I laughed a little.

"Toma, you should at least try," I hummed out. "You know that isn't what being a friend is."

"I'm not letting him be my best friend, are you nuts? He stays his distance." I frowned and then started to pull my shirt up to slip it off him. He growled and tried not to let me. I pulled it off me completely then. He stood up on me and gave me a mad look. I laughed at him and then purred, rubbing his head.

"What?" I teased.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked and went for my shirt. I laughed and then played keep away with it, holding it above my head. He gave me a frown before laying down on me and curled up. I purred and then draped the shirt over his body, kissing the top of his head. He looked towards me and let out a pleased purr. I smiled softly and pulled him close and up against my chest.

"There you go cutie," I whispered to him and then kissed the top of his head. "Is that better?" He got up on me then and started for the pillows, going under it and pulled out Mushu and held him tightly in his jaws. Mushu went limp quickly, looking terrified. Toma ran up to the edge of the bed and dropped him over the edge of it. Mushu shrieked but started to fly back onto the bed and dove under the pillows again quickly. Toma went after him and growled. Mushu hissed under the pillows and I saw them being pulled more tightly down. Toma jumped up on the pillow and crashed his weight down on it. I heard Mushu screaming under them. Toma looked amused then and went under the pillow yanking him out in his jaws. Mushu trembled and didn't go limp this time, keeping back a scream of fear as he stayed still.

"Please don't bite me," he begged. "I don't want to be dragon chow!"

"Why should I show you mercy?" Toma asked him. "You threatened my whole hoard and me!"

"Because I could hurt you but I'm not," Mushu growled and then started to push on Toma's nose with his claws. "Lemme go!" He snarled then, trying to sound threatening. I frowned and sat up before I reached over and then pulled Mushu out of Toma's mouth, holding him to my chest then petted the top of his head. He went limp in my hands and purred, nuzzling his head against me as I petted him. Toma looked at me in betrayal then and went to attack him. I stopped him then started to rub under Toma's chin, purring to him.

"Calm down little spit fire," I purred at him.

"He's an enemy though!" Toma whined. "I can't let him trick us all and let him take over here." I smiled at him.

"You'll be fine," I told him. "If I'm wrong about him, I'll let you hoard the two of us up in your nest and let you keep me there all by myself so you can protect both your gold and your Treasure," I purred. "I'll never leave except for food, to feed you and bath you, and when you find your mate." Toma looked over Mushu.

"Get out of my treasure's arms! You're not allowed to touch each other." Mushu looked at Toma and puffed some smoke at him then purred at me and curled up in my arms. I held back a small laugh and then decided to please Toma, setting Mushu back down on the bed. Toma puffed up then and let out a growl to Mushu before going around him to get to me. Mushu growled back at him and watched Toma, tensing up like he was going to attack him if Toma tried something, but I scooped Toma up into my arms and rubbed his belly, laughing. Toma transformed back into his human form and curled up on me. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair and pulled the shirt I took off over him to cover his body up. Mushu looked at Toma then pounced on him, crawling on top of him then curling up. Toma grabbed him and threw him off quickly. "Ewe!" Mushu yelped as his body hit the headboard and he fell limp on the pillows, being knocked unconscious in his small form. Toma glared him down before clinging to me. I sighed softly and then nuzzled my face into his neck, purring. I felt my fangs sharpen as I caught his scent and I gently bit down in instinct. He let out a small groan and yanked away from me. I yelped and then looked at him with wide eyes as my fangs stayed exposed. I blushed and then looked away, licking his blood off my lips.

"Sorry," I whispered, feeling ashamed I bit my dragon in hunger. He rubbed at his neck and let out a whine of pain. I looked at him quickly before I bit into my wrist and held it up to him, offering it. "Here, it'll take the pain away," I mumbled, guilt eating at me as I looked his bloody neck over. He moved away from me and clung onto his neck. "Toma," I whimpered and sat up, looking at him. "Please? I'm sorry. I got hungry. I didn't mean to bite you." He shook his head no towards me. I frowned. Why is it that I keep screwing up with him lately. I frowned and then got up then, looking away from him. "Fine," I whispered and then started walking for the door. Maybe I really do need to get away from him for a bit to take notes of my life and start trying to make it better for Toma before I come back. Toma ran for me then and grabbed my wrist as he caught up to me.

"Why're you leaving me?" He asked. I looked at him then and kissed the top of his head gently.

"I'm going to go get something to eat," I whispered to him. "I'm too hungry to stay with you."

"Don't leave me!" He begged. I frowned then and knelt down in front of him.

"Toma, I bit you. I hurt you. Why would you want me to stay?" I gently grabbed his shoulders, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm going with you!" He told me and reached up to me so I'd pick him up.

"Toma, no," I told him softly and held him back. "I don't want to accidentally bite you again. You're still scared of me too."

"Don't leave me here!" He yelled and started to cry. I widened my eyes then pulled him to me.

"Shhh, I'll take you to our room then," I murmured to him and picked him up into my arms, making sure to keep my face away from him.

"Make sure to lock his door," he told me and gripped my shirt. I nodded and walked out, locking the door behind me as I took him back to my room and sat him down on the bed and ruffled his hair.

"There," I whispered to him and then kissed his cheek. "I'll be back before sunrise," I promised.

"Before sunrise?" He asked. "You're gonna leave me for longer than a few minutes?" He asked.

"Well... I figured that I'd get something to eat... and then I'd go talk to Charlie maybe and see if he's got any ideas or something to make you really happy... and then I might go into town or something. I don't know. I haven't thought it through," I mumbled, kneeling down in front of the bed to look at him.

"How come I can't come with you?" He asked. I tilted my head as I watched him and frowned.

"You don't want to do something else?"

"You're everything to me, what else can I do?" He asked. I blushed a bit. Everything huh?

"Toma... alright, come here," I purred and scooped him up into my arms, kissing his cheek. "We'll go get something for me and then we'll go ask Everest to take us to see how the castle is coming. I think the basement was fireproof and it had been sealed up during the fire. It should all still be there."

"We're going to the basement?" He asked me.

"Yeah~ If you want~ Your gold is all down there," I told him.

"I wanna get rid of that dragon," he whispered to me. I looked him over and then purred.

"Well... I guess," I mumbled to him and then smiled. "I'll get rid of him since how you really aren't getting along."

"Good! I don't want him taking you from me." Toma shook his head. "Can you fix me some fishie?"

"You just ate!" I laughed and then sighed. "Alright." I took him out of the room then went to Mushu's scooping up the dragon and then walked downstairs with them and went outside. I looked at Mushu and then sat him down on the porch. Toma watched Mushu.

"Don't come back," Toma warned. "I'll eat you." Mushu slowly fluttered his eyes open, waking up then yelped at the cold ground, rushing up to my feet and latching around my ankles.

"Cold! Cold, cold, cold, cold!" He whined. Toma let out a possessive growl. Mushu whimpered and ignored Toma, trying to get away from the ground as he began to crawl up my leg, making me yelp. Toma kicked at him then, trying to get him off me. Mushu latched onto his foot then and clung to it, shaking as he crawled up Toma towards his belly for warmth. Toma let out a loud screech and grabbed Mushu's body and went to bite his head off. Mushu slipped from his hand then, falling from his fingers and onto my shoulder. He quickly snuggled up to my neck, wrapping his body around it. I tensed up and looked at Toma worriedly. Toma looked like he was ready to throw a fit, his face turning red with anger. I bit my bottom lip and tried to get Mushu off, but he clung to me tightly, digging his nails in and let out a growl, biting at my ear to make me quit. Toma snatched him quickly by his head and squeezed it.

"That's my treasure!" Toma yelled at him. Mushu shrieked and squirmed, trying to get free as he cried out in pain. Toma flicked him off me and got to his feet, getting away from me and went after him. "RAWR!" Mushu shifted into a larger form quickly and roared back at him defensively. Toma ran up to him anyways and shoved him. He growled at Toma and then knocked him down, crawling over him then laid down on him, starting to squish him.

"MUSHU! GET OFF MY DRAGON!" I yelled at Mushu then snarled, exposing my fangs at him as I started for them. Toma squirmed under Mushu, turning into his dragon form. I grabbed Mushu by one of his spikes and yanked him off, but I accidentally fell under him as he rolled over on me. He squirmed and then took off into the air, pulling me with him as I clung to his spike in fear of falling. Crap! I heard Toma coming for us then and attacked Mushu with anger. Mushu snarled and smacked Toma off him quickly, getting high into the air. I screamed and got on him, trying not to fall off. "Toma!!!" I cried out, panicking. "CHARLIE! SOMEONE!" Toma came back as fast as he could and snatched me from Mushu but couldn't hold onto me in the air and we started to fall. I screamed and then felt claws wrap around us both. Mushu slowly lowered us to the ground and landed by us. Toma clung to me protectively and hissed at Mushu. Mushu watched us before he nuzzled Toma and then got up, taking to the air and then let out a roar before he started to fly off. I whimpered and curled up to my dragon, clinging to him. Toma sniffled and turned back into his little boy form and got under my shirt. I blushed and then held him close, getting to my feet and carrying him back inside quickly. "Shhh, I got you," I murmured to him and carried him into the kitchen. I began to get out some fish for him and dumped his honey on it before I put it in the oven and then got myself some blood and sipped on it as I crawled onto the counter with him. He curled up and buried his face into his knees. I looked at him and then kissed the top of his head as I got out the sugar and a spoon from a nearby drawer and got him a spoonful, hovering it by his face. "Here~ My big boy," I mumbled. He looked up and ate the spoon full, looking pleased by it. I purred to him and got him another spoonful. He ate it then crawled into my lap.

"I wanna go home," he mumbled to me. "There aren't other dragons there."

"We'll go then," I told him. "We can live in the basement till the rest of the castle is built. It's light tight, and I can scavenge for food for us." I ran my fingers through his hair. I kissed his cheek happily then. "Sound okay to you?"

"You two can't leave so soon," Charles told us as he walked in. "You better stay here." I frowned and looked towards Charles.

"Why not?" I asked him and pulled Toma close. "He's unhappy. I want to make him happy."

"You're both better off here," he said firmly. "Stay here. Toma you've got to do this for your treasure's safety. He'll be provided with better care here." I frowned a little then kissed Toma's cheek.

"I want to do this for Toma though. Mushu might come back, and I don't want him to be stressed out that there is another dragon nearby. He isn't ready to see others of his kind yet." I hugged him tightly then. "I want to take him home with me and keep him where he's safe."

"Dmitri, home isn't safe yet so please stay here. If you really want to leave I can have Lyle pull some strings and ask his friend Aurelio for a favor and you can go stay with him." I bit my bottom lip and then looked at Toma.

"Do you want to go see about staying with Aurelio?" I asked him softly, running my fingers through his pretty hair.

"Will there be dragons there?" He asked.

"I don't know.... Aurelio is a wizard," I told him.

"I don't want to go if there are dragons there," he whispered.

"Well... I don't know if there will be," I mumbled and then kissed his cheek, rubbing his back. "I could see about getting us an apartment and then have it get curtains put up and whatnot."

"Don't be so dramatic," Charles told us. I looked at Charles and then hugged Toma protectively.

"But I've got to make my sweet baby happy," I mumbled and nuzzled my head against Toma.

"Dmitri, he'll be okay here for a few more days." I whined and then kissed his cheek.

"But... but... Toma needs my help," I murmured and then looked towards Charles. "He's not safe."

"He's safe," Charles told me and walked up. "He's going to be fine, you're being dramatic. This is good for him." I growled slightly and held Toma closer to me.

"How's this good for him?"

"He's met another dragon, that's good especially since he's young. You don't want him growing up and never meeting another dragon. You said it yourself you wanted to keep the second dragon and now you're backing down."

"Because Toma isn't happy," I told him softly and rubbed Toma's back. "I don't want him to be upset and cry."

"Don't spoil him too much," Charles warned. "This is his learning years." Toma sniffled. I frowned and ran my fingers through Toma's hair.

"Why not? He's going to end up going and finding a mate later in his life anyways. He doesn't need to be bullied by them now. His mate will do that later."

"Because you need to open him up to his species," Charles told me. I sighed and then rubbed Toma's head.

"Then I'll hunt him a brother or a sister," I whispered and looked at Toma. "I'll find another egg."

"NO!" Toma screamed and glared me down. "NEVER." I winced and then rubbed his head.

"You'll be okay," I whispered then sat him aside and got down, getting his fish out and putting it on a plate for him. I handed it to him and smiled. "It'll be fine."

"No it won't!" Toma told me and pushed the plate away. I frowned and sat it down on the counter by him.

"Toma, you won't mind in a few years," I told him then tapped his nose. "I'll go find you a sibling tomorrow night. I'm sure I can find one.... I still know a few things."

"Don't you dare," Toma hissed at me. Charles frowned and left the kitchen slowly. I widened my eyes and looked at Charles, racing after him.

"Don't leave me with him!" I cried out in panic. He'd only leave if Toma was about to explode!

"YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANOTHER DRAGON!" Toma hissed at me with rage.

"NOPE! I HEAR PIERRE CALLING FOR ME!" Charles said. I widened my eyes and tried to grab him but he was too fast for me. I trembled and then looked over my shoulder slowly towards Toma. Oh no.... Toma was glaring me down in anger. I gave him a nervous smile and walked back over to him slowly.

"H-hey Toma," I said nervously. He looked away from me then and crossed his arms. I frowned and then reached out to rub his head. "Don't be mad at me," I mumbled. "I'll always be your treasure." He yanked his head back from me and hit it against the cabinet behind him. I frowned at him then narrowed my eyes. "Toma," I hissed then pulled my hand back. "If you're going to act like a spoiled dragon, then maybe I do need to get another dragon. It'll be sweeter and more loving than you," I hissed and started for the door. "You even chased my sister off to Russia when you were little! You can sleep with Charles tonight." He started to cry then on the counter. I tensed up and paused at the door, glancing back at him with a shaky breath. I clenched my hands and looked away from him, feeling torn. No, I need to be strong. He will either come back to me and love me, or he'll leave me. It's as simple as that. I opened the door and walked out, shaking a little at the idea of abandoning Toma in the kitchen like this. I heard him sniffling as I left him alone. I stopped outside the door then leaned against it, listening to him to see if he'd be alright. I couldn't bring myself to walk too far away from him. I felt awful already.... I could hear him still crying, staying where I left him. I bit my bottom lip hard and yelped when I drew blood. I can't take it. I ran back in and over to him, scooping him up into my arms and hugged him tightly. He whined and buried his face into my chest, I could smell his anger at me from threatening to give him a brother. "I won't," I whispered quickly and fell to my knees with him, holding him close as I trembled, showering his face in kisses. "No siblings," I promised. "None at all. I love you so much Toma. I didn't mean to make you cry," I whimpered and ran my fingers through his hair. "I'll only be yours," I promised, my voice shaking as I felt a lump form in my throat. "I'm only yours. You don't have to share." He sniffled and clung to me.

"Never try that again," he told me firmly. "I don't want to ever share you, ever." I nodded and then buried my face into him.

"I won't. Never ever," I whispered and then gave him a squeeze. "Toma, I love you." I kissed his cheek quickly and looked him in the eyes, searching them. "Please don't ever leave me," I mumbled worriedly, pulling him closer. "I don't know what I'd do if you left me. You've become my world," I whimpered. "You're mine." He sniffled and turned into his dragon form, getting into my shirt. I purred to him and rubbed him through my shirt before I got to my feet quickly and grabbed his fish, taking him to the door. "Let's go put oils on your scales~ Make them shiny," I mumbled, rubbing him. "Fish and oil.... I'll file your claws too and make them pretty." He started to purr a little at the thought. "And I'll clean every single one of your teeth and cleanse them," I purred to him. "After that... I'll rub you all over and get every single one of your favorite places to be scratched~" He poked his head out and looked towards the fish longingly. "Not in my shirt you don't," I warned. "I don't want fish pieces all over me." He snatched a bite anyways and went into my shirt, chewing it up. I whined then. "Toma! I want a bath now. Darn you. Ewww... fish...." I groaned. It's on me a bit.... He started to lick up what he dropped, his tongue feeling like sandpaper. I shivered and stopped walking, trembling a little at the feel of his tongue. He stopped when he got it cleaned up then yawned. I glanced down at him and then sighed, rubbing his head in my shirt. "Your tongue is like a cat's," I mumbled to him and then smiled. Cute. I took him to the elevator and then up to my room, walking him to the bathroom and pulled my shirt off to reveal him. I turned the water on and sat the fish down on the counter, looking at Toma who was on me still. "Fish or bath first?" He went after the fish, starting to chow down the rest. I purred as I watched him and sat down on the edge of the tub, letting it fill up. He finished off the fish then jumped from the counter into the tub and splashed the water onto me. I laughed at him and then leaned over the tub, rubbing his head. "Hey cutie," I told him and then looked the oils over that were sitting nearby. I picked a few up and then started to pour in his favorites, grabbing the gold one to put in with him this time. I uncapped the gold one when I had gotten the others in with him then poured a bit in there with him, watching as the water started to shimmer gold. He ducked under the water, starting to play in it and swam around, collecting the oils on him. I smiled and sat the oils aside then started to walk around, collecting the things I had gotten for him to help his claws and his teeth. I sat them down on the counter then walked over to the tub and knelt down by it. I purred and then reached in, petting him. He looked up at me and buried his face against my hand. I smiled and rubbed his head lovingly, slowly reaching for under his chin and then felt around till I found that little crook he liked me to rub so much. I rubbed it for him and started to gently wash the oils over his body with my other hand. He crawled out after a few minutes and collapsed tiredly in my lap. I smiled at him and then started to run my hand down his back, trailing my fingers over his scales softly. "That's my boy," I mumbled. He huffed and looked up at me sleepily. I smiled at him and then reached up onto the counter without getting up and pulling down the dragon claw filer I had gotten him. I grabbed one of his paws and then started to file them down, shining them up while I was at it. He watched me and blinked a few times as the bath made him tired. I purred at him softly and did each of his paws before I set it aside and then grabbed the toothbrush for him. I put some toothpaste on it then looked at him. "Open up," I told him and caressed his jaw to encourage him to. He whined before obeying me. I smiled at him and started to clean his fangs and teeth, getting them good before I picked him up and took him to the sink, rinsing his mouth out with the toothbrush. I purred at him, pleased. "Good boy~" I rubbed his head then picked him up, letting his head rest on my shoulder as I held his body against my chest. I carried him out to his nest and looked at him. "Want the nest?" He nodded and jumped into it, curling up. I smiled at him and rubbed his head before I gently touched his wings and walked over to my bed, sitting down on it as I watched him. He started to drift to sleep quickly, curling up into himself. I smiled and then laid back in my bed, purring happily as I closed my eyes. He's going to be a big boy one day and I won't know what to do....